Monday, August 05, 2019

Blind Item #7

Speaking of a network reality show and one season wonder. The star of the show loves to drink, and has been loving random strangers buying her bottles when she is in restaurants around town. If it is expensive enough she will talk to you.


Tricia13 said...

Hannah Brown?/The Bachelorette

MDAnderson said...

And what’s wrong with that. Get your drink on.

MultiMary1011 said...

Good guess. She comes across as a sweet, innocent southern bell but she is a lush in reality!😅

Morninglorri said...

She loves her wine

Vita said...

Hannah Brown. I think she's pretty feisty and spirited (apparently in all senses of the word). A few good bottles of wine is fair bonus for having the engagement debacle aired for national entertainment.cheers!

gauloise said...

isnt this just being a normal 20-something

J said...

Some dipsomaniac.

Trapped said...

Really a normal 20 something, I guess I was never normal at all.
Never did none of that, to busy with my career to fall short in any area of my life, then again I had no one to fall back on
my daddy was dead and my mother had to go back to nursing again..I still don’t drink at all, it’s never been my thing...

Anonymous said...

good for her I'd need 500+ bottles to cope with all the nonsense she's dealing with

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Vita, as a word nerd who knows the original meaning of "feisty", your comment was funny to me on multiple levels :)

Drewholtaus said...

Tyler papped coming out of Hannahs house this weekend at about 6am.. :):)

Vita said...

Low Key-- All hail the Word Nerds!😁

Samantha the 1st said...

Never heard of her. Those people buying her the 400 dollar bottles of champers for a few words and a pat on the head need a little self respect.


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