Friday, August 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 21, 2019

This A list singer/sometime reality star who has some bad press right now kissed the butt of that rich guy while she was on a yacht and then played his company picnic last night.

Katy Perry/Jeff Bezos


  1. Did she sink to Lauren Sanchez level and screw him Enty?

  2. People with same-shaped heads go together.

  3. Now that is the level of quality a$$ I expected him to get, not whatever that other woman was.

    1. His divorce was just a way to shuffle assets off of his books - just in case - and into his ex wife's accounts before his assets are seized. The ho was just useful

  4. Although to be fair, the key to Katy's doors is usually just a white line.

  5. LOL to all. Truth? I wouldn't recognize KP if I ran into her on the street, in an elevator, or over with my car. She is the least interesting famous person I've ever heard of.

    1. Have heard her speak, and I gotta tell ya: she is UNIQUELY stupid. I was a bit shocked. We're talking seriously low IQ

  6. That is just part of the job. He has a lot of power to promote her music. Of course she is going to kiss his ass.

  7. In the music industry it's more like eat.

  8. She kissed a butt
    And she liked it!

  9. So CIA / Deep State + DS minion?
    Not surprising. She knew what she was getting into when she signed the deal. She does WHATEVER she is told to do.

  10. With that wonky eye, is Bezos an idiot savant ??? That makes KP just an idiot.

  11. bezos is nothing but a very very wealthy dirt bag

  12. Well if your new music isn't doing that well...hell we have boybanders on Geffen's yacht.

  13. I like Bezos. He made something out of nothing.

    I tried to tell people to buy Amazon stock when it was cheap. Had I any money I would've. I always knew it would be around forever.

  14. i have friends who attended the company concert. apparently, jeff bezos doesn't usually show up for that kind of shit -- but he did this time, and was paying noticeable levels of attention to katy before/after.
