Monday, August 12, 2019

Blind Item #9

In case you were wondering because you heard the buzz, yes, this foreign born permanent A+ list singer knew he was HIV+ for at least a year while having unprotected sex with his partner without telling the partner about the HIV+ status.


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  2. I don't see Jagger doing something like this. Probably George Michael.

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  5. I remember when GM first appeared, all the girls were crazy about him while all the guys said he was gay. We were called jealous. Hahaha jealous of? I mean Wham? You've got to be kidding me if you didn't know they were nailing each other.

  6. Not sure GM is Perm A+, his music is pretty crap

    1. Plus, why have this blind if he's dead?

  7. Zero tolerance for this type of shit, celebrity or non. The guy should be allowed to sue his estate for pain/ suffering and medical costs. Having said that.... having unprotected sex always bares the risk. People be smart and safe.

  8. GM. I feel like Freddie's partner knew what he got into when they got together.

  9. I have to agree with Gauloise. Does every teenager on the street know who GM is? Other than "Last Christmas", of course. Even then, they might know the song but not the man. I don't think George is A+ now, if he ever was.

    By contrast Freddie Mercury and Queen are huge with the younger demographic and were even before Bohemian Rhapsody the movie.

  10. to me this is the same as attempted murder (knowing you have HIV and still spreading it). pretty sure its actually a crime here in California

    1. Nope. Im pretty sure they decriminalized it. Crazy right?

  11. no wonder his BF is squatting in his mansion. well I hope the family helps him out somewhat

  12. George Michael was definitely A+ in the 80's and 90's. He was big enough to be part of Band Aid, to be parodied by Dana Carvey on SNL and Faith was a huge seller. He's definitely permanent A list.

  13. It's not a crime in California. It was decriminalized in 2017.

  14. Y'all are sooo young...

    George Michael was/is/always will be perm A+ if for nothing other than "Careless Whisper", which is now a timeless standard.

    Unfortunately, if this is meant to be George, back during his period of numerous arrests he did talk about having anonymous unprotected sex that he didn't want to know what his status was.

  15. notthisagain you have it was decriminalized a year ago in California by that sicko State Senator or whatever the fuck he is down in So Cal...

  16. Everyone knew George Michael was promiscuous and that he had a lover who died of AIDS. He was near death from pneumonia,and was seeing an AIDS specialist. How would he not know? This was not a child or someone who hasn't been around. Last ditch effort to get that money. Yes George Michael is permanent A+.

    1. Stop defending George.This guy came from another country he probably didn’t know.Im glad he’s defending wasn’t right when alselmo did it to George and it wasn’t right for George to do it end of story.George looked older than his father near the end.

  17. I love George Michael so I’m biased but I would say he was permanent A list and Freddie is definitely permanent A+ list but ratings here are all over the place lately.

  18. I hope this isn’t George Michael.

  19. Definitely explains the boyfriend living in the mansion and then destroying it

  20. I feel sorry for the GM partner. George should have thrown him a bone. He's got the real story of the last months so they should pay him off not to write about it. I would be pissed if I were him, for sure.

    BTW IN CA now it's not a crime not to tell your partner. Spread HIV freely, gang!

  21. Gotta be Michaels be Prince. Talk about WHAM!

  22. Talk about careless whispers

  23. thats fucked up they changed the law. wtf

  24. @Momo: The family already paid him off soon after George’s death. Apparently he’s spent that money, wants more, and said that George told him he could stay in the house. George did that with a lot of his friends (I remember one of the spice girls lived in that house for awhile.) He was very generous with his friends—but saying you can stay somewhere doesn’t mean you can stay there forever. They were already broken up at the time of George’s death. The bottom line is he wasn’t in George’s will, the sisters already gave him money, and he just keeps trying to blackmail them. I don’t feel sorry for him at all.

    1. Stop being a Stan he used the key to walk in Christmas morning.we all loved George but wrong is wrong.All his friends tried to warn him and save him he kept acting out. He had it all can u imagine good looks money and talent Jesus see him for what he was Yes a good person but the bad side was really bad

  25. Not Freddie. He told his boyfriend. They were both worried that Jim had it, too. GM was a slut, and everyone knew it. It was a running joke on Extras.
    I read a lot.

  26. Don't care if this is PC or not: That's wrong. Period.

    If you KNOW you are HIV + you disclose. END OF.

    "Chronic illness is no big deal" is something ignorant people say who have never seen someone's life destroyed by chronic illness.

    Health is a gift - enjoy it and don't purposely mess with other people's health either.

  27. George Michael IS permanent A+

    1. But being A plus dead doesn’t matter

  28. wendybar I don't think it was Freddie -- he seemed to really take care of all his lovers past and present, and also in those early days there was no test.

  29. What was the buzz? Links please?

  30. @Megley: I agree with you. This isn’t Freddie & Jim. And yes, GM was a slut, (or as @veee said, quite promiscuous.) I love his music and the fact that he was so generous and such a humanitarian. As far as his sex life is concerned, we’re all pretty aware of the details.

    Nonetheless, I think that Fadi is a POS. He and George were broken up when George died and were on and off throughout their entire relationship. At one point I heard that George paid him for his company. In any case, would any of us sleep with someone who was clearly so promiscuous without protection? If Brad Pitt showed up at my door would I say okay? No, I’d say hell to the no, even with a condom. (Sad, I know, but it’s just reality.)

    In any case, my belief is that Fadi is blackmailing the family with something, but it’s certainly not this. I think the true blackmail from Fadi is that George committed suicide. His choice. And the family notably didn’t release the toxicology report. Rest In Peace, George. x

  31. @Megley: I agree with you. This isn’t Freddie & Jim. And yes, GM was a slut, (or as @veee said, quite promiscuous.) I love his music and the fact that he was so generous and such a humanitarian. As far as his sex life is concerned, we’re all pretty aware of the details.

    Nonetheless, I think that Fadi is a POS. He and George were broken up when George died and were on and off throughout their entire relationship. At one point I heard that George paid him for his company. In any case, would any of us sleep with someone who was clearly so promiscuous without protection? If Brad Pitt showed up at my door would I say okay? No, I’d say hell to the no, even with a condom. (Sad, I know, but it’s just reality.)

    In any case, my belief is that Fadi is blackmailing the family with something, but it’s certainly not this. I think the true blackmail from Fadi is that George committed suicide. His choice. And the family notably didn’t release the toxicology report. Rest In Peace, George. x

    1. That’s why they ain’t trying to throw him out the Tox reports show what he had.They knew George was a hot mess

  32. @Monkeyweather: Well you know, Enty had a daily quota to meet.

  33. How are you a "humanitarian" when you purposely spread a debilitating disease without con sent?

    Just ewww, all around or those condoning this type of behavior!

    Did research it though,,, 2-3 years (new legislation is being debated a lot..definitely state level laws) is common for a criminal conviction in 37 states.

    If you purposely, recklessly or knowing hurt someone intentionally with an STD when you know what you should go to jail. Same as ruthiing someone.

  34. have HIV and love to spread it?

    The justification on this site or anyone who thinks it is ok to spread an STD ....ESPECIALLY a fatal one such as HIV/ that STILL leads to AIDS is O??? are horrible people. I mean truly horrible.

    We are no longer talking about ideas...but the actual spread diseases...just shame on you if you agree. Just...shame.

  35. TeeHee@U someone (probably someone's alt, I don't recall seeing them here before) really lit into me for advising transparency and caution.

    It's tragic, to me, that anyone should get this from sex or needles, when originally no one had a clue it was out there, or how it was transmitted.

    Once they had a test people thought no one will get this again, or almost no one...but people today think it's harmless. They think "chronic illness" is no big deal, the person attacking me a while back even said that.

    Retro viruses hide; all viruses can mutate; they can't prove that it's *impossible* to transmit simply because the last *recent* test showed it was "undetectable" (by current science; which always is very limited; i. e. any decent scientist will advise they do not fully understand viruses or the human body.)

    If it were so well understood there. would. be. a. cure.

    Also, why would people trust anyone's word on that with, literally, their life. And there are other things that can be spread by unprotected sex, obviously, anyway.

    Everyone's different, some can control it with (EXPENSIVE) medication, but not everyone will be helped to the same extent or can afford the extra care/meds, some people have no health care at all.

    My point is that no one should take HIV less than seriously. Never make that decision for anyone else, just because the virus (per current testing) was rated as suppressed.

  36. That read like I was saying that to TeeHee, when I was simply replying with some expounded thoughts.

  37. If you ask yourself if you are willing to die before becoming intimate with someone, you probably wouldn't be promiscuous. I came of age in 81 and worked as a travel agent for a while in my early 20s. Every man I knew in the travel industry was gay, without exception, and some were sick but didn't know it yet. The agency I worked for primarily did Delta, and flights to Miami and Houston were the hot tickets for the gay men trying to get out of Memphis. Memphis had two gay bars in the early 80s, so the flight attendants and agents who got free travel (as did I) were spreading god knows what everywhere. Back then it was Heroin addicts, Homosexuals and Haitians that were to be avoided and HERPES had already caused hysteria in my social circles. Then people started dying. Such is life? smdh

  38. It messed with his head that’s why he was acting crazy it was eating him up

  39. It's supposed to be Sting I believe (buzz)

  40. I've always wondered about people who are led by their sex drive and their fears. They know the odds and still they do whatever it is that they do. And once they become sick, or their lives become problematic in some way connected to their sex drive they STILL do it and don't tell their partners because that would impede their ability to do whatever they want to do. To me, it all sounds like addiction, in one form or another.

    Just look at Epstein. He KNEW what he was doing was wrong. He was completely morally compromised on so many levels, and he rationalized that it was ok for him. Meanwhile, he was blackmailing, threatening, all sorts of things. He ruined the lives of others and I'm just sorry that he won't be in prison for years to come.

    I hadn't heard that anyone was shopping around the story that he had HIV+/AIDS and didn't tell his partner. I remember when he got with Kenny Goss that he wrote a song in which he said that "one of these days you'll bring something home to me" or words to that effect. George became so incapacitated by drugs that he lost his looks, lost his judgement, and basically, lost his mind. Fadi does not come out of this looking good, either. He was just upset that the gravy train wouldn't keep rolling for him.

    I think it is a crime if someone knows they have something like this and still doesn't tell their partner.

  41. Elton John?

    David Bowie?

    Also, no sense being so hateful towards George Michael, respect the dead, no matter their faults. He was an amazing singer/writer, but we all know he had lots of issues.

  42. Bs George was wrong and fadi should of been told the truth.



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