Friday, August 30, 2019

Blind Item #4

At some point, the former MTV star who drags a family member around wherever she goes is going to have to tag her sponsor. She probably doesn't want you to know he is three times her age.


  1. Replies
    1. I guess you survived the hurricane? Hope it wasn’t too bad there and everything is ok.

    2. Yes,thank youAstra! It was more inconvenient than scary.../ loss of power but not too long. Flooding:( looks like Florida gonna have a harder time! Thoughts to all-stay safe🙏

  2. yeah we're looking SCREWED here in SoFla

    1. I remember fleeing our home for Irma and it turned last minute and hit Georgia (where we evacuated to). It’s a crazy beast these storms. They can turn any minute., keep safe:)

  3. Hope everybody is okay! 😯

  4. Somehow I don't think anyone is going to be shocked that Backdoor Farrah has a geezer sugar daddy.

  5. The safest place seems to be Key West for south Floridians.

  6. This time Mimsey, not last time....but it hasn't gotten past that area yet so it could turn there too.

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I lived in Houston during Hurricane Rita. The entire city evacuated. People were stuck on the freeways from 8-12 hours trying to get out of town. The storm veered and hit Beaumont area instead. Hurricanes are insane. Prayers for those anywhere on the Florida/Georgia coast.

  8. At a certain age, apparently, you're not worried about herpes or flesh-eating crotchrot.

  9. I hope the Keys are spared. They are still rebuilding from Irma. I was living in Sarasota, Florida when Irma hit. We were w/out power for a week, as was the majority of Sarasota. It sucked, but it was cool to see the community come together to help each other out.

  10. Sandy, I hope not, I live in the Keys and Irma was bad enough. We don't need another!

  11. blind guys needs backdoor love too..with that overdone mug, he gas got to have cataracts.

  12. Now it looks like it's gonna hug the east coast. Good for us on the west coast, but still hell for the east coasters.
    Yeah, Mimsey. Irma screwed the middle keys (have a place on Big Pine) and don't need another.

  13. There was a photo of Farrah and her grade-school spawn on some website, TMZ, I think, and Spawn had a full face of makeup. She looked ridiculous.

  14. That's troubling, "Do Tell."

    Some moms who do sex work will pimp out their kids. (Well, some who don't, will, also.)

    I think that's what one of the blinds was alluding to, i.e. Enty hopes Farrah does not become desperate enough for money to do that.



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