Friday, July 12, 2019

Your Turn

Who has the best fast food french fries?


  1. The best way to communicate with a fish is to drop them a line.

  2. The list said Mickey D's. I like beer battered fries best so if there is a chain with them, that's the one.

  3. Haven't had them in a long time, but Chik-fil-a's waffle fries are the best. Too bad they're owned by homophobic Jesus freaks.

  4. Replies
    1. Del Taco is quite good. 2nd place in my book. 1st goes to Mc Donalds. Third=Der wienerschnitil

  5. They're sort of gross, but Arby's Curly Fries are delicious.

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM


  7. Hard to choose for me, its between McDonald's and Wendy's

  8. McDonald's...but only if they are fresh and hot.

  9. McDonalds, hands down

    For us who have access to Sonic, their Toys are mighty tasty

  10. Rallys/Checkers are pretty damn good.

  11. Burger King. Whoever first had the idea to add breading to french fries should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize.

  12. Anonymous10:29 AM

    No idea. It's been years (over a decade) since I ate fast food.

  13. Not as good as they used to be, but a fresh batch at McDonald's is still pretty great. I also like Hardee's/Carl Jr's. Thankfully, I can usually skip the fries

  14. McD's has taken a step down. I will go with Wendy's.

    BK through 3 different overhauls are still the worst. If the Whopper wasnt so good, the chain would fold.

  15. I do, I do mine in my air fryer, comes out perfect..

  16. McDonald's fries were, are, and always will be the best in my book.

  17. McDonald's are my absolute favorite

  18. The time delay on posts getting approved is a bit ridiculous. I mean, I get it, but geez. It's already killing the site.

  19. Tough one!

    McDonald's did for a long, long time.

    In-n-Out also were good until they started to use smaller potatoes.

    Right now, I don't think any do.

  20. 5 Guys.

    There is no second place.

  21. It's hard to pick! I like Wendy's, McDonald's, Arby's and Chik fil A's fries!

  22. Taco Bell's Nacho Fries

  23. Anonymous11:48 AM

    It used to be McDonald's until they changed their oil, now I'd say Whataburger.

  24. The only real french fries are made by In-N-Out
    Everybody else is making shit... potato mash + chemicals forced into a fry shape then fried, then frozen, then refried at your local Burger King (mcd's, Taco Bell, etc)

  25. popeye's Cajun fries

  26. Wing Stop. too bad cheesegrater15 is a psychotic Christianphobe, Heterophobe satanist

  27. McDonalds or Chik Fil A waffle fries.

  28. Tommy's in So Cal.

  29. Jennifer-- Argh! Bc they aren't "traditional" French fries, I forgot about Rally's, but those would be my fave!

    Five Guys could be fab, but the local one makes them too mushy

    Candy Crowley, you rock, and thanks for bringing the punny joy every time you appear!😁

    My tribute to you and this Your Turn-- Did you know the original French fries weren't made in France? They were made in Greece (grease)!😊

    General do they make waffle fries (shape/cut)? 😕

  30. Five Guys, hands down!

  31. Five Guys fries are limp & gross. Freddy's fries are the best, but they're mostly just in the midwest.

  32. Smashburger, for the win.

    Freddy's second place

  33. McD’s or Freddy’s
    (I recently found out if you request “extra crispy” fries @ Raising Canes & Chick-Fil-A, they will be golden brown & crispy)

  34. McDonald's. One of the earliest McD's was in my hometown -a 'burb of Chi-town. They had an actual 'chef',with hat and apron, behind glass flipping the burgers. This would have been 1968ish.
    It was a popular hangout after grammar school and on THEE day I had been evicted from the joint for general goofery, my mother sent me (and middle sister)to get 'dinner' for the family. I wore a scarf and everything but a moustache as a disguise.
    Thank god for shift changes.
    uhh, yeah McD's fries always.

  35. @James - what does satin fabric have to do with anything? I doubt that makes good fries. :D

  36. 5 Guys hands down the best

  37. McD's used to be terribly awful, kind of like hot salty greasy worms. Then they went GMO. Since that day they've tasted like stringy cardboard.

    Burger King used to be disgusting but someone brought me fries from BK and they were very good.

    I'd prefer McD's if they got their act back together. The people voting McD's must have a chain with a better supplier. I thought Simplot supplied all their spuds.

  38. Vita I would assume they slice the potato and then use a metal press to get that shape.

  39. You guys are killing me with the Five Guys references. I hear they are amazing. I'm allergic to peanuts, so I've never been. :(

    @Samanatha - yes. I have probably 5 McDonald's within 2 miles of my house, but there is one that is the BEST. So it very well could be chain specific.

    1. 5 Guys fries are the best, the peanut oil has to be the reason. Sorry about your allergy

  40. Thia I'm glad there are still some good McD's out there.

  41. I meant to say above: terribly, awfully, good, not terribly awful. The really indulgent grease and salt were part of its appeal.

  42. They are called chips you pig ignorant savage and the best are from the Grimsby chip shop near welford road.

  43. Is this a trick question?

    Bring a pound of potatoes to any Scottish granny. Done.

    But remember...

    Wipe your feet outside the door, or she'll brain you with her chip pan.

    Leave her a thank-you gift--some nice chops or a bird to roast--and she'll have you back.

  44. Of course home fried or cooked or baked spuds are the best but that wasn't the question :p

  45. McDonald's fries used to be THE BEST. I don't know what's happened, but they are so not the best anymore. Actually, the best are from a little donair shop we went to last night (OMG SO GOOD!). But I bet you're looking for a chain, Enty, so I will say that Wendy's fries are excellent.

  46. If you go to In N Out, ask for your fries "well done". Otherwise they're kind of limp. Unlike The Count, I'm certain.

  47. In 'n' Out fries are a bit bland, imo. The cheese fries are "okay" but really it's like "American cheese" slices microwaved and hardened into a lump with the fries trapped inside it. It's like a potato geological expedition, trying to spelunk them back out of there.

    I'd love a chain that served fries by anyone's granny.

    Well my grannies did not make fries/chips. My auntie made me a pan of home fries once. They were the best I ever tasted.

    There used to be a fad with fries in a paper cone and a choice of 2 or 3 dips. That was a nice trend. I'm a fries person. It's not so on trend now. Hard to find a nice fry/chip now.



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