Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Your Turn

Clubs you belonged to in high school.


  1. I don't do clubs or cliques.

  2. None.

    I hated High School and everyone there.

    I deleted my Facebook years ago because too many former "Classmates" wanted to "Friend" me.

    They didn't want to be my Friend, then; I don't want them as Friends now.

    1. I hate my high school too, I made a bunch of friends there but right now I don't talk to any of them. I just made comments on their social life.

  3. The smoking weed in the field club; the drama club; also played all sports

  4. Physics, French and Speech. Super geek.

  5. Fight Club. Damn i broke the rule.

  6. Enty has reruns this summer.

  7. Newspaper
    Girls Tennis Team

  8. Here in the states I was not member of any club. Either in the country where I'm from lol. It was a public high school so that doesn't exist there. Only the rich high school have bands, clubs, bunch of things. I was mean, rude and kinda of trouble maker but I was a good student 😉

  9. Pep Club, French Club I think there were others but I am old and I never really belonged to any group full on. I could hang with everyone and did. Served me well in my life.

  10. Beta Club
    Key Club
    Dancing Dolls
    Played basketball, baseball and ran track

  11. Student Council, Thespian Society, National Honor Society
    I had friends from all the groups- heads, geeks, and jocks.

  12. We had sororities & fraternities at my high school. Off campus I was involved in Kappa and on campus I was with Sigma. I was also a cheerleader & on the gymnastics team.

  13. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Tri-Hi-Y. It was supposed to be YMCA affiliated christian club, but nobody cared about that: it was a club for all the guys who got stoned.

    I was the school nerd and was relentlessly bullied, until I told my mom I had tried smoking pot and she said "If you're going to do that, I'd rather you did it at home"

    Overnight I became the most popular kid in the 10th grade. My former tormentors became my best buds.

    There would be seven or eight cars lined up in front of my house before school, everyone in my basement bedroom getting high before school.

    I stopped smoking pot years ago and also skipped my 50th HS reunion. No interest at all.

  14. Oh no. Mama wasn't having any of that. It was straight home every day after school for me and no social life of my own choosing at all until I walked out six days after my 18th birthday. I've had one hell of a social life since then, but I still have yet to ever join a club...

  15. Ugh I tried to get away with not joining any clubs at all but my parents started to ride my ass because of college applications so I joined something, I forget now what it was called - young leaders or something, where I sat in the back, tried not to be noticed and most definitely did not lead. And theater.

  16. the kool kids klub, of course
