Friday, August 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 15, 2019

This A list country singer/some time reality star and his A list girlfriend got into a recent public spat about what she chose to wear to an event and he said something about acting her age and she said something about him not complaining when she wore things before sex.

Blake Shelton/Gwen Stefani


  1. Sing like a baby, dress like one too.

  2. You tell him Gwen.

    Wear what the hell you like.

  3. The difference is one is in public for the entire world to see and the other is for his eyes only. Definition of intimacy and a reason to be in a relationship. Team Blake on this all the way.

  4. What did she wear? I wanna see it.

  5. I am confused. Thought these two were a PR couple. Like Bieber and Selena do lots of faux couples just become possessive real ones with benefits? Say like Jay Z and Bey? Gwen is looking desperate yes I agree BUT she also looks great and her image is a ballsy young one, always has been. What good does it do her to turn into some school MARM because bloated Blake Shelton decides she needs to tone it down? It should just be glad he is still relevant. They came together with what they both bring to their UBER couple equation. Don't look a f-ing fit horse in the mouth, hick!

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    damn sandy brook tell us how you really feel lol


    This was the outfit suggested in the previous blind.

    Man a lot of people hating on Gwen for no reason lol Bunch of still bitter No Doubt fans or something?

  8. That outfit would have worked if it was just the shirt or the just the hotpants. Even a 21 year old would look too extra in that outfit

  9. Madonna wouldnt think twice about wearing that and she's 60, of course both of these wish they were still 20-somethings and relevant again

  10. The Gwen hate here is bizarre. She's actually a really nice person.

  11. Still don’t buy this. It’s highly unlikely he is dumb enough or mean enough to admonish her. If he did, then he wants out.

  12. +1 TeeHee
    I agree that public and private are different contexts, so it's not hypocritical for him to enjoy one (good for them for spicing it up btw) and object to the other.
    Attempting to police what your girlfriend wears, however, that's a tough sell ...

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I'm sure Gwen Stefani is a nice person but she dressed like a coed heading out to the bars. She's like 50 years old now it's time to dress age appropriate and I abhor that Hello Kitty crap she loves to wear as well. A grown ass woman dressing like a little girl isn't cute either.

  14. I always liked Gwen. Then I saw her eating out of that bloody coffin at that evil Spirit Cooking Ritual. Done. Bye

  15. Being a grown ass woman means she can wear whatever the fuck she chooses and not do what some dullard boyfriend tells her to. I’m sure she’s just as over his plaid shirts, mid-indigo jeans and moussed quiff.

  16. @sandybrook, what about him? I haven't been thrilled with her look lately,but why would a younger man want her to look old? She is a rockstar, not a school teacher. He was attracted to her for her style,unless of course they are a PR couple. My guess is they were,then got together for real. But how do you get out of it?

  17. @sandybrook, what about him? I haven't been thrilled with her look lately,but why would a younger man want her to look old? She is a rockstar, not a school teacher. He was attracted to her for her style,unless of course they are a PR couple. My guess is they were,then got together for real. But how do you get out of it?

  18. @TwoDots: You are hilarious!

  19. LOL she looks like an idiot in that photo. She can wear what she wants and Blake can voice his opinion on it. If I looked like an idiot (aka the way she does in that photo and she is very pretty, btw), I am glad he called her out on it because I would want my guy to do the same. I/ she can still wear the outfit, but, if I look ridiculous, I want to know and I would never be with someone whose opinion I did not value.
