Thursday, August 29, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Research

Some nuggets I discovered doing the most recent episode of the podcast, but didn't have time to mention.

This former royal turned spokesperson/celebrity reunited with her husband because men stopped paying her for sex.

This royal frequently had the madam/procurer/sexual assaulter over to his place, but only when he had a woman willing to do a threesome. Apparently he liked to watch the madam be rough with the other woman.

The royal who likes underage girls has at least one illegitimate child that he publicly refuses to acknowledge but who he has to pay a significant amount of child support to each month.


  1. Fergie/Andrew/Maxwell

  2. Who TF would pay the Duchess of Pork for sex?

    1. Exactly what I wondered.

    2. The same types who pay for Mama June

    3. texas guys into sucking her big toe.

  3. Sarah
    Charlie Boy?
    Randy Andy

  4. I think Andrew and Veggie reunited and will remarry because they are going to be charged,eventually. It may take years d the Queen might have to die first, because it would kill her.

    1. Fergie needs a retirement plan. Wedding soon as deflection

  5. Veggie,lol Fergie!

  6. Count J? Where have you been these past few days?

  7. guesser veggie's better but it really doesn't fit her, maybe she should eat more of them.

  8. Wait so is this Sarah Ferguson for #1, and Prince Andrew for #2 AND #3? Or are we thinking Charles for #2 and Andrew for #3?

  9. It's little different in terms of financial losses from the way the average guy in the US supports the mega rich by paying all the taxes while the fat cats don't.

  10. Andy haha. And while I think the concept of a monarchy is archaic and I am not English, supposedly the tourism the RF brings in is a lot. I had to wait 30 minutes just to get into Buckingham Palace and it was the middle of the week in the fall LOL.

    1. Gen z embracing the progressive agenda. Who'da thunk it?

  11. CHarles was very good friends with Savile, so he could easily be three.

    Andy for 2, Giuffre was 17 when she was with him, so legal in the UK

  12. The last royal could be Prince Albert of Monaco

    1. Albert has 2 illigetimate kids. college student in CA and half black little boy. probably about 12.

  13. Maybe these aren't all British Royals? Prince Albert has illegitimate children,so him for 3?

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    As detestable as MM is, trafficking humans and being a pedo are 10000x worse than anything she’s done. He should at least the same about of backlash she gets. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Queen let MM loose to mess up in public and get all the media attention and prosecution her disgusting son should be getting.

  15. The last one being Albert of Monaco makes sense as there were rumors that Charlene tried to leave him before the wedding because she found out about a third illegitimate child. The rumor is that he sent his security to prevent her from leaving Monaco so that he had time to convince her to go through with the marriage. Charlene always looks so miserable with him.

  16. +1 to Albert for 3, thats a good guess!

  17. Monaco changed their constitution to avoid Albert's black babies from making a claim on the throne.

  18. Fergster, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, Ghislaine. There’s a little girl who was killed by a falling wall in my state but these people still get to exist on earth . Life sucks.

    1. Very large difference in outcome: the child is eternally beloved in heaven.
      The others will burn

  19. @Gen, Some countries do with absurdly low age of consent laws.

    1. I dont think any country has an AOC under 12. Not everywhere is a 1st world country. Post puberty, when she can reproduce, a girl can be traded off for the betterment of the family.

  20. Anyone else disappointed that royals generally aren't that attractive? These are not the pretty princesses/queens and handsome princes/kings that disney and fairy tale books raised us to expect. Like not even attractive enough to be local tv anchors.

    1. Apart from Fox, anchors are generally all dogs too. Some worse than others

  21. Many of the Monaco royals are very good looking--Princess Caroline for starters. I met Prince Albert at a party when I was in college (He was at Amherst and I was at Wellesley) and he was quite attractive all those years ago.

  22. Is this supposed to be three different royals?

    1. Fergie
    2. Andy and Jizz
    3. ?

    I remember a previous blind about the royal pedo, but don't think I saw the reveal. Anyone??

    @Brayson87--Right? Could be all that inbreeding further up line.

  23. @Gaulouise--Just saw your post about Charles, hmmm, he could def be a perv, after all he was caught on tape telling Camilla he wanted to be her damn tampon. Gag. That must be some magic pussy.

  24. @Unknown, I'll give you younger Albert, but Caroline looked like any other coed.

  25. The British people do not support the royals. The royals turned their crown estate over to a commission to be managed/used to fund the government and in return they get a percent of the profit every year as their budget. Something around $20 billion just in real estate plus other things.

  26. The girls procured for Jeff Epstein were often much younger than 17.And a lot more went on than massages.. Since when does the MSM tell the truth on the elites?

  27. fergie's been whoring????

  28. English person here. I think the Royals are actually popular with a large part of the population and then there is another large part that thinks well, as long as they bring in the tourist dollars leave them alone. There are republicans but not so many I think. A very large part of the population will look at the Queen, look at Trump and wonder what the f*** you are on about in questioning the RF. Nobody likes Andy/Fergie or their children, he should really go to prison.

    In terms of funding the Queen owns, rightly or wrongly, property worth around £12 billion which is managed quite astutely and professionally and made enough profit to owe £343 million in tax in the last accounting year. They have dispensation to keep a quarter of that as the 'civil list'. You might regard that as a crazy tax break but you tell me how that is different or worse than the Walker family's attitude to tax and I will campaign to chop off their heads.

  29. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Nobody likes the Windsor tribe . Literally.....nobody.

    Why don't you choose a new family to call "royal" ?
    Choose a gifted doctor or great teacher, or at least someone who has served people.

  30. I don’t think Albert likes underage. He likes black woman. Charleen always looks miserable until she had the twins and now I think she has some purpose in life.

  31. 👌🏻 Roger Mortis - fellow Brit here and fully agree

  32. #1 Fergie, #3 Andrew. Nothing to suggest #2 is a member of the BRF.

  33. Think this is an all Randy Andy blind. Albert already has two acknowledged illegitimate kids, what difference does a third make? But Andy’s mum would not be down with a bastard. Allegedly he’s bedded a thousand women and not one ”accident”? Doubt it.

  34. What is wrong with the Brits? Why don't they kick these grifters to the curb? They leech off the government, have sleazy lives they can fund on their own. They are no one to emulate, starting w/ QEII, who represents nothing but the right wing Tory establishment. Behind the scenes, she was advocating for Brexit, like the greedy rest of the Tories, that is tearing the UK apart.

  35. I'm a Canadian and it was exposed a few years ago that we pay more for the royal family then the Brits!!! I don't want to look at the tampon king's horseface plastered everywhere.

  36. The royal family has provided much entertainment for us Yanks over the years. I enjoy the pomp and circumstance along with the scandals. There are perverts everywhere, even in the best families. I think it's about time that they had a gay, out of the closet family member to provide comedy relief. The Windsors are not nearly as stuffy as they used to be. I like them for the most part. Andy just needs to choose adult mistresses and all will be well.

  37. Andrew and Fergie just might re marry to make him look wholesome.

  38. the blind claiming Fergie was doing some ultra high priced hooking?

    And, that when Andy invited Ghislaine as his plus one to weddings and such, it was because she was domme-ing some teen later, for his amusement?

    It gets fairly dark and dank behind castle walls, don't it?

  39. Prince Albert (Monaco) was /is cute (son of a film star) - but rumor was he was fairly debauched. Well, his father allegedly wrote the book on that.

    His father's line descends from the offspring of a king and a chambermaid. There was a bit of trouble finding an heir, so they legitimized that one.

    Bottom line: it's not so enviable marrying royal after all.

    Maybe, hopefully, Princess Mary of Denmark has a better time of it.

  40. Post Cards - well ya shoulda joined us in 1776...

  41. I think it is probably Andrew, with the kid, in the blind. I can see him being financially generous (like many historical Dukes of York he likes the luxe life), he and Fergie are both known for spending money; whereas Charles is known for being cheap. Per Diana's audio diary "he saw his woman only every three weeks" so he's also not highly sexed, it would seem. And, he's older, a homebody farmer at heart, and besotted with Camilla/Gladys.

    Many past rumors about Edward 'say no more,' doubt he's got mistresses.

    On the kid part, at least if so he acknowledges and helps. Of course it's being kept shtum. What else. They're royal. Also not unusual and also with historical precedence. British PM Boris Johnson is descended from a king and his mistress.

  42. @Gen-z99 and everyone else complaining about how much the monarchy costs.

    I really am tired of explaining this on blogs but the British tax payer only officially pays for security for the Royals. Repairs to certain Royal buildings come from the tax payer because the tax payer owns the buildings not the Royals. (Buckingham Palace, Kensington P, Windsor Castle and estates) All their funding comes via various Crown Estates, property which the Royal family still technically own.

    Several hundred years ago one of the profligate Georges ran up such a huge debt the government decided to take over management of his estates and he was paid an allowance. That arrangement has lasted ever since. Each new monarch has to sign off on keeping the arrangement. The Queen receives a % of the income from the estates the % varies but is around 20%-25% from which she funds all her activities (state dinners, garden parties travel to official engagements and staff wages etc) The rest of the money goes into government coffers, which in effect means the money spent on security and building upkeep is also covered by the crown estates with quite a bit left over.

    When Charles is King he could very well choose not to renew the agreement and take all the cash from the estates himself. Unfortunately the original agreement stipulated that the government also look after funding the army and navy, which would mean Charles (as long as he was monarch) would then be required to fund them himself and not the government.

    If the monarchy were to be removed then Charles would claim the contract was broken as the contract was with the reigning Monarch and take back all the estates as personal property. Lengthy legal wrangling along the way no doubt. In 2018 the Crown estate made £330 million profit, (keep in mind that is profit, not the value of the estate) , so if you take all the costs of the Royals into account including security it would leave the government with around £100 million a year less money in coffers if the monarchy ceased to exist. As Charles was no longer monarch he would not be obliged to pay for the army and navy from his funds.

    The Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, is also another source of funding, have a differing legal situation is not as clear cut as the Crown estates and they would probably not be entitled to them. Lots (decades probably) of Legal wrangling there as well. As those estates legal links with the Royal family go back over 700years.

    The fact is that the Monarchy really pays for itself from the Crown Estates with money left over which the government then claims, but when did facts ever get in the way of a fake news agenda.

  43. Gauloise: The issue is not age of consent. The issue is child trafficking. Someone who has been trafficked cannot consent.

  44. bow can u look wholesome by remarrying your annoying ex? and he gets off watching Alpha females bully another? and +1000 to rosemary booker.

  45. Well said Emeraldcity.

  46. So what if the corrupt regime pays for itself? It's a corrupt system based on hereditary privilege that is centuries out of date. There's nothing special and everything undeserving about the entire bunch.

    Their "job" like their grifter kids, for life is so easy, living in castles, cutting ribbons at most, being waited on hand and foot, that most of them live forever.

    Why not do what the French do and put the castles on display as tourist sites?

    Kick these grifters to the curb. Get with the times!

  47. Temi - interesting.

    I bought the story (when they were first engaged) that Sarah had one long term live in boyfriend, before Andrew.

    Andrew seems to like a risque type of woman, then. Remember Koo Stark. The nude scenes in films didn't seem that bad, but back then, it was considered standard a royal bride be a virgin. And per Enty's recent blinds, Koo was up to more than film.

  48. I was glad to see the blowback from the infamous photos of QEII sitting with Andrew, placed there strategically, the day after Epstein allegedly killed himself, LAUGHING both of them, on the way to Church. In the UK, the Queen is also head of the Church, sitting next to her pervert son laughing. How much more corrupt can you get? Lots of blowback, and good for the Brits, maybe they are getting sick of the whole hypocritical lot of them.



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