Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Blind Item #10

This former A-/B+ list infomercial/entertainment show host is even going to be more shocked when she sees who she was dumped for by Mr. Burns this former A+ list talk show host.


MDAnderson said...

Larry king and his wife

MyDogSmiles said...

Larry King

sandybrook said...

his wife does infomercials? Anyway he fits as at least one part of it.

MyDogSmiles said...

Cinnamon Sticker said...

The snark has me LOL :-)

E said...

The intrigue! Who could it be? And what if it's a guy?

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

*rubs hands together* Excellent!

B626 said...

The finger pyramid of evil contemplation:
Feels good!

notthisagain said...

lmaooooo Im not gonna lie I saw the headline this AM and thought...'wait a sec...I thought larry king was dead already....."

Troy Dyer said...

Larry King probably trades her in for a younger model. This o e was what 27 years younger?

Guesser said...

Had trouble posting, sorry if I repeat. Shawn did a lot of middle of the night infomercials. I was wondering if Larry has had a long time SO waiting,led that the boys wanted them to split.

Me Again said...

He is my moms age. So my guess is the person who does the majority of his care taking...

gauloise said...

"Around 2010, Shawn accused Larry of sleeping with her sister"

Trapped said...

He’s too damn old to keep getting married

Guesser said...

@MeAgain,I thought about that as well, but being reminded of his interest in Shawn's sister, that may be why it was written this way.

Hunny Bunny said...

OMG - please let it be Courtney Stodden!!! LOL

momo said...

Lindsay Lohan? :}

sandybrook said...

Both sides of this are saying Larry may have escaped from his crypt but it is close to getting him back. Every pic I have seen of him lately looks like he died already. WTF wants to screw him now? He can barely stand up on his legs, I doubt his dick can do anything at all, so his brats better be watching out for their $$$

Veritas said...

He cheated with her sister before, and she stayed. Probably glad if he left her alone. That would be a perk!

OKay said...

They're both garbage. Larry King is a bonafide piece of shit, but Shawn's earned all the misery life has to offer. I mean, they're perfect for each other.

fuzzygalored said...

i read a couple months back when he had a heart attack, his wife had some shadiness papers to sign that might of involved the line of who inherits property if he dies. basically she was trying to screw her own 2 son's

Fifi LaRue said...

Old dried up dudes like Larry King are everywhere in Cuba with the prostitutes. One good thing is that they can't get it up, and move slowly.

Me Again said...

OMG..the sister is a great guess. Bless their heart, whomever it is that has to consummate a relationship with him.

Hootspa said...

I always remember Shawn singing the "Gilligan's Island" theme song on "It's Garry Shandling's Show." That was pre-Larry.

Freebird said...


Freebird said...


Unknown said...

Probably estate planning. Any loving marriage is probably long over. He, considering his age and health, probably thought it best to continue on the presumption that she would raise the kids and nurse him. Now he's realized that the kids are essentially grown and that it is the paid staff that are taking care of him. By divorcing now he has no child support and can get rid of her for 50% (no prenup) or less (prenup) of the community property.

INMFTG said...

@Sandybrook +1


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