Friday, August 23, 2019

Blind Item #12

I know he likes them young, but it is getting ridiculous. The thing is, he always shows the women off. Don't get me wrong, they are always legal, but it doesn't change the fact there is generally about a 60 year age gap between himself and the women. Plus, the Oscar winner/nominee, is all hands all the time and it is just creepy.


  1. I was thinking Dennis Quaid...

  2. @Sandy.

    The Paw Skank Redemption?

  3. Good for him, you fucking ageist, enty

  4. The Count spakes truth, Enty.
    If it's consensual then tough.

    There's no law against creepy. Not even in Canada.

  5. Voight was my thinking too.

  6. bwahaha Vic exactly or something with his granddaughters

  7. There was a picture of Bill Murray holding hands with Selena Gomez. Maybe him?

    Other old geezers: Nicholson, Pacino, De Niro, Ford, etc.

  8. It’s creepy but if they’re legal then...what can you do.

    Leo DiCaprio: this is your creepy future. Though I’m assuming you still won’t be able to get it up.

  9. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @Two Dots, the thought of Leo having to spend the next four or five decades pushing rope or trying to 'thumb it in' is extremely amusing to think about.

    No amount of jetting about the globe to 'green' summits with his billionaire pederast buddies will make up for the frustration of him having little Leo habitually 'taking a knee when the anthem plays'.

  11. Anonymous11:57 AM

    If each person involved is an adult, who gives a shit?

  12. I thought DeNiro for this one.

  13. Yes, enty has been running a fair amount of blinds concerning De Niro and prostitutes. Who knows if they're actually true but it'd fit in with a pattern.

    Honestly, this could be any older man in Hollywood.

  14. @ redhead 66Look at the age gap of 60 years. NO WAY is Quaid a possibility. You have to have someone mid to late 20 years older older. Quaid is 65, girls are legal this say. His "lovers" would be 5 year old girls according to the blind. Morgan Freeman is 82. Even Deniro is 76 which would make the girls 16 and NOT legal. Even Bill Murray is 68 so a 60 year age gap doesn't work. Do the math. For a 60 year age and the girls to be legal the guy has to be AT LEAST 77/78 doesn't he?

  15. oops sorry for typos

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Enty said "about" a 60 year age gap, not that it was exactly 60 years. It wouldn't work for Quaid or even Murray but it would for people like Nicholson, Pacino, De Niro, Ford, etc. Enty's been known to fudge around, too.

  18. I think it's Freeman or Voight, honestly, with some reflection.

  19. A few years ago, on this blog, it would have been Voight or James Woods. Now, this kind of blind items is always about Morgan Freeman.

  20. It could be Voight if he's that old, but you really rarely see him with women, Freeman always shows off his

  21. If it was James Woods, they probably wouldn't be legal, lol.

    1. Woods member decrease his age by about 15..put a bag over his head though.

  22. Morgan Freeman and his grandaughter was a wrap for many

    1. RIGHT!?!?!? Btw whatever happened to her?

  23. wasnt there a blind reveled recently about diniro in a diner in NYC with a really young woman?

  24. Was watching some documentary about a top quality jewelry store and Morgan Freeman shows up in it as the VIP they're losing their stuff over. And...he has a (max) 17 year old girl in tow.

  25. Would those who don't find a 50/60 year age gap creepy feel the same if the female were the older one and the younger were male?

    Honestly speaking?

    1. In that situation, Samantha, the young dude is almost always gay. Like Martha Raye & Mark Harris.

    2. Yes. Faye Dunaway is 78, so is Martha Stewart and Dionne Warwick. And it would be creepy as hell if any of them were dating Harry Styles, nevermind some of the main cast of Stranger Things just turning legal this year.

    3. Why would it be creepy? Everyone k ows he is gay and there is nothing physical between them, aside from changing depends, and helping her from bathtub to wheel chair.

  26. Dacre Montgomery

  27. un
    known there's a blind with bill murray and selena gomez i think it's called she took one for the team

  28. Sad how some guesses are merely because they are triggered by someone's political persuasion.

  29. When they get that old not much is going to happen. True.

  30. If it was Deniro no one would know if the girl was underage. I give me a group of 15-23 y/o black chicks and i wont guess one age right.

  31. He's horrible and shit person

  32. I think it is a true dedication to the craft of whoring that tender young poon would embrace old floppy cocks and droopy, gray pube clad yam bags.

    1. What a way with words. LOL

    2. Lmao 😂

    3. More than one website has banned me or put all my comments on moderation because my amazing vocabulary nullifies any word filtering software.

  33. @Thorne hahaha Dacre Montgomery.

  34. Quaid is mid 60's and his new girlfriend is 28 (recent pic's of them on holiday in the DM & People). Dennis never learns. He's 65 going on 17.

  35. Fact is, younger women will always date or marry older men, and always will. Money, power,or fame is more important. A successful, famous, or attractive woman wants to keep what she's got. And when they do hook up with someone younger,they end up like Demi Moore, being cheated on and humiliated. Men don't really care, as long as they got some. Or at least made people think they did.

  36. Dennis Quade is hot.

  37. I definitely don't think Pacino. I'm one of his biggest fans and he has certainly never dated anyone 60 years younger than him. He just got out of a 10 year relationship last year and is with a new woman in her 40s. He's also extremely private and keeps quiet about his personal life.

  38. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Everybody's "Woke" Italian Grandpa...Mr. DeNiro.

  39. I'm outraged! it's none of my business but I'm outraged!

  40. As long as they’re of legal age, and are fully in consent, I’m not seeing the problem here.

    Some of you making ageist comments in here are utterly clueless. Just wait till the time you have ahead of you is less than what you have behind you.

  41. @Gen-z99, like it couldn't be Morgan Freeman? And are you counting old Jews as 'white men'? It seems the 'chosen people' can have it both ways. It's all white men's fault when something bad happens but if you dare to call the Jews out suddenly you're being antisemitic. Epstein, Weinstein, Polanski, Woody Allen? Plenty to choose from. So quick to point the finger but are you engaging your brain first?

  42. @ Rome, r u kidding? Everyone here knows what a famous celeb with money serial dater of YOUNG girls is. Yes chasing his youth, yes he can do it, but it kinda doesn't make it any less sad or desperate. If I were gonna do this, hang out with young dudes for sex etc I'd keep it in my bedroom not the pap walk. It makes you looks so desperate. WHAT would a 70 or 80 something have in common with a girl beside screwing a young pu$$, pardon my French? And I even see and get that appeal but it smacks of someone chasing immortality, using his fame and money to get chicks who would otherwise not even say hi in the grocery store line. YES consenting adults, do what you want, but my point is look at Madonna paying Boytoys. We all sorta envy and applaud WHILE we discreetly throw up in our own mouthes.

  43. CJ said - "In that situation, Samantha, the young dude is almost always gay. Like Martha Raye & Mark Harris."

    Why do you think that is?

    kiki71, I don't get it either. People that young look like kids to me. I don't even want to babysit them. I would feel extremely awkward just 'hanging out' with them. (The rest goes w/out saying)

    1. Because the # of men with granny fetishes is minute. You are more likely to find dudes into tranny scat or who bang stuffed animals.

      A gay guy going straight for pay probably doesnt care what an old bag looks like, cause he is a soulless whore, just there for the allowance and inheritance.

  44. How do you know we don't?

    I think this is more about predilection than chronology.

    Rome said - "Some of you making ageist comments in here are utterly clueless. Just wait till the time you have ahead of you is less than what you have behind you."

  45. i thought morgan freeman got MeToo'd

  46. How can anyone say Count Jerkula isn't a valuable contributor?

    1. They are the same type of mental patients who needed safe spaces and coloring books when the Hillary thief lost. Pay them no mind, Hunter.

      All ya need to know is Enty loves me more than them, so he allows me to post on this wonderful website that is filled with rape, incest, sexual abuse and whoring tales.

  47. MeToo isn't a cabal, it's for everyone, it's just a show of support.

    It doesn't prosecute anyone either.

    Dunno what your comment really means BP.

    The press talked about his 17 year old step granddaughter or whatever, before the hashtag; but MeToo was around before the hashtag.


    Hope this helps.
