Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Blind Item #12

The friends of this alliterate actress are pleading for her to get her own attorney because things could get bad very quickly.


  1. Geraldo was actually defending her on twitter today.

  2. LL. I thought she was going to sell her husband out according to this website.

    But, she has been sharing the same attorney with him all this time?? The attorney would never recommend something not in his clients best interest (both her and him) so that previous blind had to have been a lie.

  3. Maybe her daughter will call the jury members basic or something.

  4. Lori Laughlin and “Mossimo Target” as my friend calls him (she couldn’t recall his last name and it stuck)

  5. Brayson87!!! Welcome back!!

  6. I miss the Mossimo brand at Target. Those tshirts were cheap and awesome.

  7. Latest pic of Lori - that smug look is GONE.

    She finally woke up!

    She looked scared.

  8. Lock her up. Serious prison.

    Hopefully someplace where the guards arrange fights between the strong and weak inmates.

    Throw away the key.

    We need prison-population equity in this country.

  9. She's so full of it. They have recorded calls from Rick Singer that have him explaining in detail what that money went for and what they're going to lie that it was supposed to go for. He went into many details on that call about her daughter's fake rowing details, too. Give it up, Aunt Becky, you knew exactly what you were doing.

  10. She must have faith. Like she's praying for that sweetheart plea deal that's never going to happen because they have too much evidence..

    Although to be fair to Lori, if Jussie could get his charges dropped for orchestrating a fake hate crime, maybe they could let Aunt Becky go for breaking the rules so her girls could get into school. It's not impossible, like even if your co-conspirators are witnesses against you it's not out of the ballpark as we saw in Chicago.

  11. @ Large Marge: ain’t that the truth !! I loved my Mossimo tops and pants!! I still wear them to this day and they are the best and most comfortable ever !

  12. Wow what a nice surprise to see you back Brayson!!!

    And I think its ridic her charges. It's been going on for millenia and we all know it.

    Nothing like pulling a gun on someone or staging a hate crime or hitting your kids - enough already!

  13. Sandy, hope you’re preparing or prepared for Dorian.....not looking good for your part of FL. Be safe ok?

  14. I'm kinda surprised by this because from all the gossip I have read SHE was the instigator and I somehow ping right with this in my gut. SHE was the one. Maybe i am wrong.

  15. I have always read that they have her on tape talking about it and his name was on the check (wire fraud).

    However, this is nothing like faking a hate crime which could have broken out into riots or people being hurt because of it. What she did was wrong, but, I know several people who I went to high school had their daddies make a donation/ call to an old friend and they were in and I KNOW they did not the grades for it. LOL I tutored one of them in Chemistry and knew their grades. It pissed me the hell off but this is not the first nor the last time this will happen.

    I always just figured her and Felicity did not have any friends in the academic world to do it "the old fashioned way.". I think she should suffer the consequences but 40 years in prison for this? Nah. She is not a threat to society. So many drunk/high drivers have killed entire families and they only get a couple years behind bars. Perspective should be brought in.

  16. @TeeHee: I think she deserves 40 years for being a smug, stupid bitch. And so does Smollett.

  17. Hi, Brayson! Welcome back. Missed you!

  18. Thanks Astra. Its touch and go when and where it hits, but I live in a strong brick house that has handled the last 2 just fine, so except for when I lose power everything should go ok. And I always have the phone to let ppl know I'm ok.


  19. @aquagirl haha fair enough. I wonder if her accounts are frozen. Because they are both famously wealthy that if I was her I would consider making a run for it if I was facing in her case life. I think they are guilty but if she admitted any guilt at all she behind bars again for the rest of her life. I cannot wait to see how both her and Jussie's case plays out.

    Best of luck to any and all those in the Hurricane's path! Stay safe!

  20. I could totally see her husband turning on her.

  21. Fucking Jussie Smollett. I hope he remains a cultural joke for all of eternity much like Jared Fogle. Fuck that guy.

    I hope he never works again.

    Saw on the DM today he finally found his battlecry, "But Look At The Evidence!"

    I hate him so much.

  22. Dave Chapelle obliterated Jussie in his new Netflix special. He was the definition of talking nothing about political issues but gave each party credit without being awful. I ended up crying of laughter while watching.

    The whole message to people was : CALM THE FUCK DOWN! It is going to be ok!!! Have a laugh at yourself or how you identify time to time. It is OK. People are allowed to joke.

    I was reading headlines like this was one of the most offensive things ever : he was joking!!! Calm the fuck down LOL

    I a no innocent in the fact I get caught up (hence, commenting on this website). But, demonizing someone you disagree with...YES..even on the is going to be ok. You have come the very same group you hate: bullies.

    But, PEOPLE, it will be ok if people disagree! : D

  23. Hi Brayson. missed your witty comments!!

  24. BRAYSON!!!!!!! Where the hell were you???? I filed a missing persons report!

  25. @Brayson: Jussie is not out of the woods.

  26. @TeeHee: I wonder which one of the intelligentsia decided that traveling by private jet would help their case. They clearly have no ability to discern public opinion. This is much worse than the autograph signing fiasco.

    I love that the judge asked them about alcohol/drugs. It’s obviously to prevent a retrial. Yay her!

  27. Hi Aquagirl, missed you too!

    Hey Sd, thanks!

  28. Hi Sophia! Just vacation then got really busy.

  29. Anonymous10:09 AM

    She's one of those idiots who worships the husband so much that she would rather go to jail than lose the marriage.

  30. Bimbo Becky.. Looney Lori...

  31. Doubt it Daryls, I think she could be a sociopath but also a narcissist who can't see when she has been outranked. I think she'd pitch anyone else to the wolves if it helped her.
