Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Sold

All of the sales made the news, but they were buried in with more juicy tidbits. The sale of catalogs and everything to do with the estate has quietly been sold in return for the cash. Why? About a decade ago it was confirmed through a DNA test performed by a relative, that the long presumed sole heir of a permanent A++ lister was not actually the biological child of the A++ lister. She was the result of an affair the mom had with someone else. In order to try and make all claims against the estate harder to recover damages, everything was sold and the money transferred to multiple shell corporations.


  1. Replies
    1. And Frances Bean?? She looked like both he and Courtney though

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bean has her own money from Kurt's will not her. Somebody else.

  4. Both Bean and Love sold properties late 2018 they had inherited
    This is Cobain. Love was and is a ho

  5. I can buy Anderson Cooper he wasn't left anything, right?

    1. I think he got nearly everything sandy?

  6. Actually today's news says exactly the opposite, he got everything. But Bean has always lived off Kurt's estate and paid Courtney when she needed it from that money.

  7. Kurt cobain is permanent A++ ? Could this be one of MJ’s kids?

    1. None of MJ’s kids are biologically his.

  8. Yeah I just posted that from this mornings news.

  9. What difference does it make? If the guy believed and accepted her as his daughter and left her everything in the will, unless it was deliberate fraud, I don't know that there's much of a case to dispute the will.

  10. Replies
    1. Good guessπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

  11. Cooper got property. So like the blind said the businesses were put elsewhere.

    1. It says “she was the result “ of.....

  12. I'm thinking Lisa Marie Presley

    1. She looks just like Elvis and so does her son. Francis Bean looks just like Kurt, not her either. This is all just bs.

  13. Lisa Marie Presley was my first guess as well, @Nubian

  14. The CNN anchor, 52, will inherit all of her property except for a Midtown Manhattan, N.Yco-op, which is going to Vanderbilt’s eldest child, Leopold “Stan” Stokowski, according to documents obtained by Page Six. Middle brother Chris Stokowski is estranged and inherits nothing, the will said. Carter Cooper, Anderson’s older brother, took his own life in 1988.

    Vanderbilt, who died June 17 of stomach cancer at age 95, was estimated by Page Six to be worth $200 million, though a source close to the family said that number was “wildly inaccurate” and that the value of the estate was closer to $1.5 million.

  15. Could explain why Lisa is completely broke can't it? Not that she gave it all to $cio.
    Or spent it on drugs.

  16. But she looks exactly like Elvis

    1. Yes. Not Lisa.

      She's spent tons on divorce and custody fight.

  17. LMP son looks like Elvis also

  18. Alf we were both wrong, the child is a "she".

  19. LM Presley looks too much like Elvis not to be his.

  20. I missed that. Then it is Pressley. Still Cooper didn't really get that much -not $200 million at least

  21. Lisa Marie Presley is the sole heir, and you know the king had real bastards all over the place who would fight her. And that sh!t is sold now.

  22. Lisa Marie and Francis Bean look exactly like their Dads. I think it is more recent anyway. Look for someone who might be liable in a lawsuit.

  23. Lisa Marie looks exactly like Elvis. And Bean does look like a wacky mix of Kurt and Court. Who could this be?

  24. Also in addition to gender, "catalogs" suggest a musician.

    To be honest I always thought Elvis would have had a prettier daughter.

  25. how can anyone doubt Lisa-Marie is not Elvis' child. They are identical, you're all crackers! It's Bowie's daughter Alexandria from his marriage to Iman.

  26. Bowie has a son so she’s not seen as a sole heir.

  27. @London Girl - Bowie had other children, so Alexandria is not his sole heir.

  28. Lisa-Marie looks like any of the typical trailer trash you can find in MS or TN.

    1. Exactly. I've been told I look exactly like my grandfather. I'm not blood related to him. Folks see what they want to see.

  29. The estate of Gloria Vanderbilt is being exaggerated both up and down. No way was she worth so little. Remember all the stories about how she wouldn't leave Anderson anything? She inherited money from her husband,not as much as people think,but she sold the means and perfume name for a large amount. Her art collection is worth more than 1.5 million.

  30. Graceland hasn't been sold off. Not Lisa Presley. Cary Grant's daughter? A President's daughter?

  31. Michael Hutchenese INXS ?

  32. Michael Hutchen from INXS only had 1 daughter - although A++ is being waaay to generous

    1. Also it was Blind a few days ago.... well he was. No mention of foreign born .,but maybe Enty throwing off the scent

    2. That's a great guess too! But did Hutch owe any catalogs to sell? Lilly is a sole heir.

    3. He'll always be A+++++ to me!

    4. Tiger Lily looks so much like him, though.

  33. Also,Lisa -Marie was conceived on or about the wedding night,with Priscilla a V virgin,supposedly. I could see people accusing Courtney of cheating,but Sam Luffti could have sent the blind. Wild guess,Bobby Kristina? We know the greedy Houston clan would love that!

  34. Chelsea "Hubble" Clinton fits the second part.

  35. Could it be Joan and Melissa Rivers? It doesn't say the DNA test was done after the celeb was dead. And Joan is permanent A++, and was worth a lot of $$$$

  36. The A++ is the father. Joan is no A++ either

  37. Got to be Kurt Cobain by process of elimination then...

  38. Tricia, do you EVER STFU ?

    1. Kristin We are all wondering the same thing about you ,poor thing that you are .

  39. @Jenn B, none of those fuckers have MJ’s DNA.

  40. Get your children paternity tested, no matter their age. They could be mine or Count's, married women never ask for condoms or child support. ;)

  41. Michael/Paris Jackson?

    1. None of MJ’s children are his bio children but they are his legal heirs so it wouldn’t matter. Who thinks any of his kids are his bio kids?

  42. Sole heir, sole heir, check to see if your guesses have siblings.

  43. Heath Ledger? I know, not A plus plus and his daughter looks like him

  44. Kristin do you ever pay fucking attention? You better start fast.

  45. Brad Nowell fits but had a son.

  46. Guesser said...
    Lisa Marie and Francis Bean look exactly like their Dads. I think it is more recent anyway. Look for someone who might be liable in a lawsuit.

    Frances Bean is a spitting image of Kurt. Lisa Marie does look Elvis, but I believe that she may have had some plastic surgery. I could be wrong on the plastic surgery part though

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Resemblance means nothing. The old cheater's trick is to f*ck men who are related or look alike, any accident flies right under the radar.

  49. what about tom cruise, katie holmes and suri...could be them.

  50. The person with the estate is dead.
    Caroline Kennedy had a brother once upon a time.

  51. Lisa Marie Presley & The Rise And Fall Of The Elvis Estate

    I think the part in this blind about her not being Elvis' true daughter is BS.

  52. I think it may be Cobain estate. Frances Bean Cobain has green eyes and both Courtney and Kurt have blue eyes. Biologically, I think it's rare for 2 blue eyed parents to have anything but a blue eyed child since the blue eyed gene is recessive. It's not impossible, but rare.

  53. Even as a kid Lisa Marie looked exactly like her dad, esp the jawline.

  54. lisa marie is definitely elvis's kid and i don't need DNA to tell me that. she looks exactly like him and has since she was born.

  55. Stan Lee and daughter, Jan

  56. Frances Bean never looked like Kurt
    See her teenage pics before nose job and who knows what else.
    She unfortunately looked just like her Mom.
    Not poor Kurt.

  57. Nowhere in this blind does it actually say that the permanent A++ lister is dead.
    It talks about the estate...but not in a past sense necessarily...

    still - anyone who has been paying attention knows that Chelsea is not Bill Clinton's child. Her Father was Webster Hubbell
    Bill may have a kid...but it is a son, illegitimate.

    Aside from that....Lisa Marie looks just like Elvis which was unfortunate in a girl and Francis looks like both Kurt Cobain and Melody Love - not sure Cobain is A++ anyway.

    So A++ listers are - presidents and heads of state, Michael Jackson, Elvis, Hefner, Oprah ....who else

  58. Gloria vanderbelt herself, her mother prob was having an affair. Would be so ironic if the so called biggest custody battle was over a girl who wasn't actually the only heir!

  59. Swinfa--i like this guess!!!

    i dont know much about Stan's personal life except that god-awful story about the elder abuse and the one person trying to make ink from his blood, or whatever.

    His estate would be enormous

  60. @Vita
    I think part of the point about elder abuse was that Stan Lee's fortune had been squandered by money grubbing dependents...that there was not a lot to inherit.
    Plus...he had multiple children.

  61. Sounds like Cary Grant/Dyan Cannon's daughter Jennifer Grant.

  62. Kurt Cobain is actually considered A++? Really?

    And while he may be effeminate, Anderson Cooper is not a she

  63. I guess I’m just older than most folks here bc I vividly remember the People cover when Lisa Marie Presley turned 21 and inherited the entire Presley estate. So, if this blind has any basis in reality, it isn’t her. And, as so many people have already said, she’s the spitting image of her father. Not only that but Prissy was pretty much a prisoner at Graceland and I doubt she even had the chance to masturbate alone, much less have a child with another man.

  64. Stan only had one daughter survive childhood... per wiki “Their daughter Joan Celia "J. C." Lee was born in 1950. Another daughter, Jan Lee, died three days after delivery in 1953.[21]”

  65. I'm going to agree with the Frances Bean Cobain guess. Apparently, CL was fucking around with Evan Dando of the Lemonheads. I'm going to just think ED is FBC's dad - simply because I'm bored.

  66. I like the Stan Lee guess Swinfa

  67. Could this be Hugh Hefner?

    1. Hef came to my mind first!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. It would be a quick turnaround, but I hope Enty reveals this one tomorrow!

  69. I like the Chelsea Clinton, Webb Hubble synopsis.

    Without a doubt.

  70. I also like Swinfa’s Stan Lee guess. Disney’s purchase of Marvel was announced Aug. 31, 2009.

  71. Why does every one think because they look like them their the father? Don't you watch Maury. I have an adopted son who looks NOTHING like me the other day someone said we looked alike my son said "That's a first" to the person and we ctfu

  72. Not Cobain, Frances looks just like him

  73. Hef has multiple children

  74. Prince and his failed claim “daughter” Snowe Melinda Saxman. His catalog was sold to Sony.

  75. My first thought was Lisa Marie as well

  76. I am also going with Chelsea. This is why, this line..."In order to try and make all claims against the estate harder to recover damages, everything was sold and the money transferred to multiple shell corporations." The Clinton Foundation is getting ready to be hit with a massive amount of lawsuits from the failed Haiti project.

  77. Michael Hutchence/Tiger Lily:

  78. I know you guys keep bringing MJ's children up in this discussion, but they are not the same as the rest. Michael Jackson made the three children beneficiaries of his estate via trust documents.

  79. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I don't think this blind is Chelsea Hubbell although that should be obvious to anyone who has ever seen photos of the Bio-Dad. Amazing Hillary Clinton has gotten away with passing off Chelsea as Bill's kid. Wait, who am I kidding? What hasn't Hillary Clinton gotten away with? This is Frances Bean Cobain. Poor kid. This explains so much. Why she got away from her Mom at such an early age. Why she gave her father's guitar to a boyfriend. As mentioned above, it's extremely rare for two blue-eyed people to have a green-eyed child. It's possible but it's rare. No telling who the real Bio-Dad is. Remember Kurt and Courtney were raging out of control heroin addicts. I really doubt Kurt between his physical pain and addiction and unable to confront gayness could have fathered a child at that time. Courtney was doing other stuff to him to keep him addicted to her.

  80. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Take back part of my last comment. Frances Bean has the same color eyes as Courtney Love. Should have Googled first. I still believe she's the most likely subject of this blind. It also explains why she has been more quiet about her life than the child of an icon might be expected to be.

  81. I was right!!

  82. Same thing happened to Falco, he found out he was not the biological father of his beloved daughter and it broke him.

  83. Seriously though, how many “unknown”s are on here? Hey dickhead just pick a username. So gross.

  84. Frances Cobain. About a decade ago (as the blind states) in 2009 "Frances Cobain went to court for a restraining order against her mother. Love lost custody of her daughter as well control of a trust fund that had been set up through Kurt Cobain’s estate for Frances’ benefit.” Due to the DNA test? Makes you think.
    Also, Frances made a comment recently on her Instagram in an inspirational quote - something of the sort- ‘family- blood or chosen’....

    Also, Kurt had planned on divorcing Courtney. Perhaps he knew he was not the baby daddy. Frances looks like a spitting image of her mom. I can see Kurt BUT I can also see Billy Corgan (even more than Kurt) and the other rocker dude she was supposedly screwing.

    The article also states Courtney claims most of the estate’s assets are gone (which leads me back to the blind- they’re not really ‘gone’- well, they done gone somewhere else thanks to her.
