Monday, August 19, 2019

Blind Item #10

This former A+ list rapper filed paperwork to form a tax exempt organization. I think he thinks he is going to funnel everything through this thing and have all his income declared as religious activity.


  1. Replies
    1. Live gospel record as tax write off!

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Isn't the Govt a little more picky about who they give that tax-exempt religion status to now? Thanks Scientology for Fricking it up for everybody lol. Nice try Kanye.

  3. Kris must be guiding him through it. The feds really should investigate them.

  4. There’s no way he won’t be watched, *if* he’s approved. I feel like they’re covertly watching all of that area. There’ve been small military/swat raids going on all over, esp LA for the last’d never know except when a local snaps a pic.

  5. John Oliver proved on his show how easy it is to be declared a "church." But I'm sure there will be an investigation.

  6. i know a couple of people who do this and yes thanks to all the fake religions out there.

  7. The government has been using church fronts to launder drug money forever. Nobody in show biz gets promoted unless a government asset. This titsoon will get approval since it isn't his money anyway.

  8. Hilarious. Now he's "former."
    Which is ridiculous.

  9. Kim has the ear of Trump. She can just call him and get it taken care of.

    Figures that the koven would get involved in making money off religion. The path to hell is paved in gold.

  10. We should start a movement. Instead of kartrashian free month, let's declare 2020 kartrashian free year.

  11. If he gets solid advice, and follows it, he really could have completely clear sailing with this. Just think, after a teensy decade, there will be sincere people who think this really was a real religion They will believe in whatever his doctrine is, and label everyone else as haters.

    In fact, I'll start.

    (Shouting): You are are blasphemous heretical apostates that will never know the wonder that is life ever after with dear Blessed Brother Kanye and our Holy SisterVirgin Kimmie! May your makeup always melt off, your butt be flat, and let it be known that no approved sacred surgeon will ever augment anything on you! Forever, and ever. Amen.

  12. Whose palms did Kris grease now?

  13. Wait a second are you saying I can declare myself a church and never have to pay taxes again?

  14. Kanye OBVIOUSLY had a mental breakdown with his hand in a brace today. Fluffy must have punched a wall, no doubt. And Kimmie looked like death washed over without her usual inch of pancake makeup. She always looks like death when Kanye has one of his schizophrenic episodes. May the IRS investigate them ALL & their $$ laundering soon.

  15. Praise the Lord and pass the hand grenades

  16. So when he said he was Yeezy he might've actually thought so.

  17. Once again, someone is bringing Trump into something that doesn't matter. Congrats.



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