Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Item #1

This former A- list tweener turned A- list adult singer who has spent a lot of time in rehab has done a George Lopez. No, she hasn't dumped a spouse for hookers and strippers but did dump the person who saved her life and is abusing what the person gave her.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, her best friend gave her a kidney.

  2. Selena got the kidney transplant.

  3. Dr Phil? lol. he helped her on his show...

  4. Selena and her kidney. Didn’t George divorce his wife after she donated him an organ?

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM
    xo Dolls

  6. Reports have had Selena abusing that kidney almost from the beginning, so it must be that the donor friend is finally resenting it

  7. She should let me abuse her mouth to atone for abusing the kidney.

  8. Just read about Selena is not speaking to the friend that gave her the kidney, because she told her about her drinking

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Yeah that's the story I heard. The girl who donated the kidney for Selena was not too happy that Selena continued her partying ways. Selena dumped her. What ungrateful louts some of these celebrities are.

  10. Im gonna get her exfriend/kidney donor signed something like an NDA w/HIPPA privacy nuances that forbids her from talking about it. its too bad she cant out Selena for the REAL reason she needed the kidney. ppl dont realize how often coke causes renal issues or outright renal failure

    1. Donor not a Dr/nurse/etc, so there is no HIPPA involved.

      Gotta stay hydrated on stimultants. Keep that stuff flushing through.

  11. Damn right Gen. Gomez has enough cash to buy the kidney of a 3rd worlder, she didnt need charity.

  12. If she dies I will have a nice laugh knowing this.

  13. Someone who got a kidney.

    If someone carries on with self abuse after that huge of a life event, they need to be 5150 for their own good. They clearly have a death wish or cannot control their addiction.

  14. Go on with your bad self, Selena! I've got you down on my Death List, and I need a young one to buck up my numbers. I keep hoping the Beebs will OD soon, because he'd be a good hit, too.

    So yeah, not a lot of sympathy for this chick in my corner of the world.

  15. Anonymous7:13 PM

    honestly did she not think this would happen when she donated you can't change an addict. i bet it was one of her fake fangirl friends she hires and hauls around.

  16. Some people have huge hearts and are eternal optimists, Unknown.

  17. previous blind insinuated that Bieber and Francia were banging behind her back...

  18. Ugh it's so hard to root for Selena
