Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Suicide

This one has a lot of moving parts. It also shows you how everything all ties together. Back when the billionaire pedophile was first being investigated, There was someone who was really worried. He was a foreign born A+ list photographer in his own country. This guy was a legend. As big as you could get in the art photography world at the time. He was also someone who not only photographed underage models for the pedophile but also recruited underage models who came to him. He is the one who found one of the top models/recruits ever. The beer one. He used his daughter to do so and the beer one and the daughter are still great friends. The photographer? He didn't want anything to touch his legacy or have his family know what he had done, so he killed himself. 


  1. Replies
    1. Daphne Guinness for the friend but she’s nit a model as far as I know?

  2. That's the only name that came to my mind, Tricia, but 1994 seems a little early.

  3. Pamela Anderson? Didn't she get her start doing Canadian beer ads?

  4. Replies
    1. Famous art photos of young girls but not sure if he had a daughter(was married)

  5. This BI reminds me what the fuck is Uncle Terry doing these days? Is his ass sitting in jail?

  6. Bob Carlos Clark

  7. This sounds like Terence Donovan. Massive UK photographer. But he killed himself in 96.

  8. This actually sounds realistic and OG Enty. Phew. I can't have another stroke. Thankyou Enty

  9. Terrence Donovan? He committed suicide in 2006.

    1. I mean 96. Bob Carlos Clarke killed himself in 2006.

  10. Beckham's super-talented photographer son?

  11. Idk about "realistic" Rosie but definitely more plausible and interesting than a lot of other blinds we've been getting recently.

  12. Plausible is a way better word, you're right

  13. Scratch Donovan, Clarke fits the timeline.

  14. After doing some research, I think this is Bob Carlos Clarke.. he was know for erotic photos.

  15. Yep. This sounds more like Clarke to me now...

  16. Daphne Guinness is 51, making her and she's been in fashion since the 90's, and has walked for Tom Ford and Alexander McQueen, though she's a designer and more associated with her personal fashion than as a model She was raised in multiple countries, including Ireland.

    Bob Carlos Clarke was born into a wealthy family in Ireland and became an acclaimed art photographer, called "the British Helmut Newton". He specialized in erotic art, killed himself in 2006, and has one daughter. An interview with his daughter included this passage," She keeps boxes of her father’s original prints and shows me her favourites: candid, flashbulb shots of teenagers kissing and having sex in a club in the early 1990s. ‘I remember him saying he’d save these in a fire,’ she says."

    No clue how this would fit together, but maybe someone else here does...

  17. +1 Tricia to David Hamilton, he klled himself more recently 2016, so the timeline fits

    "British fashion photographer David Hamilton, after several women accused him of raping them when they were prepubescents, culminated when he took his own life last month."

  18. Stella Tennant for the model? Tennants is a brand of beer?

  19. Unrelated to present topic, but I think Ann Coulter reads CDAN or is friends with ENTY. She just said publicly what has been on this blog since I started reading it 2+ years ago.

  20. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Seems all the in the know A and A+ celeb friends of Eppie are on vacation right now from hellywood cuz they know what's going down on the west coast and this will give take the heat away from them by way of " distraction"

  21. @Bec,considering he involved his daughter in his erotic photography it isn't much of a stretch to cross the line to child porn. Rachel Dietz and Dita Von Teese were in his most famous photos. I'm not sure which model,he is credited with discovering,but it is likely she was famous at a young age.

  22. @Heather, I don't think she needs to read this site to think that. It's kind of common sense.

    1. Unless you're talking about the part where she said that she thought a foreign country was bankrolling Epstein, something I don't recall a single blind on.

  23. Stella Tennant is a brilliant insight. That part stumped me.

  24. Hi Cee - don't know what you're talking about because all the Epstein shit is going down on the EAST coast.

    Epstein's Florida digs, Southern District of NY court... wtf is happening on the west coast? nothin

  25. I drink Tennants as a carry out.

    Not Tennants Super though, that's the breakfast of tramps.

  26. It's not just Ann
    Everyone called us crazy conspiracy theorists but these investigations have been going on for a long time....
    pizzagate wasn't really about a pizza parlour in was a "gate" and also went by the names of pedogate, pedowood, clintongate….

  27. @J why even take time to post something as lame as that - next time you feel the urge just go to the bathroom instead and don't post your stupid shit here

  28. I think a lot of A listers are looking for new digs in a country with no extradition treaty of at least lower age of consent.

  29. Who exactly called Epstein a crazy conspiracy? This site is acting like only enty and their own selves, the few intepid souls, had anything to say on Epstein when people knew about his activity for YEARS. NONE of this is new. Everyone knew he was a underage sex trafficker with powerful friends, including the Clintons. I can easily find articles on it. Everyone knew he probably had blackmail material. This isn't some amazing vindication.

    1. Exactly. Epstein's black book contacts have been online for years.

      It has also been assumed that JE gets his inflow of $ from providing girls to other ped0s and blackmail. And Epstein in no way validates "pizzagate".

    2. In fact, I don't remember Pizzagate ever talking about Epstein. They were more concerned with Hollywood.

  30. @Unknown,wrong. Pizzagate started from John Podesta's Wikleaks leaked emails that included weird conversations about food, that appears to be a code. Cheese pizza is supposed to be code for child pornography ( ch and p first letters) . The Hollywood connection was indirect. But remember Kevin Spacey handing out cheese pizza to paps and reporters? I think he knows the code.

  31. Not sure David Hamilton had a daughter??

  32. I can't believe Terry Richardson never got indicted for the stuff he would pull..

  33. Antony Armstrong-Jones, Princess Margaret's ex?

  34. I think it’s Bob Carlos Clarke, Scarlett Carlos Clarke, and either Daphne Guinness or her daughter Ines Sophia Niarchos?

  35. It's Bob Carlos Clarke.
    His daughter Scarlet Carlos Clarke is friends with Rachel Chandler Guinness.
    Ray Chandler is Alison Mack x 100 according to Qanon.

  36. It gives one pause to recall the “heroin chic” phase of modeling, where models were all tiny, pale, and hairless.

  37. @HS Oh dang. Didn’t think of ray as a Guinness. Only started going down that rabbit hole and it didn’t click right away. Thanks!

  38. I’m waiting for the Law & Order SVU episode, with Elliott Gould as Jeffrey Epstein and the real villain is revealed to be alt-right troll Mark Crankovich, played by John Malkovich. John Travolta guest stars (reprising his Primary Colors role) as Bill Clinton, and Kevin Spacey as himself.

  39. @HS +1 PERFECT!!
