Friday, August 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 24, 2019

I'm not sure why everyone was so shocked at catching the B-/C+ list celebrity hooking up with a married guy. Serial cheating is her thing. Yachting is her thing. That married NBA player who recently got busted cheating was her thing. That record label owner has long been her thing despite who he may be with. All of the above is one of the reasons this former athlete turned multiple host put the tracking device on her car because he knew she was cheating on him too.

Nicole Murphy/Antoine Fuqua/Carmelo Anthony/Birdman/Michael Strahan


  1. A tracking device? If you have to go that far why bother.

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    She's gotta be 60. At this point I say More Power to Her. Yacht Till Ya Drop!

  3. What a great role model for her daughters! I read she got a very nice settlement from her divorce from Eddie, but lost the majority in a bad investment scheme. God forbid any of these women actually work or live within their means?!

  4. Nicole got busted, big time. I dont think she'll do anything but wave for quite some time.

  5. Damn, is her snatch that tight? She must be into some kinky shit if men keep putting up with her.

  6. If you have to out a tracking device on, you already know the answer silly boy

  7. He was cheating also, so the big deal don't give what you can't take

  8. I saw her in person before, her face is really scary looking. So many injections in her cheeks it looks so weird

  9. I still believe the rumors that she's a sex change or is a pre op transexual. THe children were all surrogates with pictures of her in Hollywood FX makeup and padding to appear pregnant. I recall hearing this back in the day and now with all these dudes after her I can believe it.

  10. Why would any man want to have sex with a woman who sleeps around so much?



  11. Birdman as in the 1960s Hanna-Barbera superhero?

  12. Her divorce settlement from Eddie was stolen by bad business partners, when she was trying to start a skin care line, so she's gotta earn money some how.

  13. That's bad, that her money was stolen. They probably got away with it, too. Can't get blood out of a turnip.

    I definitely don't think she's trans or that they're not her kids. The kids look just like her and Eddie.

    I wish he'd bail his ex wife out, for his kid's sake if nothing else. Who wants their mom to be (allegedly) a hooker?!

  14. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I also think she may be a highly passable trans. Apparently many more in higher places than we ever suspected. Normally I would say More Power To Them, but they all seem to be such awful people.

  15. Nicole Murphy is a shady bitch! Remember that reality show she was on where she claimed someone had drained her trust fund (um right). Jessica Canseco, Jose Canseco's divorced Ex wife was on it too. Jessica Canseco is now having sex with Alex Rodriguez behind Jennifer Lopez’s back.

  16. Lisa - "Hollywood Exes." It wasn't a bad show but I'm so tired of networks making women 'cat fight' just to get a gig.

    I know w/out drama it's boring but it's the same script every time.

    Re Jessica: I never quite understood her. Is she just about paying the rent or what is it?

  17. It was a good one. Jessica Canseco was just super trashy. I can’t believe Jose Canseco threw her under the bus like that. Damn.
