Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Your Turn

Easiest class you had in school.


  1. History of Rock and Roll

  2. I don't know, there were so many I slept through and was still able to get A's, it's hard to say. Various art classes were the more enjoyable though. You got to make cool stuff and as long as you gave the art teacher some flowery dramatic explanation of the art they'd give you good grades no matter how awful it was.

  3. Latin, only because my mom, her dad, and his siblings all spoke fluent Italian around me since I was born. It was easy to conjugate root words. Latin IV as a senior in high school was a joke - it was me, the teacher, and one other student.

  4. College - Research writing. Had to do 3-5, 6-8 and 8-10page papers, then your best 3 would be used for final grade, AND you could hand in papers done for other classes. All i had to do for the class was add a source to a 6-8pg paper. Handed in a 3-5 & 6-8, then a 2 paragraph extra credit deal for 8-10. Professor was all like "WTF?" And i took the papers out of his hands, then started to put them on his desk. "A. A. F. use these 2 for my final grade and put this one in the trash." He looked at me dumfounded. "How long have you been doing this? Am i really the first and only person to figure this out?" I got no answer, but i got an A. Hardest part was showing up to class.

  5. High School- Typing
    College- Organizational Leadership

  6. Principles of Management

  7. Our PE class had surfing. So PE I guess.

  8. Geography...its basically the memory game of where country's go!

  9. Toss up drama or sociology.

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Art appreciation.

  11. I always loved my Psych and Sociology classes. That was not work for me.

  12. "Posture and sitting" - LOL, I am not kidding. I was a nursing major and 95% of our classes were selected for us, as in required. This one the one required PE credit of two (swimming was the other). If TPTB had renamed the class "body mechanics" - as in using physics to lift and move patients properly, the class would have made sense. Nope - i felt like I was back in the 60s with leotards and flowers in my hair.

  13. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Mixed Choir, Drama, and Percussion. Anything on a stage.

  14. Mass Media. We literally watched cartoons. High school in the early 80s!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I recently met a university student/stripper. When I contacted her she was apoplectic because she had to turn in a paper in 3 days and she didn't understand the question. I quickly deciphered the question and she asked me to write the paper. I wrote it. She was over at my place and couldn't even type it in because she couldn't understand my cursive. I typed it in at which point she agreed to have sex. She got 85%. If I had done another part of the question, but couldn't because of time constraints, she would have gotten 98%.

    My point? Composition.

  17. It's a tie between Art History and Music Appreciation.
