Friday, August 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 20, 2019

The pervert royal knows he won't be questioned or interviewed by anyone from his own country and ignored the requests from investigators here, so he can see whatever he wants about being willing to cooperate. Saying he will, and actually doing it are worlds apart.

Prince Andrew


  1. Storm the castle Brits

  2. There are pictures of him with that one girl, not to mention other evidence. If he sets foot on US soil he should be brought in. Maybe he'll start hanging out in France with Polanski next.

  3. How did QE2 spawn such a group of degenerates? Fun fact, the ship, The QE2, is now a hotel in Dubai, makes you think.

    1. just look at them @Brayson. from Mr. Wallis Simpson on down..somethings off and Phillip is beyond cruel lil kids are cute though

  4. As if the BBC would ever...

  5. Love how Enty inadvertently implies that the entire Royal Family doesn't have a clue as to these kinds of activities when the simple fact of the matter is they are all very complicit in much, much worse.

  6. Yeah Brayson, but now his friends are saying that it's not his hand around her because failed Prince has fat fingers.
    Here we go with the "That's not me in that picture (read: it's totally me)" defense.

  7. Andrew, the royal Don Trump, Jr.

  8. TBF, Charles hates racism, loves Jamaica and loves Reggie music and weed.

    1. Charels and Camilla make me sick🤮🤮

  9. today a story came out about the pic of him with the girl is a "fake" photo. yesterday i found a story that said all the rebuttals coming out of the uk have been written or tweeted by andrew himself.

  10. He's the Queen's son.

    Nothing will happen with this.

  11. When scum like this are afraid to go out in public because they may get strung up by a mob of angry peasants, we will be heading in the right direction.

  12. Herbert, experts can examine the pic and see. That's the type of thing 4chan loves. Right?

  13. GWM - Don't wish for revolution. A mob gets whetted with blood, it craves more. A lot of the instigators of the French Revolution wound up under the same blade months later. Religious grannies lost their heads, anything under a powdered wig, or that had worn one, was in danger. Mobs don't have any reason.

  14. @samantha i agree an expert could determine if its a fake or not. yes people in the chan(s) seem to love the chase and theyre effective. i think the testimony of the victim and a depo of ghislane would also confirm the pic is real. these people think theyre too big to go down, so big they can do unspeakable things to other innocent humans. theyre simply evil in spite of the fancy uniforms with medals on their chests. its infuriating.

  15. Andrew has fake fingers and got them at the same place Meghan got her fake baby.

  16. @Samantha

    Who called for a revolution? I'm talking about PEDOS. You have a habit of adding things in a comment that were not written. The last time was worse though.Maybe focus on someone else, eh? While we are at it though, I'd LOVE a bloody revolution. Roll the dice.

  17. The picture of Andrew, Virginia and Ghislaine has been out there for years--its not new. So where were the screams of photoshop then?

  18. I wonder what he'll have for dinner tonight (at taxpayer expense).

    I wonder when he'll next redecorate one of his homes (at taxpayer expense).

    And so on.

    lol @ Brits.

  19. "They won't be able to walk down the street"

    @Megley way to go with the TDS - couldn't have gotten through this without some "orange man bad"

  20. It's disgusting how the British government always looks the other way with this inbred family of moochers.

  21. Anonymous10:06 AM

    @Gator the British govt and even worse the UK media enforces for the BRF. The amount of censorship is appalling. The UK media is complicit by their silence. No wonder the royal family stays in power all the entities who would lend their voice are effectively silenced.

  22. Seems like the govt and politicians are dirtier than the BRF. Jimmy Savile cover up anyone?

  23. @ Brayson 87... several things. All the royals at some point or juncture are a bit inbred. Plus honestly they are INFALLIBLE. Look at the Tiger Woods and Donald Trumps of the world. Power, money, all NEVER kept in check just re-gage some folks' moral compass. They can get away with anything, keeping moving back the boundaries of what they can do and is acceptable. Power corrupts isn't a phrase for nothing. I think if you aren't productive you are equally DESTRUCTIVE. Look at the elite behaving badly... because they can, they have the money, the discretion, etc. It is not that surprising.

  24. Andrew, the royal Don Trump, Jr.

  25. @kiki, Productivity can be destructive, probably one of the most destructive forces in the world. We're probably better off when they're sitting on their estates, just as long as the gates have a "You must be this tall to enter" bar on them to keep minors out.

  26. This sounds like the French revolution to me Gollum. Don't accuse me of adding.

    Gollum said (copied and pasted) - "When scum like this are afraid to go out in public because they may get strung up by a mob of angry peasants"

    Followed up by - "While we are at it though, I'd LOVE a bloody revolution. Roll the dice."

    Yeah, looks like I really read things into it that you didn't feel, Gollum. /s

    I won't return the personal attack, though. I understand that you are angry.

  27. Anonymous11:48 AM

    How much of a pervert is he though? The Age of Consent in Britain is 16. Are there reports of him going younger?
    Meanwhile Muslims are operating child trafficking prostitution rings and everybody in Great Britain just chalks it up to different culture.
    It's hard to take the Prince Andrew stuff seriously.

  28. Andrew is a royal and therefore untouchable

  29. @Samantha

    If you reread my post you will see where I alluded that you had a habit(meaning you did it before) and said that last time was worse.I won't waste my time digging it up because you will just twist it anyway. STFU eh? haha

  30. @MissDavie: Epstein’s girls were trafficked. So age of consent does not come into play here.

  31. There was nothing "allusive" about it.

    I fell for your friendly looking avatar and attempted to make conversation with you, Gollum. That's all I did in here, and in reply you've repeatedly tried to rope me into an argument based upon some old grievance you've perceived. Arguing someone else's perceptions is folly, so I ignored it.

    "If you reread my post you will see where I alluded"

    " STFU eh? haha"

    And to think I was fooled by your mild and congenial countenance.

  32. I love hearing people trying to claim a bunch of Taxi driver's running a peadophile ring even approaches an entire Establishment that run's the UK and involves people from the highest echelons of this Country abusing children from the vulnerable homes and being covered by the the BBC.

  33. "longtimereader" some of those BBC stories are on youtube. Heartbreaking stories.



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