Thursday, August 08, 2019

Blind Item #7

This A- list actor who is a self described desperate narcissist is married to someone higher on the list. Our actor essentially said the women who called out the Oscar winner who is a sibling to someone higher on the list all lied with their stories. 


  1. Replies
    1. And his bro James?
      Alison Brie /wife

  2. Ashton Kutscher supporting Casey Affleck??

  3. Dax from podcast with Casey Affleck

  4. Who knows? It would be nice if people didn't lie about something so serious as this, but they do pretty frequently.

    1. It would be nice if men like you weren't so disgusting towards women too. But God forbid that's addressed.
      Blame women, they're all whores.

  5. By the way, Dax didn't say that, Monica said that "sometimes people lie". They were very easy on him, but did not outright call the women liars.

  6. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Dax and his cohost were very problematic- On the podcast, Padman also mentioned that "sometimes women aren't telling the truth" and suggested that's a factor rarely considered in cases of sexual misconduct. "I'm a woman, and I've lied. We're capable of doing that. It's anti-feminist to say that women don't lie." Even Affleck knew it was best to debunk that statement. He said "it doesn't help" to accuse women of lying.

    Why give Casey that platform? There are so many more deserving celebrities that time could have been given to... they were acting like childish super fans. Very disappointing.

  7. Serious side-eye to any rape apologist. They want people to believe that 'victims lie' is the default. What's the default is rapists getting away with it, and apologists want that to continue.

    Even on the rare occasion a rapist is tried and convicted, they often are let out again, even in cases of kidnap and attempted murder; they can and have often then gone on to serial rape and serial murder.

    William Bonin, for instance. Served 3 years, was let out. That's the danger, and the reality, not "innocents being railroaded" or "a second Salem" as the apologists claim.

  8. All the Afflecks make my skin crawl.

  9. Yes, Zebra, they are gross even by Hollywood standards.

  10. They all some dirty ass MF who take up for each other..
    I couldn't take up for a friend during something wrong, they know don't do that shit around me..
    I'm not having it..

  11. dax sherpard, casey affleck

    dax can go kill himself, hes worthless

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. They don't have to state it outright, just the suggestion makes it plain what they meant. They aim to plant a seed of doubt, if they can.

    Rosie I get more of a MGTOW vibe.



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