Friday, August 30, 2019

Your Turn

From a reader:

As a Reader are you up to date on following the Site?

Or, do you play catch up because of work, etc.?


I’m about two days behind because of work!

Not that there is anything wrong with that!


  1. I'm all up to date :)

  2. Up to date as I’m currently unemployed by choice

  3. Up to date because i read at work

  4. Up to date, because I have 2 monitors at work. 1 for work, 1 for not work.

  5. Up to date. I owe it to my supporters here.

  6. Maybe you need to pay more attention Entwerd. The fb page is getting to be more interesting than this game show you have here. Im sure twatter is too but I dont Twatter and as long as you dont put nude selfies on IG that might be better too. And as patreon goes bwhahahahahahaha for pay sites.

  7. Up to date. No job

  8. Up to date and waiting for more!

  9. I also read at work since I have my own office as an assistant for a lawyer. I take weekends off and catch back up on Mondays.

  10. What dating site are we talking about again? Looks like another Chinglish post 😅

  11. I wish we could search by guesses and ignore certain guesses. It would make life so much easier.

  12. Due to work and vacations I am currently very behind and viewing the blinds from the week of August 4 - August 11. I am enjoying them though!

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I usually run a half day behind. You've been slow posting and my ADD hits and I'm off doing other things. I'm feeling better so I'm baking and spending more time in the kitchen. So like today I had half of yesterday's blinds left to read. I do follow you on Twitter.

  14. I get the rss feed on my work email, so I usually read from work. Post when I can.

  15. I'm up to date. I read throughout the day at work, then catch up on the weekend stuff on Mondays.

  16. Some people take smoke breaks, I take Enty breaks. I listen to the PODcast within minutes of its post.

  17. I alternate weeks between Q cult and enty. So every other week I'm a week behind.

  18. I work multiple jobs, so I am always catching up. I duhnno though, the comments seem to be more attention getting than some of the blinds lately.

  19. Some people sure make it a priority in their "fabulous" lives to keep "up-to-date"....pfffffffffffft.

  20. I guess you’d say I’m up-to-date because I skip a lot of the blinds. Don’t care about Housewives, Kardashians, other reality shows, rappers, etc. Recently many of the BI’s have been very redundant/repetitive (or not even Blinds). I used to follow religiously, but it’s getting boring. There was one day, I think last week, that had lots of really good BI’s, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule these days.

  21. Almost 4 weeks behind.

    Working on second graduate degree and getting my health in order. Things are looking up!

  22. I have not looked at this site or logged in until yesterday since before the catastrophe of November 8, 2016. I'm years out of date, but so much of Comrade Trump's corruption is reflected in here, with Epstein, etc.

  23. I read all the new blinds every evening, when the work day is done. Except for ones having anything to do with reality stars, rappers or athletes.

  24. I don't read this site until I go to bed at night, so most of the assholery and bitching from the jealous old women are long gone and I rarely comment.

    When I do I feel like I'm missing out by sparring and helping in on the quality shit posting from Count Jagoff and the relentless one-upmanship and outright stalking/reporting of Trishit13.

    If I had zero life I'd be more like them, but damn it if I don't do things that are worth a shit before I turn in, shut off my brain, and read these assholes and their verbal vomit before bed.

    Every now and them I get a chuckle, but mostly groan in sad silence.

    Keep the embarrassment flowing! Someone has to pull the turds up for our lead commentators to take a huge bite of them...

    1. (It's 9:10pm here in Chicago as I type, by the way.)

  25. I pop in and out when I have a spare moment so I'm way behind these days- living on the other side of the world doesn't help either ;)!

  26. I get on at the end of the day everyday and read what was posted that day!

  27. Oh yay Derek is back to make us get moderated comments again. I'm honestly starting to believe he/she/they may have a mental issue. That's the only reason I can think of why they keep coming back here obsessing about Tricia when they know no one wants them here.

  28. check in at lunch and after work. takes the edge and relax sorry enty, no time to listen to podcast.

  29. I'm sorely behind on this site!

  30. Can a "your turn" be "nominate a your turn?" Some of us don't know how to nominate one.

    Can we have an "Ask Enty" topic some day?

    Where is the podcast? I am still in that cabin in the woods on the Bohemian Grove podcast topic. Part 1 of 3. Where are the other parts? Thanks...

  31. Reader for the past 3 years (Discovered this site because of a comment on Blind Gossip) & commenting for the first time. I guess my reply was long overdue .
    Initially this site was too much too take but now I've learned to ignore and overlook !

    In past 3 years CDAN has really hooked me up !
    This site busted the beautiful image of Hollywood as a dream factory & showed what it is.....
    Taught me what price child stars have paid (I was so jealous of Home alone kid as a boy), Yatching,bearding I learnt here!
    The Dancing Boy Blinds had me honestly praying for the Lil boy !

    The homeless runaway turned politician's wife,who was gonna expose was one more thing I was looking forward to 2018.... didn't happen!

    I developed a emotional bond with the commentors here some love/some hate...I shed a tear or two when Boo Hearne passed away last year !

    I had almost given up for 4 months since March this year....started again late July,since then fairly regular !

    Iam posting from India,we don't have Real Housewives,so don't know who these people are or what they actually do !

    We also don't have Kardashians here on TV so don't follow their blinds (Although sadly I know who these people are !)

    So I skip through a lot of blinds now making it easy to keep up.... Iam updated !

    P.S Tricia13 not first to comment here I see....just an observation.
    31 August 2019 21:00 Indian Standard Time !

    Love all the way from India ���� !

    1. Thanks Enty....Whoever you are!

  32. "we don't have Real Housewives,so don't know who these people are or what they actually do !"

    No one in the U. S. knows either.

    1. Oh Really...Wow !
      I guess Enty is the only one who knows !
      He should enlighten us on that once....

  33. I only found CDAN just over a month ago and so observing & hopefully learning, trying to get up to speed with the language and basic premises that are used. Have international time issues and far less understanding of programs & people not seen here but enjoying the experience. I've always loved "research" and discovery, as well as new knowledge so I try to stay up to date, despite being behind, because we're ahead time wise. I really enjoyed finding the log of "revelations", so at least I'm never left wondering if I miss some.

  34. A day behind due to work. There is no way I'd ever be able to get on this site with the firewall and protections they've got.

  35. Love this site! I read every day, and have been reading for years. I don't ever comment, just like to read everyone's thoughts and ideas. It's always interesting, much more interesting than my life. LOL Thanks Enty for these blinds, especially the Old Hollywood ones. xx

  36. I'm usually a few days behind, then binge on days off. Everything is tracked at work so I can't waste time there. I also skip all the housewives, teen moms, nfl, instagram, youtube blah blah blah blinds. Pointless.

  37. I go weeks catch up in between watching the First 48 or Schitts Creek



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