Friday, July 26, 2019

Your Turn

The last Friday in July seems a good time to let you plug what you want to plug. Sell what you want to sell. Promote what you would like. Have at it.


  1. Dinner at the Muslim restaurant is Allah carte.

  2. My amazing dog rescue! Miracle German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Maine. Like us on FB, Twitter, and Instagram!
    Your donations are tax deductible - and the dogs are pretty to look at in your feeds!

  3. My niece is an amazing artist. #supportlocalart

  4. Today I would like to promote Common Sense. Spread it far and wide!

  5. I'll plug this site. Enty produces mostly entertaining content and does his best to maintain a (very rare) unmoderated comment space. Not everyone who posts here is awesome, but the site is great. Thanks for doing it.

  6. Check out my Poshmark "closet" for super low prices on current fashion.

  7. I am in the process of opening my own business in Roofing. I am excited and scared at the same time. I’ve run successful businesses in the past but never one for myself.

  8. Good luck, Mooney.

  9. NSFW - Earn some extra money as a cam whore:

    Or just spend money on tokens and masturbate to cam whores/couples/trannies:

    20% of cash spent goes to me, which I will donate to single moms, troubled young women, and hard up strippers I meet in real life.

    As always, nood pix/vids welcome in my inbox:

  10. I would like to promote the idea of free lunches and breakfasts for all school children, in all states. Children need to eat and ending the paperwork, tracking, involved for charging children would save money.

  11. Forgiveness. ❤️ My aunt and her best friend of many decades had a major falling out a few years ago. I kept trying to convince my aunt to mend bridges, but she refused. She died 6 months ago, and the friend showed up at both the wake and the funeral. She was devastated, not only about my aunt’s death, but the fact that my aunt ended the friendship so abruptly. The friend’s husband just passed away, so I am going to attend the memorial service tomorrow.

  12. Buy some Commercial Real Estate!

    Oh, it's already in my name!


  13. Captain Robert April on YouTube, a poor man down on his luck who is a part of The Fandom Menace.

  14. Knaggs Guitars.

  15. I am greedy toady. RecTec pellet grills.

  16. Thanks, Enty.

    Please check out my band the Dropkicks:

    Instagram: @dandydropkicks

    Thanks again!

  17. Good luck with your new business, Mooney!

    I'll put out a plug for my favorite singer, Cassandra Wilson - jazz artist, there's no one else quite like her. Been about 5 years since her last recording, but she teased a new project on FB this week, with a clip of her and her band performing a traditional blues song "John The Revelator", which was made famous by Blind Willie Johnson in the 1930s.

  18. Love your children people.
    And if you don't have your own, consider
    Becoming a Foster Parent!

  19. I have a new album out you can listen to it on Spotify. Alt Country/ Rock/ Folk is the genre they picked for me.
    Here is the new album link:

    Used to be in a tribal style jam band back in the 90s. Here is what we are famous for:

    Thanks have a great night!

  20. Best of luck to all with these creative, charitable and industrious projects!

  21. Well, why not. I co-write a number of murder mystery novels (and a few historical topics) on Amazon. Our motto: “We only ask you to buy our books, you don’t have to read them!”

  22. Science Friday on NPR.

  23. I don't have anything.

    I feel like a lazy fucker now compared to you lot of thrusting go getters and creative types.

    Ah well.

    Oh and best of luck Mooney. Hope it goes well and you have an eavesy time of what I did there? 'Eavesy'? Eaves + easy? A roofer? Geddit?....oh suit yourselves....gits....😠

  24. The World’s Only 100% positive television network is available for FREE! Download our channel for Roku, Fire TV or subscribe to our YouTube. Your only solution to negative corporate controlled profit fueled media is the #1 information chammel in the universe, INFOCHAMMEL! “More information, Less grimfirmation”
    Subscribe today- It’s FREE!
    Start your day a better way with INFOCHAMMEL!

  25. Please use your local library. People believe they aren't relevant anymore. Most public libraries offer, downloadable e and audio books, DVDs, and databases in addition to books. Plus activities for all ages. If you are on a tight budget, your local library can save you $$. I don't have cable. I get on the wait list for Game of Thrones, and when the season I want comes in, I can check it out for 3 weeks. The DVD collection in our local system is HUGE! They have TV shows, movies, cartoons, foreign films, documentaries, etc. If you are looking for an older film or tv show, try your local library.

  26. I would like to once again tout the vast assortment of 1960s/70s sexploitation films available on Prime. Smoking hot women w/ natural tits and bush. Rosie the Riveter would enjoy these, especially women in prison fare like The Big Bird House, Sweet Sugar and Savage Island. If anyone wants other recommendations, let me know.

    My only issue is with Prime itself. My Fire tablet told me a number of films, other genres too, were no longer available, so i deleted them from my watch list, but them on my tv, films showed up and were watchable. They need to let you make folders for the watch list, so you dont have to root around through 100 things.

  27. I’d like to promote gender equality! We’re trying to get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified in Virginia so it can be the last state needed to get it into the Constitution. 38 states are needed, 37 have ratified. Learn more at!

  28. My friend in Atlanta recently started a nonprofit called Just Love More to help addicts find services to help them right their addictions. He helps people all over the country. He also educates people about how to use Narcan. It's beautiful work.

  29. Well Count posted two so I will also. Folks in the NYC area check out singer Greg Humphreys.

  30. Some lovely, kind and talented people on here. Best of luck everyone!

  31. My friend in Atlanta helps people FIGHT addictions, not right them. Darn touch screen.

  32. Matinee Opera Players. Led by Maestro Mario Laurenti. He's 98 years old and his pedigree is spine tingling. We perform 4/5 times yearly, Sunday at 3:00PM at the Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center. Our website is *OK*, but FB is lovingly
    Thank you.

  33. My channel


  34. A critical look at the strange synchronicities in our world that point to us existing inside of what I call the Saturn Time Cube Simulation.

    Email me at

    Bath and body and home products with an erotic flare
    Signature bathbomb is the Manaconda

  36. I am coming out with one of the most controversial books of all time. Virtual reality, AI, time loops, CERN, the end of the world, and many other topics will be discussed as we dive deep down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory. We will take a critical look at the strange synchronicities in our world that point to us existing inside of what I call the Saturn Time Cube Simulation. If this tin foil hat nonsense sounds like something you're interesting in, please email me at!!!

  37. I was gifted some beautiful candles by a friend for Christmas. When I looked up the maker of said-candles, they are in NZ and won't ship overseas. Why won't they do that? I would totes buy them on the regular if they did. Not sure what they put in them but they are way better than anything I've bought here in the US and have an indie type look to them.

  38. Do you struggle with BOOB SWEAT!?!?

    Then you need Swoobie! For sweaty boobies. :D

    Swoobie is an absorbent and disposable bra liner for boob sweat. It adheres to the inner bra cup, laying at the crease of the breast to sucks up boob juice like a slim diaper for your glistening tatas.

    Sign up for product notifications or sample testing at

    It's the tits!!

  39. Jerkula - I do love how you look out for at-risk women, you crack me up.

    And Mooney - good luck with your business!! I left my real job just over a year ago to launch Swoobie for sweaty boobies (I mean seriously wtf) and I've never been happier.

    It's really hard and I hope you find success! It's very rewarding.

  40. @Anna anonymous. We spend time in NZ each year if you want me to check out posting those candles for you. Let me know details.

    Good luck with your endeavours everyone. My wish, besides the NHS getting more funding, is that people adopt, not shop, when they get a pet.

  41. My sister makes awesome t-shirts and stuff:

  42. oh (nevermind)
    For the mariner machanic. Four fresh-water boats for sale. 1 is sea-worthy as-is. The other 3 require some TLC but are in good shape!
    e-mail for info

  43. Thank you Mr. Ent Lawyer. This was kind of you.

    OK here's mine.

    Please donate to your local food bank. No one should go hungry.

    Please light a candle. There are many who shiver in the dark.

  44. Anna Nonymous: you might try Etsy...maybe wouldn't have those, but something similar. Lot of artists and artisans on Etsy could really use the $ too.

  45. @countjerkula My BF and I are obsessed with watching these. They have them on Tubi as well. It all started with Sorceress. Then went from there. Graveyard Tramps, Forbidden World, The Lost Empire, Streetwalking, Incubus,it just keeps going. Last night was Naked Vengeance. But Tubi has way more I think than Amazon

  46. Tell me lies, some of my faves are Nashville Girl, Gas Pump Girls, Truck Stop Women, The Baby Sitter, Teenage Tramp and The Curious Female.

    The star of Nashville Girl did a softcore porn called Southern Comforts that i found on a porn tube site, via a google search, but i havent watched it yet.
