Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly television actor who has one more season remaining on a show and frequently cheats on his wife and cheated on his previous wife, in addition to being a serial woman beater has said he will go to jail rather than pay his last wife any spousal support.


  1. Wow, what a catch.

    1. Going with Terrance Howard as my guess

  2. Terrance "baby wipes" Howard.

    1. I remember that magazine interview. I highly doubt he would get up and leave, he's not a good looking dude and definitely not the type to pass up poontang. He was kicked out of Ironman for a reason.

  3. Tbh, the wife in question had no kids together, married for only three years and she is asking for money (and got it) based on income that came long after the divorce. The woman is able bodied, so should get out and work.

    Child support is a whole different matter.

  4. That's a lot of baby wipes!

  5. Isn't Mr. Howard more movies than TV? Has he done a lot of TV besides Empire?

  6. Sounds like jail is the perfect spot for him.

  7. No baby wipes in prison.

    Maybe as contraband?

    His dad stabbed a guy in a line to see Santa. Right in front of both their little sons.

  8. Cool if he shared a cell with Jussie.

  9. i guess he owes her back support. just pay her a lump sum to go away.

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I think Howard never got over those naked pics being leaked that showed he was not very well hung, to put it mildly. There's a lot of anger there. Sometimes a smaller than average cock on a man is hot AF if it fits the resto of his body but in this case it did not.
    I think it causes issues in some men. He thinks the women he is with are always looking for a bigger one...which of course they are.
    Terrance should pay full child support but she got way more spousal support than she deserved from what I've seen. It's gotta hurt to pay that much to her for nothing.

  11. This is worded so differently from that actress that committed fraud to hide her income.

  12. Terrance twinkle Howard

  13. did you know Howard was the highest paid cast member of iron man (2008)

    hard to believe yeah?

    then he was replaced with don cheadle

  14. No idea who Terence Howard is.

    It looks like I haven't missed much.

    1. He’s plays the main character Lucious Lyon on Emoire but did many movies before that.

  15. I'm thinking Terrance Howard is not too far from the character he plays on Empire.

  16. Jussie Smollett has a very good voice, and he had sweet, gentle love stories on Empire. Too bad he screwed things for himself.

  17. A long time ago, he did this spot on "Sesame Street." I saw it on YouTube, and I had to agree so many of the comments, he seemed quite high at the time. The best comment was the commenter who wrote basically the next time he's on Sesame Street, it will be Don Cheadle.

  18. If it's TH, then the wife probably deserves combat pay.

  19. The Scribe - here is the clip.

    It's on Sesame Street's official channel.

    Tha shade of it all. Well they know a click is a click.

    "The word of the day is...INCOGNITO."

  20. Vic - he's in the clip I posted.

    He's on the TV show "Empire," the one Jussie Smollett was on before he - whatever that was.

    He's mostly notorious in gossip circles for various reasons.

  21. Everybody is a tough guy til the handcuffs come out

  22. MissDavie, dude, stop. Why does everything have to become vulgar with you?



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