Saturday, August 31, 2019

Blind Item #5

This A-/B+ list country singer has been hitting on women left and right which is why his team forced him off social media.


  1. Were you all OK during Dorian, Tricia (and any others in its path)?

    1. Yes Samantha-Thank You. It was less intense than thought-I thinking of folks in Florida and The Carolinas🙏

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Could be so many of them. It must be hard (hee hee) to be a young straight male celebrity and be on social media. They must get hundreds of offers from willing women a day. It's going to spell Trouble with a capital T for sure.

    1. But you don't have to be famous to get dick pics. What a world.

  3. That's good to know, Tricia. Glad you all are OK.

  4. My vacation is likely getting cancelled because of the hurricane. :( But that said, 1st world problems and I hope everyone is going to be ok.

  5. Global warming is getting real

  6. Dark Star Chasm,
    Because hurricanes during hurricane season are a recent atmospheric phenomenon. /smh

    1. Seriously, Turpentine. We get them every year. It’s actually a less active season this year, and been this way for a while. Hopefully everyone will be ok and Dorian goes out to sea as much as it can.

      Speaking of Aldean, he was on some website showing off his FL beach house. One look, I knew it was over on 30A 🙄.

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I really hope this is Jason Aldean. His current wife was the OW when he was cheating on his first wife. Second wife had complications after her second child and couldn't understand why people on social media weren't sympathetic. Pardon me while I roll my eyes.

    1. What’s the old saw? If they’ll cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you

  8. At the moment, Jason Aldean is not A-/B+ list. He won artist of the decade and his last album released at number 1. In the country world he is A list for sure. That said, I have no other guesses for this.

  9. Never even heard of this guy but I want him to get off of my lawn (shaking fist).

  10. Has to be Kane brown. He wrote on fb the other day how his management was taking over his fb account.

  11. Everybody loves 30A, are you dissing it? 🤷🏼‍♀️

  12. I’m sort of dissing it, just a little. It’s ok, I guess, but way too crowded for me. But I was really just saying his house had that 30A look, you know what I’m talking about. We used to take our jacked up muddin truck with its cherry bombs over there. Not quite the right mileu for it but that was part of the fun. They used to have the coolest port wine latte at that coffee shop in Seaside, but they got rid of it 🥺. Maybe that’s why I’m mad lol. Bring it back!!!

  13. ❤️ Kane Brown. 🤤



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