Thursday, July 11, 2019

Your Turn

Fastest speed you have driven a car/motorcycle.


  1. Wolfie says all these earthquakes are God’s way of punishing us heathens.

    But I say it’s the San Andreas fault.

  2. Tricia cant drive anymore- she might not guess first if she is behind the wheel and life would be OVER.

    1. You couldnt drive a tricycle if you tried, I'm sure. On and off long term reader, also sick of this stupid BS...please do...quit your day job, especially if it is wasting a random gossip sites comment feed.

  3. Car 110, motorcycle 100.

  4. Sux to be a basic white bitch, huh Kristin? It’s enough to drive a Kristin insane. Corvette 140. Harley Davidson 100.

  5. Probably only something like 85 in a car. Never drove a motor cycle.

  6. 125mph in a 2006 Prius. raced a truck & I won 🙃

  7. @dontquit

    Eric, do you have a shrine in your closet dedicated to Tricia? The obsession is real.

  8. 145mph in car, 110mph on bike. Don’t ride a bike no more and don’t go over 90 now. Get older get scareder (sic)

  9. I know that a rental mustang governs out at 136. Found that out around the NV CA border.

  10. 110 miles an hour, I loved the rush and was happy the interstate was practically empty..
    Loved it and never did it again, oh to be young

  11. Car 120
    Motorcycle 115
    Passenger in a car 150

    1. But on which were you doing your thing with a lady? Passenger in car would most likely be safest...but motorcycle a helluva lot funner!!

  12. You're funny @DontQuitYourDayJob

  13. All I'm going to say is that I would like to thank the states of MA, RI and CT for not having any staties on the road that evening.

  14. In 1975 at 2AM, west Jacksonville to east Tallahassee, average speed was 123 mph in a Ferrari Dino

  15. Needle of my Dad's 67 Chevy Malibu rested at 120 for three miles.

  16. Car - 105. As a passenger on a motorcycle, 115.

    @notthisagain - yes, he does. And he's currently figuring out how to make a skin suit a la Silence of the Lambs.

  17. On a public road out in the desert: 97 MPH downhill in our old Subaru!

    At Las Vegas Motor Speedway in a NASCAR Race Car: +/-150 MPH (I was a passenger. They wouldn't let me drive!)


  18. Riding passenger with Mario Andretti
    180 MPH in Indy Car ride-along 2-seater, Indianapolis (2017)

    Driving myself:
    182 MPH in a NASCAR Chevy Monte Carlo in the Busch Series (currently Xfinity Series) at Daytona (1999)

    Riding passenger:
    190 MPH in Rolex 24 at Daytona Chevy Corvette Competition Pace Car (2000)

    Um, I avoid murdercycles for a reason...

  19. 135 in a 280z .... We would drive it on the I10 with the lights out as fast as it would go. At about 130 the front end started shaking, so we didn't push it as a rule. AT 100 it was smooth sailing@! I was crazy and about 17 in 79 or so but whenever I hear Rush or The Cars, I remember. Whooo

  20. 187 mph Ford Probe GT with Stock performance chip installed.

  21. 120 mph in my Alfa Spider; top down.

  22. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Driver of the car 100. Three wild child girls (age 16) SUCCESSFULLY outran/outmaneuvered/outdrove a police car because we were underage, drinking with open containers of beer. Now you know why I never expected to grow old in this lifetime. As a crazy teenager I wanted to live my life like James Dean. The universe had other plans and thankfully allowed me to live long enough to grow up and act like a responsible adult.

    As a passenger 125+ with the son of a professional race car driver driving.

  23. As a driver, a nudge past 140mph around 3am up the M1 in my dad’s Jag.

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    110 on Interstate 10 across the open desert. It was great fun, but I'm too old for that now!

  25. 110 plus Car need was stuck.

  26. 125 blasting out of Vegas with motorhead's riding with the driver at full volume ..good times

  27. Motorcycle - 165 on the autobahn.

    Car - 110 in Oregon desert

    Closest almost death - Missed a cow by 2 feet on a New Mexico highway at 1am doing 105 in a Jeep Cherokee. That would have been bad.

  28. I hit 165 in an RS6 on I95 in CT.... could have gone even more but i looked down and saw the number and bugged out.
    It was like being in a warp tunnel.... crazy
    Got to 180 as a passenger in a porsche 911 turbo with mad work on it.
    Not something i could probably do again

  29. i drove 165 in an RS6. looked down and saw the speedometer and let go of the gas, otherwise i would have kept going lol
    as a passenger 180 in porsche 911 turbo modified.
    no motorcycles for me

  30. Passenger on motorcycle - 150 mph

  31. I once did 120 on the 10 East from Santa Monica to Downtown in a Toyota Twin Turbo. It was like 7:00 AM on a Sunday morning.

  32. 103 on open highway, wasn't trying to push it, just trying to get to point B with good music on!

  33. 80 on the Wll Rogers Tollway in Oklahoma.
    Otherwise, 60 in Kansas City in Rush Hour in the Rain in the Dark.

  34. 155 Motorbike, about 135 in a car

  35. 155 mph in a Porsche Carrera 4 with the top down on the (German) Autobahn.

  36. 136 car -121 Kawasaki 750 triple 2 stroke and scared to death

  37. 110 in a Prelude on an empty road in Texas.

    My friend's car with her windsurfer board strapped to the top. We were on a cross-country drive when she moved back to LA from Montreal. Anyway, the nose of the board wasn't strapped down and the air lifted the board up and sent it sailing straight back. It then veered to the median. If a car had been behind us, someone would have been decapitated. We were so lucky! Only damage was the driver side window was broken when the strap broke loose. I still remember the safety glass pebbling all around me.



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