Friday, September 13, 2019

Blind Item #10

I'm not sure this A- list actor who had a chance at A list and blew it turned thirsty egomaniac really wants to battle against the ex. There is a lot going on in the actor's life that he wouldn't want to become public knowledge and that book length NDA his ex had to sign wouldn't apply during a legal proceeding.


  1. Ashton Kutcher/Demi?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fabulous article written about Demi, by Lena Dunham, in this months Harpers. She collects baby dolls now and is working on a new TV show based on a Aldous Huxley novel.

  4. It's annoying when you trash talk Tricia, but talking up Dunham? Oh buddy GTFO 😅

  5. The description fits the one Entry always uses for Renner...but what ex? What maybe/maybe not legal battle?

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Jeremy Renner and ex-wife are battling for full custody of child.

  7. I never realized they married. Thought it was a -arrangement but not married -wow.

  8. did anyone see a commercial (can't think for what) where Jeremy Renner is in the commercial singing, with his band??
    What the fack.


    Such bullsh!t, you can tell none of this is about the well being of the child, it's about the parents. Whoever she lives with, there's always going to be strange men at the breakfast table in the morning.

  10. definitely Renner. Their poor daughter.

    Oh,LOL at some of these comments. But, the way he is battling his ex for custody/ alimony of the daughter is the straightest he has ever appeared!

  11. It’s definitely Renner. It’s been all over the news for the past few days.

    @Tricia: They got married about a year after the daughter was born (which I thought was strange), and were married for less than a year.

    I always wonder what’s going to happen to these kids going forward. I mean, will Iron Shark and Bradley
    keep 50/50 custody forever?

  12. Well Renner lives that kid. So he should lay down and give up parental rights or standing up for her?

  13. @Brayson87 @Derek Harvey loves Lena. Somebody has to,I guess. @Derek Harvey is Demi a crazy doll collector,or someone who appreciates the art form? Does she have an Archie Sussex doll? Meghan seems to have lost hers.

  14. A good example of living with the results of your choices in life. They HAD to have a kid. As howard stern says, ‘two assh%les with too much time and money found each other...’


  15. back in 2009 renner was touted as the new sean penn

    now look at him .. a fucking marvel sell out

  16. @TheBPlot: She was his beard and was hired to
    have his kid. That was the whole point of their ‘relationship’.

    Howard Stern has a lot of experience in being an asshole, so he should know.

  17. Renner is not even good at what he does for a living, which is what now? Acting, no now he's singing? Oh, the confusion.
