Friday, August 16, 2019

Blind Item #2

I guess people are finally realizing that whether it be the husband or wife of this permanent A list duo, they will take a big check from anyone. Money is money and they don't look at anything beyond that.


  1. Bey and Jay and their faux activism.

  2. Bey and Jay
    B and Z if you prefer

  3. I'm curious what, if any, fallout will actually happen with JayZ's NFL deal.

  4. Jay Z and Beyoncé

  5. Yeah, Clintons.

  6. J wrote Ombamas and I immediately wondered what THEY were doing/thinking through this whole Epstein thing. I wonder who they got their $65,000 worth of "hotdogs" delivered from.

  7. Jay-Z throwing Colin under the bus.

  8. My first guess was the Clintons of course, but it has to be Bey and Jay. Why is anyone surprised? Isn't this what most rap lyrics were about (at least in Jay's prime)? Accumulating the long green? So if you can make your dreams come true why not?

  9. I think the issue is that Jay Z didn't try to get Kap's reinstatement into playing again as a condition for this entertainment deal with the NFL which is shady since other musical acts have banned performing for the superbowl because of the NFL's treatment of Kap. Jay didn't speak to Kap at all. Very shady indeed since the bans were working and the NFL had to settle for subpar acts like Justin Timberlake and Maroon 5's performance. THis is going to blow up in Jay Z's face. I think the black community that Jay Z needs to stay relevant mainly millenials and gen Z are going to withdraw support. Same with Bey. Her pull is weakening as evidence of the subpar sales of the lion king soundtrack. bel hooks mentioned how Bey's feminism and activism is not authentic, it is only for selling records and making millions. But I gues you can say that with every perform, ie Taylor Swift and the likes.

    1. Who is Jay Z to bargain to get Kap a job? Why team would even want Kap?

  10. Anyone got the CliffsNotes on his NFL deal? I googled it but keep falling unconscious halfway through the article

  11. Regardless of what Jay-Z does, Krap shouldn't be reinstated, he's not good enough, so give it a rest. He's not entitled to an NFL job any more than anyone else, and he certainly got enough money from Nike.

  12. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Kap is a loser. A crap sandlot QB. He only became a SJW once he got benched for Blaine Gabbert.

  13. @Cat - Jay Z would not have this deal without Kap's protest. The only reason the NFL is doing this deal is to market to millenials and gen Z of color who they need to make sure people tune in to the superbowl. The superbowl audience has been declining in viewership for a few years since Kap's protest started 3 years ago along with how the NFL has dealt with domestic abuse claims against their players. Along with how the NFL handles the concussion issue and recent changes with the game, people have been turned off with the sport. Now that women's sports like soccer, tennis and gymnastics are getting more momentum the NFL is trying to increase their foothold in the sports marketshare. This deal with Jay Z is extremely stupid on the NFl's part since Jay Z is not viewed as progressive among Millennials or Gen Z. Maybe boomers and some gen x think he is still marketable but not enough of them to give the NFL a return on investment for this deal. Jay Z needed Kap to secure the younger people to tune into the super bowl to maintain it's power house status. I foresee FIFA taking in more american viewership even though soccer has its own racist issues.

  14. @Gator -- Compare Kap's stats with some current players on the roster and you'll see what a stupid statement that was.

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I can't stand Beyoncé or Jay-Z but I don't understand how he's getting flack for not immediately rehiring Kaepernick. It's been 3 years since Kaepernick pulled his gambling stunts. There are literally thousands of young talented guys trying to get in the position he threw away. F Colin Kaepernick.

  16. Aw poor Kap.I feel terrible for the millionaire crybaby. What a POS.

  17. jt: My comment wasn't as stupid all of your preaching.

  18. Man I know! Kap is such a terrible QB that he went to the Superbowl his first season and almost won.

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      I remember that super bowl. With the game on the line, Kap threw 3 straight incompletions. Then defenses figured him out. His last two years playing his record was 3-16.


  19. Idk, I feel like a lot of people here could understand why a little guy who believes in something would take a stand against a big system he thinks is corrupt, even if the odds of changing anything seem impossible. I feel like we see that same argument play out here every day.



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