Monday, September 16, 2019

Blind Item #10

This former A-/B+ list actress from a now defunct long running network dramedy has had some volatile relationships and feuds. Last night she was doing lines which is just going to ruin the effects of the botox.


  1. how does it ruin the effects of botox?

  2. +1 Krg, Yes I'm curious as well.

  3. hey guys.. botox and fillers are metabolized by the body faster when one is on cocaine.. so the effects of the treatment are shortened and lessened

  4. I haven't been stuck in the face with botox, but I have partaken in the blue flake. I can only imagine that the numbness foks with the other numbness? < That was years ago BTW FYI if you even care. I was young n dumb and full of, well, you know. >

  5. I thought of Desperate Housewives, too...not sure which one, though!

    DJS NOLA- Great info, this could cause epic levels of stress as awards season begins! Decisions, decisions! (Or, more frequent stops at the dermatologist for many)

  6. crazy gal. you have to wait 4 months for a touch up.

  7. NTM the faces one makes when you go on a long "run"....

  8. yeah u really shouldnt get botox more than every 3 months... even then.. it can look bad.. remember nicole kidmans face for awhile? she learned her lesson and lightened up on it and looks ten times better not to mention younger

  9. I love how they discovered that botox reduces human empathy. People will mime each others' facial expressions then experience how those expressions make them feel. If they can't make the expressions then they feel less of what others are feeling. Botox literally makes people more psychopathic.

  10. I suppose oppressing blackboards with chalk is racist now.

    1. Like you even need to wonder, lol. OF Course it is.

      I'm guessing this is Snatcher, too

  11. Have to disagree with you Brayson (most unusual).

    People who use Botox like normal humans and not plastic dolls are still able to project a wide range of emotions. I say this from years of experience.

    Cocaine is EXTREMELY aging, from what I've seen on the faces of strippers & hookers so generally I'd stay away, didn't know it sped up injectable metabolization.

  12. Definitely someone from Desperate Housewives.
    And yeah, don't do coke, kids. It's not good for your skin or for you know, literally everything.

  13. Now a-days coke is also mixed with fentenyal, the synthetic opiod. Even if there isn't enough of the fentenyal mixed in to make you Od, it will get you hooked, wether you know it or not. Makes it way more addictive, and harder to kick. Fentenyal has killed 450,000 Americans in the past decade.

  14. Brayson87 said... that's good to know. Now I know who to avoid

    Why is there never Madonna Blind Items?

  15. how can fentanyl be mixed with coke? totally opposite effects from both.

  16. how can anyone over 35 do coke and live to tell

  17. Fentanyl and the black market vape oils are made in China.
    95% of all of USA rx's are also made in China in the same
    production plants.
    Makes me a little nervous when I have to take prescription products.
    The Chinese are slowly poisoning all of us.



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