Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 17, 2019

The serial cheating/child abandoner/foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor shows that his allegiance is to his masters rather than the people with his most recent comments.

Jackie Chan


  1. But who are his people, 1.6 billion people in Chinese mainland or 7.5 million people in Hong Kong?

  2. What is the outrage over? Democrats love communism.

    1. Well, maybe it's more accurate to say Democrats sure as hell don't support capitalism, the idea if the United States as the world beacon of freedom, and people in Hong Kong waving the American flag.

    2. Whether they mean to be or NOT, Democrats are firmly on the same side as the Chinese govt, against the Hong Kong protesters. Big tech Democrats have even instituted their own version of the Chinese/ Goog social credit system, where you are de-ranked according to how much you assign with THEM

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Watching you idiots contort every possible blind into an anti-Democrat, global conspiracy is narrative is both remarkable and thoroughly entertaining. Please don't ever ever give it up, ya whackjobs.

  3. And singing the anthem, Bleu. Like Joni Mitchell sang ‘you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone’. Talk to anyone who came of age and lived under a former Communist or ‘Socialist’ regime and they will tell them how foolish they are to take that slippery slope. My Bosnian SIL and his brother literally had to defend their home with their parents and baby sister inside from the Serbs. He has the bullet holes in his body to prove it. He then joined the resistance and they made him a sniper killer. They gave him a fucked up Chinese rifle and a knife as his weapons. Guess which one was more reliable. And these morons need safe spaces.

    1. That's an intense story. I would love to hear more about him.

    2. Also, thank you so much for sharing.

  4. World would be better off if the Chinese and Indians started dropping nukes on each other.

  5. Republicans don’t have an opinion on China because they’re too busy molesting children and setting fire to crosses while wearing white hoods.

    Whaddaya know? It takes no skill whatsoever to be an idiot troll.

    1. If hillary won, epstein would still be free to violate the tender orifices of underage whores. Thank god we have a President who cares about the victims of sexual abuse, instead of one married to proven to be an abuser.

  6. Come for the gossip, stay for the jingoism and owning the libtards.

  7. On a serious note, speaking of any of the celebrities with ties to this area, what can they actually do? China does not play around and does not forgive. They don't give an inch ever.

    If any of them speaks up in a public way, they will get knocked down hard. Publicly or privately, as an absolute certainty. Being anonymous is the only way to help and not become a throw away martyr.

  8. My son (a student) was very involved in the Hong Kong protests this summer. He says that mainland supporters bused in peasants given a hundred bucks or so to protest. Secretly. So there are def PRC supporters, too. And all of the protester were thrilled to be joined by my American son.

  9. What idiot. Socialism is not Communism. A Social Democracy or Democratic socialism are economic not political constructs. Look at the Scandinavian countries as a model.

    1. Sweden is in the shitter,for yeeeears now.Cops afraid to do their job and arresting /combatting migrant criminals who rape ,kill and steal from genie own for fear of being “un-PC”.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. Their * own. Sort of what’s been happening in NYC under DiBlasio/BlowMe-o. He’s a “Socialist Democrat “ too. And the city (law enforcement attacked by civilians)suffered for it ,and in turn so do
      law abiding citizens and normal
      folks. Disgrace,imo

    4. London is long gone. As is Paris.
      But hey, that’s just an observation.

    5. Too true. People seem to forget that Socialism absolutely ravaged the entirety of Eastern Europe. Only now after years of American economic influence, and the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, do places on the bad side of the Berlin wall have livable conditions.

      Who could forget Venezuela, who right this moment, who has fallen into complete economic collapse due to socialist control.

      Venezuela was once the wealthiest southern country. Chavez makes socialism prominent, and then nationalized agriculture. 1999, the government, through socialist decree, confiscated 6 million Hectares of land for agriculture food production.

      Now, the government, is failing, just as any business would, and they are unable to produce food. Unfortunately, thanks to socialized agriculture, no one else produces food besides the government. So the food, isn't coming. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

      Nordic countries like Sweden aren't even really socialist, they just flirt with socialist policies, which have begun to fail them as of recent. Their immigration ideals are foolish, yet more of a globalism mindset. The issue with these countries is that they were and are a heavy free market system, that was powerfully succeeding long before socialist policy was in place. After time, they issued nationalized health and school funding, while still allowing school to be privatized. They raised taxes on business(which promptly created a bad business culture, yet funded some public utilities for some time, until recently as the business had moved out of country to avoid higher taxes. Now things are getting underfunded again as all the big business income is coming back to America and China for lower taxes) aside from that, these are extremely capitalist free market countries. They don't even ensure a minimum wage. Their success is entirely to their embracement of freemarket policy prior to the establishment of socialist settings.

  10. I don't understand this blind.

    What masters?

    What were his comments?

  11. Jacki Chan has done this few times before. Not sure why anybody would be surprised. He is Red Communist to the core and does what ever the ruling officials tell him

  12. Tricia, you are 100% correct. I am from Sweden myself. Whole country is going mauled to pieces my muslim immigrants

  13. The Hong Kong protesters are are a mix of genuine grievance and paid agitators. Being treated with far more kid gloves than say, the French protestors.

  14. Ulf that is sad. I feel it was too systematic across northern Europe not to be deliberate. Nothing typical about shipping in large groups of mostly young single men from a diametrically opposite culture.

    TPTB probably want a war -- what is left to fight about? Religion...Maybe people will surprise them by marrying instead.

  15. @Count Jerkula
    Too bad Trump the inept is the enabler of Epstein. Everyone knows he opened up his club to Epstein to openly seek underage girls. So STFU about HRC. At least she is a not a pedo like Trump.



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