Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 24, 2019

Things are pretty bad when you call out your family member for having a fake relationship. Such is the case with these two YouTubers. Apparently it was to distance one of them from the drugging women at parties thing or being associated with the guy who raped the 16 year old.

Logan Paul/Jake Paul/Tana Mongeau


  1. they also tried to do a money grab on the "wedding" charging 50 bucks to live stream it. But the quality was so bad they had to refund everyone.

  2. You can tell Logan Paul has been forced to straighten up big time because of this new responsible persona he's got. He's trying to be the next Joe Rogan, but you can tell him and the animals he's got around him are some of the sleaziest people in the world.

  3. Everything about that wedding was staged for an audience

  4. I thought the red wine was a nice touch.

  5. There was no marriage license aka they are not really married.

  6. I hate to admit this but I listened to Tana's video to jake the day of the wedding and I think she really might love him? I think jake is doing the ultimate prank on her though. This is going to be messy as fuck.

  7. Could not give a shit about either of them but what was said? Did Old Paul call out young Paul? (And yes, I could google this but i won't)

    1. One of the many reporters at the ‘wedding’ asked how long did he think they would be together, he said a month or lesser.

  8. When two douches collide.
