Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 9, 2019

This foreign born former A- list mostly movie actress is taking her turn to cheat on that cable star who always cheats on her. Our actress is hooking up with a blast from her past who used to pay all her bills back in the day.

Diane Kruger/Norman Reedus


  1. These two are getting boring

  2. OT: The best thing I've ever read.

    "Sorry officer, I'm trying to save my life!. Well no I didn't know it was a elementary school playground at recess but... did you hear the 'saving my life thing?!"

  3. Vic - I've actually read that before and it appears to be true.

    Where "frequent" is described as a couple times a week I think.

  4. She was never good enough for Joshua Jackson. Pacey was soooo one of my first crushes. lol

  5. Would anyone expect that these two would not cheat on each other? I hope her baby is okay. Don’t think she’s gonna win any ‘mom if the year’ awards.

  6. It's probably a bit of a JHo & Marc Anthony thing, she got back with him after Bennifer blew up, cause he was always there for her, so he was familar.
