Saturday, August 03, 2019

Blind Item #3

This not old enough to drive for a couple of years has at least three porn videos that were made by this producer of a teen show who cast her and rapes her on an almost daily basis. 


  1. What did the police say?™

  2. these blinds are always skai jackson, no?


  3. This is sad. Please reveal this one Enty.

  4. This type of blind makes me wonder how it doesn’t get reported to end this trauma for that kid??? How does a human know about this and turn a blind eye?

    1. My thought too. Instead of putting out a blind item for people's entertainment, why not report it? Doesn't this make Enty complicit?

  5. Sick ass bastards, I just don't understand why they keep doing this to preteens and teenagers..

  6. If there's vids then the feds must know too then?

    Whenis Dan 'snatch'em from the pram' Schneider going to get the frenzied fatal shivving in the prison showers he so very richly deserves?

    1. Over 112,000 sealed indictments being held by AG right now... Yeah, they're likely to nab this one.

  7. I like to ask whether the police know about these crimes, even though some posters here don't want punishment for the perpetrators.

  8. everyone is paid off. greed knows no bounds. that's why it never gets reported.

  9. The perp is probably threatening the kid into not telling anyone.

  10. So now yesterday it came out that the California law passed a few years ago to ID and vet Adults working with child actors WAS NEVER ENFORCED ?

    Thanks Kamala Harris and Eric Holder !

    btw, how did Holder jump into being the 2nd most powerful Law Enforcement Official in California---without being elected ?

    Sickening, my state...

    1. where did u get this info ss?? like to see the link. Cops don't play with videos and will pursue and arrest where I am.

    2. Holder will end his days in Gitmo.
      100% guaranteed.
      The question really is just how MANY days?

  11. All of you legal eagle whiners don't take into account that just because Enty may know these videos were made, one would have to produce the actual videos and provide them to law enforcement AND press charges for any corrective action to even begin.

    Then it would be all sorts of fuckery until everything is dismissed, ruining the girl's career for sure.

    Do any of you even think about reality or just how things should "supposed" to be?

    Some of you are as annoying as my mother.

    1. The person who tips off the police doesn't actually press charges. He/she tells the police what they know and the police investigate. If they find enough evidence, the state is the one that presses charges (prosecutes).

  12. And the parents don't care as long as they get their 10%.

  13. Hunter, your logic seems to be that the girl's career makes it ok, at least to some extent.

    If I hear a rumor that the neighbor three doors down is raping a child, I'll tell the authorities I've heard that rumor, making clear that I have no evidence.

  14. Yeah, Kamala's a piece of work:

  15. Kamala’s piece of work? Is she a Russian asset who raped 22 women?

  16. No, just a corrupt prosecutor who got where she is by fucking someone.

  17. Agree with both of you ☝🏼 The parents are paid and the kids go back to work.

  18. Don't be fooled, hunter. Enty is a snake who doesn't mind exploiting women and girls for his site and his misogynistic, racist fan club- adding more abuse and exploitation on top of what's already there. He does not care what could happen to these girls with people either already having access to their trauma before they're ready to give it, or people making a wrong assumption and becoming aggressive because a blog made them think they're protecting their rapist when nothing happened.

    J- I'll take a prostitute over a rapist Nazi any day.

    1. I'm totally with you,We Stone Them! Have been wondering why there is such a preponderance of items about child rape and women selling themselves. Most of it unsubstantiated of course. This guy is in the thick of it, and find inng another way to make money and be entertained by it. He is not intervening on behalf of the minors, but rather seems to be laughing at them, and sneering at the women who have to sleep with men to keep working.

  19. Is the girl Faye Dunaway ?.

  20. Enty is doing everyone a service by exposing what goes on behind the smoke and mirrors.

  21. @Lisa
    Enty is doing you and a few others a service by letting you believe that the worst you assumed about Hollywood is true, and that you're "fighting" pedophilia by posting comments on a blog and spreading gossip on other places. Which doesn't particularly result in saving many kids.

    1. Right! And look how some are even shrugging it off, or looking to blame law enforcement who aren't getting information from those who know and don't report it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @s.s, it’s a state law, to be enforced by state Labor Commissioner. Eric Holder was never an officer in CA and has been out of federal public office since 2015.

  24. "For the record, Savile's victims reported him to the police for rape and sexual assault over the course of several decades and the police did nothing." @VikingSong
    No, the cops arrested at least one of the whistle blowers just recently and JAILED him.
    For filing a false police report because evidence can be "lost" (or Blackmailed into oblivion).

    They have taken the Pedowood Police Department tactics and just disappear witnesses on a psych hold until they become controlled.
    If they get famous then charges are drummed up, like Tommy Robinson (a citizen Journalist) who started mentioning the Crown Courts revolving door policy for baby fuckers.

    The Power of Pedo-Blackmail is that they have to kill witnesses to keep control. This is the way control freaks work. Derp.

    But it only works if Pedo-protectionist do the heavy lifting. Right Hollywood?
    Whistle blowers targeted behind closed doors of the Crown Court

    The thing is the evidence he had was stolen in both the courts and his own lawyers office's.
    Go figure.

  25. I apologize for adding my voice to this, as my words might be overly harsh. Okay? It is just that the keyboard warriors crying for legal action are so ignorant it is annoying. You rail at Enty. Okay, I've done that too. But I stopped bothering with that blind subject. If you aren't happy without knowing exactly what Enty and his sources are doing about legal notifications...then, for your own sake, skip these blinds about underage this or that.

    If you can't skip the blinds, then stop complaining and pick the phone up yourself to call the police. Then post, and let all those like-minded posters "know" that the incident/s have been reported. Truly, this.

    1. Jan, unless he puts some notification on the bl inng, we don't know it's more of his s inck entertainment at the expense of abused children until we've already read it. And if getting upset at someone knowing about child rapusts and doing nothing upsets YOU, skip the responses, ok?

  26. This is why I am totally for bringing back the guillotine, public execution. Off with these pieces of shit's head!

  27. @We Stone Them: I agree. This "enty" person is just profiting off pain. He pretends to be doing a service, but he's part of the problem. Also, I heard a snippet of one of his podcasts. He kept sniffling and snorting and spoke very fast. In addition to being offensive, he showed himself to be on something.

  28. To all those asking why the police won’t do anything, ask yourselves why does the LA County Sherif Badge / Star have pedophile symbols on it? Hollywood and government is infested with satan worshiping pedophiles. These people are sick.

  29. @Unknown 6:32 AM

    Good response. I will think of the complaints as a built-in irritant of CDAN. That if I choose to read here, then I should expect those comments. My choice.

    But can I say that not all readers feel the way you all do? The repetition on every blind about this type of subject is difficult when wading through.

    (Again, no offence meant. I am just straight talking for written word clarity.)

  30. Here come the demo-shills @Unknown and @Angela peddling conspiracy theories because they can't bear the thought of their fave political candidates being smeared or exposed. Please go back & peddle your tinfoil hat theories elsewhere. I hear the comments section of CNN is very welcome to people of your ilk. Or Datalounge - where @Angela has admittedly picked up conspiracy theories from & then posted here claiming they were stone-cold factual...🙄🙄

    Thess two have a VERY hard time grasping that Enty is equal opportunity when it comes to exposing POS politicos - and Enty will smear those who lean right AS WELL as those who lean left, if appropriate. To @Angela and @Unknown, the dems are to be off-limits. Only right leaners should be exposed. It's laughable. Any time a corrupt Democrat is exposed, these two clowns appesr claiming Enty is "alt-right". GTFOH!

  31. Hey we stone them... the difference is kamala actually did the thing she is accused of, but nice try.



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