Friday, August 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 15, 2019

This foreign born former A list athlete who serial cheats on his significant other, rapes random women and gets into random fights has once again managed to not get thrown in jail for something any other person would. Apparently in his country, no one wants to see him in jail no matter what he does to others.

Conor McGregor


  1. Say what you like about Ireland (&I usually do) but at least they're authorities are reasonably open about their rampant corruption. Their politicians usual appeal is mainly, "Yeah okay I'm a crook, but at least I'm not as big a crook as that other bastard I'm running against."

  2. Celebrities have their own laws. Civic, criminal, and physical too, like how Meghan and the halfwit can fly around with no carbon impact.

  3. His punishment should be locking him in the cage with Khabib until Khabib says
    it's over. The difference between a fake gangster and a real one.

  4. He's the Irish Chris Brown.

  5. Anonymous8:33 AM

    unfortunately Vic isn’t wrong

  6. @J -- are you seriously comparing or trying to correlate flying on a private jet (as many celebs, CEOs, and other politicians do) to committing assault???

  7. JT, I am saying that celebrities don't have to behave according to the same rules as other people, and I think the royal diarrheaic duo, along with Harry Styles and Katy Perry, jetting/yachting to Sicily to solve global warming is a fine example. If you disagree, no problem.

  8. Eff the Irish and their mob mentality.

  9. Deep Dive on Conor please!

  10. Saw the video today where you sucker-punched an old dude in the pub. I'm assuming this is related to that? What a piece of shit. Probably kicks dogs too.

  11. I'm a regular dude and when I'm in bars I make a point of not punching anyone... because I am not in the category of people who are virtually never punished.

  12. J... wait.... THAT'S why you don't randomly punch people? lol

  13. It's why even when the impulse to do so presents itself I refrain.

    And I don't get the impulse randomly. I'm courtly and gentle unless provoked. 🐑🐇

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @J.

    I refrain from randomly punching people in pubs because I'm liable to get the living shite kicked out of me by them or their friends

  16. That's usually true for me too, Vic.

  17. It's tempting though sometimes, J, isn't it.😈

  18. Tempting to you, to me, Chris Brown, and MacGregor.

    Difference is latter two know they can get away with it.

  19. J, that's a totally unfair statement to Chris Brown.

    He only punches women.

  20. Throw away the key, seriously. The gakked-up little psycho fuck needs to stop being celebrated.

  21. I think that biker from the other blind should go for a summer trip to Ireland ��

  22. if you want to see Conor McGregor true colors watch this ..
