Thursday, August 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 1, 2019

This alliterate former B+ list actress who has a long long history in the celebrity world is finally ready to admit that the permanent A++ lister forced her to have sex when she was just 14. I told you years ago that was the case, but now she is ready to go beyond the whole kissing thing she has previously admitted to. The guy didn't like anyone above 14 or 15. If you were 12 and showed interest he wanted you.

Priscilla Presley/Elvis


  1. She's got some sick parents to allow it.

  2. He had an affair with Ann Margaret who was definitely over that age.

  3. Agree - the whole image was of a southern gentleman, wholesome young man any family would welcome, while we of a certain age looked at this with a raised eyebrow.
    Her father, if I remember, was complicit in this farce - defending Elvis dating his daughter to the press.

  4. Her parents sold her to Elvis.. what parents let a 14 yr old go live with a grown ass pedo

  5. why would she do that and potentially harm her lucrative gig of being in charge of his estate?

  6. Way back in college, a Journalism Professor gave a lecture about media coverage of celebrities. I remember him saying to never underestimate Celebrity's Star Power.

    Back in the 50's and 60's, he said there were rumors about Elvis that never got investigated nor even looked at by the media.

    Apparently, Colonel Parker controlled everything Elvis. Good stories got printed; bad stories died.

    The same is still happening to this day.

  7. The King's motto musta been "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed."

  8. 🤢🤢🤢
    What a pervert he was 🤮🤮🤮
    I blamed the parents, they allowed her daughter to be with a child predator.

  9. She's said for years she was a technical virgin when they married, they did everything but p in v.

  10. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Elvis was probably kind of a dud sexually, so he stuck to girls who didn't know any better. Later in life though he seemed to have more appropriately aged girlfriends. People calling the parents pervs should remember that at the time it was not as big of a deal as it is now. It really was a different time. If you are going to go after Elvis for being a pedo, then you're going to have to go after just about every rock star for being a pedo. Virtually all of them did it. I wish that now things were different but the only thing different is people pretend to be outraged.

  11. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I don’t think times were different, I think money and power controlled the narrative. With social media now, it’s harder to get away with baby raping, unless you’re Epstein, and make a sweetheart deal, and get a pass, or Trump who can threaten your victim to keep her
    Silent. All it takes is money, power, and people willing to take the cash and weld their power to protect you. Look at trump. If any president had done half of what he’s done he’d be impeached. Underage sex is the least of his offenses. There are actors, singers, etc who take advantage of their fans now, and if they have enough money it’s kept quiet, for a while. The differences is, with social media, eventually, like all things done in the dark, it comes to the light.

  12. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Back in the late 50s many southern women (girls) would marry young. It wasn't considered a perv thing, just a normal part of life. Northerners and cityfolk could be horrified by this, remember how Jerry Lee Lewis practically ruined his career by marrying a 13 year old. Of course the forced sex, if that is what happened, is a different story.
    And before I get angry replies, things have definitely changed. This would be unacceptable now anywhere.

  13. Elvis Presley made Pimping out children respectable by Pedowood standards.
    Are not most, if not every single successful child actor a whore? At least in a slutty mothers eye, wink, wink.

    Sure as shit is in the under belly of Pedowood.
    I wish we could boycott Hollywood, but our local library needs my attention to bootleg the massive catalog.

    Paid for in Public funds and a money laundering web site we call weaponized IRS.
    Redistribution as Socialist suck ups meant it to be.

    1. This is going to sound bizarre because no one can imagine - but there is a good chance that within a few years the IRS will have been dismantled. There is a plan for it in the current administration.

  14. Don't care. Waited until story could not be countered and control of estate could not be wrested and is making $ off this story which everyone already knew.

  15. I totally agree. Ted Nugent? Half The Rolling Stones? Jerry Lee Lewis? Loretta Lynn (her being the underage girl)? All normal back then. Doesn’t make it right but it wasn’t unheard of...including non-famous people. My grandmother was married at 16 and my great grandmother at 14.

  16. My God, what's with all the pedophiles in the entertainment industry?

  17. Have read that colonel parker was not even an American citizen....Elvis wanted to tour Europe and he would not allow it......some people thought if Elvis had, he would have lived. If you read the book on Laurel Canyon by Dave McGowan , it tells how so many of the popular singers in the 70s were completely controlled by drugs and mkultra. So so many had fathers who were high up in naval intelligence and their abilities had a manufactured quality..........I think Elvis was totally controlled like them. Anybody want to dig up colonel parker's background? Bet he was german and in intelligence.Fits the profile.I read the book online for free by joining the laurel canyon discussion group.

  18. Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis had/have the same taste in partners: children. Elvis hated women - he attacked a woman at Graceland with a pool cue. He hit her in the breast, and she developed Cancer.

  19. Iggy Pop slept with an 11 year old girl (the little sister of famous 13 year old groupie Sable Starr) but no one seems to care.

  20. A dear friend of mine from North Carolina was pregnant at 14, married at 15. Her daughter did the same thing, and the granddaughter, too. The problem is, the person never developed beyond 15 years old, all that was taken away by pregnancy and early marriage. So then you get a 40 YO acting like a teenager when dating.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. molly - I had already commented about all of that when the blind first went up and possibly in related blind.

    "Colonel" Tom was a carnival barker/promoter who latched onto a natural talent and exploited his trusting nature.

    He was allegedly from the former Yugoslavia, but I've heard other countries named too.

    Titles like Captain or Colonel have carried built in respect with them, in the U. S. Southern culture, since the Civil War days. He was shrewd enough to use that.

  23. About Elvis' psychology: has everyone heard of the "Madonna/whore complex?" In it, women are either saints or fallen women.

    Typically the males with that complex had an overly close relationship with their mother - some shrink would call it emotional incest, today. Not necessarily physical, but the ties and boundaries are messed up and enmeshed.

    Elvis allegedly, from those who knew him, could not make love to a woman who was a mother. He preferred women to be virgins. He allegedly dated only adult women.

    He did have a drunken acting out phase after his mother Gladys died - I believe that's when the pool cue incident happened. I had forgotten about that.

    I hope this isn't true but really even if it was 'only' kissing why was an adult kissing 14 year old girl.

  24. I guess I'm curious why Priscilla would suddenly change her tune after decades upon decades of perpetuating the myth? Money problems? Promoting a new book?

    She's someone who I always thought was naturally gorgeous, and then destroyed herself through plastic surgery.

    It's also a real curious acting career - she's no Hepburn, but she works continuously, on a number of popular projects (I mean, she starred in both "Dallas" and the Naked Gun films - and then completely abandoned acting in 1999. Something happened.

  25. No one will believe that she was harmed by her relationship with Elvis, as she's happily boasted and capitalized on it since she was 14.

    Only now that she has money problems does she decide she was hurt by Elvis to seek our $ympathy for all her "woes" as a victim of his sexual assault.

  26. "Colonel" Parker was a Dutch citizen, named Andreas van Kuick, possibly I misspelled it.

  27. Yes I've heard that too Clark St.

    The tabs back in the day had him as an eastern European, with a name I can't remember other than it had few vowels.

    He was no Tom Parker and no Colonel, at any rate.

  28. getting rid of my elvis tee shirt now... i didn't know any of this but i should have known better ... guess everyone in hollywood is nasty



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