Saturday, August 17, 2019

Blind Item #4

The serial cheating/child abandoner/foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor shows that his allegiance is to his masters rather than the people with his most recent comments. 


  1. Sad stories about how he treats his kids.

  2. J Chan don’t like his movies

  3. fuck jackie chan, he's a relic of the 90s

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Jackie Chan. Fcuk China. We would be better off without them. There was a time we actually manufactured our own products.
    If you want to meet your new Masters, and you want them to be Iranian and Chinese, remember to cast your vote for Queen Elizabeth I of the United States and her VP Princess Kamala.

    1. MissDavie.. Calm down. Jesus Christ! A string of random statements none of which is related to the others is... Anyway calm down!

    2. ignore the troll. they pop up and then disappear into thin air.

  5. I wondered if it was TC

    1. right tatty. lawsuit filed by victims of masterson suing COS for killing pets, stalking and threats. TC has no freakin spine and should just go far away.

  6. MissDavie, agreed. I don’t purchase items from China or Mexico or any other foreign shit hole, where they have no quality control and treat their workers as slaves. I own quite a few union made, USA manufactured items, from long ago (purchased from yard sales, flea markets, etc) and they have always been wonderful and high quality, even decades later. Amazing how so many eco warrior types wouldn’t ever reuse or recycle, and throw things away because they’re bored with them or just want a new one. I would gladly pay more for union, made in USA items. It really ends up costing us a lot less in the long run. My being vociferously pro union is probably the only “liberal” political belief I have, but it would require unions to go back to what they were, not what they’ve become. Anyway, good comment👍🏻

  7. Thank you Astra!

    And, don't buy fake flowers or plants, or tiny shrimp. All done by slave labor.
    And, only Fair Trade Coffee. The growers get $1 or less per pound while that heinous CEO of Starbucks gets $11M just to show up, not counting all his bonuses.

  8. Pro union isn't liberal - it's not political at all imo it's common sense.

    People died to get a fair wage and a fair working condition.

    It' not the working person's fault the govt. decided to send/allow manufacturing overseas, where there are no safety or quality controls.

    How many pets were killed by poisoned food and treats. Even the big name brands. How many people have bought things that fall apart. Melamine in food products. GHB in toys.

    But you can't GET things made anywhere else (than the problematic countries) in most cases, or, corporations lie about it. Stamped "Made in USA" - but they bought all the pieces MADE in China or elsewhere, then simply assembled and or packaged it in the USA.

    BTW Astra, you got on me for "lecturing" (defending #metoo) but you regularly get on your own soap box. #hypocrisy

  9. @Samantha If you look at how a union shop is run youll see socialism in action. Everyone gets paid the same, same benefits, everything equal. However, there are those employees that do more intellectually challenging things and are not allowed to be compensated even if the company is willing to give them a bonus. Nope, not even a freaking meal ticket. I cannot imagine those who fought for fair working conditions ever dreamed that this would be the end result. Not to mention that employees dont get a say in where their union dues go. I can say that I would be shocked to find any union donating to any other candidate then a democrat. Not necessarily because they believe in that candidate (otherwise why on earth would they donate to a candidate that ran off manufacturing) it's all about kick backs. Unions today are corrupt. I'm not saying they didnt have their purpose but the way it is today needs to change.

  10. That's quite a blanket statement and an odd comparison.

    Company bonuses for 'ideas' vary. Has nothing to do with a fair wage and working conditions vs. a dollar a 14 hour day and no water or bathroom, in a room with no heat or AC or windows.

    "If you look at how a union shop is run youll see socialism in action. Everyone gets paid the same, same benefits, everything equal. However, there are those employees that do more intellectually challenging things and are not allowed to be compensated even if the company is willing to give them a bonus."


    "Not to mention that employees dont get a say in where their union dues go."

    Criminals stealing pensions and such also has nothing to do with my point.

    "Unions today are corrupt"

    No, the people who steal from them are.



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