Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Your Turn

Are fireworks allowed where you live?


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    It's not illegal to sell fireworks where I live it's only illegal to use them.

  2. Not the good ones...gotta run over to Wisco for those. Used to have to do that to purchase liquor on Sundays, too. Criminy!

  3. They are illegal but are being sold in a tent in the Walmart parking lot for whoever wants to buy them and in other outlets like pop-up stores around town. You are supposed to have some kind of permit to buy them, but you don't get checked.

  4. Unfortunately yes, the dogs and cats hate it.

  5. Certain little baby fireworks in Huntington Beach. Lots of major displays everywhere. AND of course the obnoxious pyros who blow them off constantly all month late at night illegally

  6. 2nd 4th of July fireworks are legal in NJ.

  7. No, but who cares. My dad once said if you were there in '45, you don't care for fireworks in '65,'75 or whatever year.

  8. Fun fact you can get shot in the head on holidays like Fourth of July and New Year's Eve when idiots start firing their guns into the air. All those bullets eventually come down, typically in cities.

  9. It was more fun when they were illegal in NJ, people snuck around planning a big display and was worth watching. Now peop!e shoot them off everday.

  10. If any one has ever had the misfortune of being near an improperly situated, i.e., tipped over, "roman candle" fireworks--these are the ones that ejaculate multiple fiery bursts, a bit like flaming bottle rockets, but a ton of them--you'll realize that there's a reason some of this stuff is illegal. Having miniature fireballs redirecting off of houses and bouncing off of tree branches is pretty intense. Oh, and guaranteed the more dangerous and ill-conceived the backyard display, the drunker the master of ceremonies is.

  11. Its not illegal but everyone looks at me funny whenever I burst a fircracker in my living room or bedroom! They tell me to take it outside! And apparently its really unsafe to burst a firecracker in the baby's room or the kitchen! Go figure!

  12. Totally legal here in TN. We are in remote rural area that is humid and damp as hell. No fire hazard for sure. Every gas station is selling them around us. In fact, just about anywhere with a parking lot big enough has a tent pitched. Personally, I love them and have many fond memories.

  13. My city is so fucked, I never know if it’s gunshots or fireworks.

  14. Legal here at least for now. There are restrictions where and when you set them off but those ordinances are rarely enforced.
    You can buy the "safe and sane" ones locally and get fireworks that are duds 40% of the time, or you can go to the nearest rez and get all the really fun stuff. One year at the Chehalis Indian Reservation, one of the native guys was selling M500's that were about the size of a tennis ball and had a large wick coming out of it. I bought one, and when I got to the kegger a few hours later I used it blow up a large stump with gigantic root wad attached.

  15. Yes. Fun when set off after the big local fireworks, but awful when people set them off randomly in the middle of the night the rest of summer.
    My Debbie Downer warning... ages ago now, a friend's older brother, whose wife was pregnant with their second child, died from injuries sustained while checking on a firework that hadnt launched yet from the tube it was in. Even legal fireworks can be dangerous. Please be careful this weekend!

  16. In Las Vegas, it's legal for one week.

    After July 4th, they go back to being illegal.

    And, it's odd how most of the fireworks selling stands are run by Metro police officers!

  17. Heck yes, I live in South Carolina
    We literally don't bother going to the planned fireworks. Much better ones, from any which way you look, on our front porch. Some guns are probably going off, too.

  18. @joeblow sounds like you live in my neck of the woods in MN.

  19. Only on designated holidays like Victoria Day and Canada Day.

  20. Yeah about the guns and bullets in the air. What's up with that? Stop it.
    I'm cat-sitting for a friend on the 4th and hope it's not too intense for Clarabelle. She's a recent rescue and I'm ready with the hugs.

  21. No. I heard today people have been selling real explosives disguised as fireworks and its no ending well

  22. Two years ago they started selling some fireworks and its so jarring to hear out of nowhere. Its not necessary to have firworks in your backyard!

  23. Legal to buy in FL but you have to sign a waiver that you are using them to scare away "pests" like crows.

  24. It is illegal for individuals to make, sell, own or use fireworks in all Australian states. You can apply to the council for a special permit to use them on specific days but you have to have hefty third party insurance and a registered fire safety person on site, so very few bother.

    Virtually all city/town councils hold public fireworks displays several times a year and Sydney Harbour usaully has several small fireworks displays each weekend. If you want a small fireworks display for a private celebration birthday/anniversary etc. you can purchase a display package from a registered fireworks company and they take care of all insurance etc. the displays are then held at designated parks and harbour/river venues approved by councils.

    There was a huge fuss when it was first introduced on safety grounds but everyone is used to it now and there are virtually no emergency hospital or fire situations at all due to accident or hooliganism, it works very well. No pet trauma either as you don't have fireworks going off in the streets.

  25. Unfortunately yes. They can sell it but it's illegal to use them. Logic?

  26. Yes, but I really wish they were banned, or limited to public displays. Sick of hearing them for weeks on end from some of my inconsiderate neighbours.
    Also, I feel sorry for the pets and wildlife.

  27. In South Dakota, they are available during the month of June for anyone living outside of the state. South Dakota residents are only allowed to buy them during the week before the 4th and on the 5th. The city I live in prohibits the use of fireworks, but I always hear them going off. Usually, people around here go out in the country to shoot them off and then leave all their garbage out there when they leave. :(
