Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Item #3

Look for this network to bring back the food show if this latest morning experiment doesn't work. Of course if that happens, one of the hosts time on the casting couch will have been for naught.


  1. Strahan and latest sidekick

  2. Eh, that's always a risk you're taking with the couch

  3. something with Jada de Laurentiis.

  4. Keke Palmer joining the GMA noon show?

  5. They made a bad call cancelling the Chew. It had survived losing Mario and Daphne, and the other three had a tight, quirky rapport that was always fun to watch. Strahan and his partner had enthusiasm, but that show was a patchy mess of more of the same. It reeked of catering to Michael at the expense of the other show, just bc they had screwed him over by plucking him off Kelly and Michael (which, very well might not have been true, but "seemed" that way to this Chew fan).

    Id love the Chew back, but would hope it would still be Clinton, Michael and Carla. If they add others, I hope they do a lot of chemistry testing, bc they really had a natural team before.

    1. I agree. Those three had great chemistry together.

    2. #savethechew
      Bring them back

  6. Keke Palmer is the casting coucher, then? I hadnt heard any of this. All I know is that every time Ive seen KeKe on a talk show or as a hot topic, she is a sassy, mile-a-minute live wire. She might be A LOT for a lunch hour extension of morning shows. Maybe Michael can corral the best out of her in a nice balance, but he might not be able to get a word in edgewise.

    Anyone looking for a charming all ages movie, Aquila and the Bee is a great one.

  7. Yes THE CHEW Was a good show and WAY BEtter than that mess they have now

    1. #savethechew still going strong

  8. I loved the Chew when it was down to three people, it was great, although Clinton get on my last nerve.

  9. Certainly Sarah Haines didnt do the casting couch to get her job so that leaves one other.

  10. The hell with The Chew, bring back All My Children!

    1. Thank you Michael!! Bring back AMC!!

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The Chew was watchable, which is more than I can say for any other daytime chat show. I liked Carla and Clinton.

  12. I LOVED the Chew!! Can't stand the Strahan & Sarah show and WHY is Keke on it now?! I'd love for the Chew to come back.

  13. yes i was pissed off when they replaced all my children with the chew

  14. The Chew...tried watching it a few times.

    They had a foodie with a very good palate but who was very hard to look at for very long. I'm sorry but that's how I really felt. Won't name names.

    Then they had an obnoxious dude who didn't seem to know or care anything about food and kept shouting into the mic. UGH

    No one seemed to mesh together well at all.

    Throw a dart casting or -- casting couch could explain some of it too I guess?

  15. I liked The Chew, I wish it would come back.

  16. I was an AMC watcher and wanted to hate the Chew when it came on. I grew to love it bc it actually had an identity and fun energy of its own (unlike the God-awful messes that tried to replace One Life to Live).

    I tried to watch the continuations of AMC and OLTL on Hulu or wherever they were at, but with the time leap and missing characters, I just couldnt.

  17. Eff the chew. I can't believe they cancelled two great soaps and still haven't gotten it eight.

  18. The soap operas need to come back. I hate the Chew. Keke is not for GMA she is very ratchet and immature, very small doses

  19. Bring back the soaps!!

  20. The Chew! Ah, such a great show that is missed. I always enjoyed watching it when it would come on sometimes. Sara needs to go back on The View.

  21. short soaps with real storylines would be good. liked the chew but the old soaps in 70s80's were good TV. the blond lady with Strahan is super annoying. unwatchable

  22. unsolved mysteries would be better than anything else!!

  23. ABC wants a third hour of GMA. So if anything, they will press the reset and add a kitchen, sofa, dining table to tweak the show and transition in even more hosts with specific areas of expertise like cooking, design, etc. .
