Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Item #4

I'm not sure why the serial cheating foreign born alliterate NBA player would now decide he was going to try to get people believe he didn't cheat on a woman with the alliterate reality star. Maybe because he is trying to get with the woman again he cheated on. 


  1. Yup Tricia. Right out of Page 6 today.

  2. I have no respect for these men who get involved with this family. A bunch of losers

  3. Whatever he's doing, it will be brilliant and make society better.

    He's from the NBA.

  4. Guys should seriously start thinking about lashing themselves to the nearest object whenever the siren call of one of those KK asses wobbles by. Following behind seems to be a sure fire way to get involved in no end of bullshit.

  5. Tristan Thompson saying he didn't cheat on his ex girlfriend..

  6. Khloe inserted herself and messed up his life. All cuz she had to have a kid. Ever hear of anonymous sperm donors? Now her daughter is going to be 6 foot 3 inches tall.

  7. I dunno why more women (with the means) don't go for that JL.

    There used to be a Nobel sperm bank (no donors but one, so they closed it), and there was a genius only donor sperm bank long ago too.

    Maybe women are afraid? Too many (verified) stories about guys who mopped floors at a sperm bank replacing 'samples' with their own, or doctors doing so, or the wrong embryo being implanted...

    The idea of (in the right scenario) being able to give your future child as many advantages as possible seems appealing.

    Why seek out some drugged out dude with satyriasis, who isn't into you anyway? Hypothetically speaking...I dunno Tristan.

  8. Good Lord I loathe the people.
