Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Pressure

It has long been one of the great mysteries of music. The thing is, it is about to be solved. There have been a string of fairly popular hits in music over the past decade. Nothing to number one or anything, but nice solid charting songs. They all have one thing in common. A mystery songwriter. He is given credit for the songs, but no one has actually done any digging into who he is. Only his lawyer knows his true identity. The writer is someone who went missing two decades ago. He no longer wanted to be on the stage. He couldn't handle the pressure to perform and always come up with the group's lyrics. He was going to end up dead if he continued. So, he took a decade off, hidden away from the world. When he felt ready to make music, he had a decade's worth of lyrics and set out trying to sell them and music through an attorney. He loves being able to do what he wants to do with no one knowing who it is. I'm sure his family though, would love to know he is alive. He is foreign born and his group was probably A- at its peak.


  1. Was going to guess John Deacon, but Queen higher than A-

  2. The original lead of Manic Street Preachers?

  3. Good for him whoever it is, f*ck fame.

  4. Richey Edwards? /Manic Street Preachers?

  5. Richey Edwards works-a bunch of new songs suddenly "found" 10 years or or so

  6. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2019/01/missing-manic-street-preachers-rock-star-richey-edwards-still-alive-new-book-proposes.html

    A rock star who disappeared 25 years ago and was later presumed dead may in fact be alive and living in Israel, a new book claims.

    Richey James Edwards was the guitarist and primary lyricist for Welsh band Manic Street Preachers until he vanished on the eve of a tour of the US on February 1, 1995.

    For years his bandmates, family and friends held out hope he'd show up alive, but despite unconfirmed sightings of the troubled star, Edwards was declared officially dead in 2008.

    But a new book, written with the cooperation of Edwards' sister Rachel, access to his diaries and writings, and containing new interviews with those close to him, suggests he may have planned his disappearance.

  7. So the guy faked his death or just randomly disappeared?

  8. Good for him, don't know their music.

  9. The Manic Street Preachers were dogshit.

  10. Sounds definitely like Richey from the MSP...i always did think that he took off somewhere

  11. I'm with Count J. Definitely Tupac!!!

  12. How is Manic Street Preachers A-? Nope.

  13. Can we please tie this to the Michael Hutchence blind from yesterday to make some really fresh fan fiction?

  14. No Great Mystery involves a virtual unknown. Tupac or Buckley make sense. Maybe Lennon but the other speculations leave me saying WHO?

  15. It's actually Eddie Wilson

  16. Lennon's shooting was faked. That was him singing on his no talent kid's hit songs.

  17. I Don't think Tupac would have been quiet for 20 years, while Jay-Z and Beyonce was playing Bonnie and Clyde with his music.

  18. Tupac was not in a group.

    1. Can we at least agree that East Harlem should count as a foreign country?

  19. Sounds like MSP for sure. He has been spotted in a few places.
    But the only thing I dont get is the rating. If he said A- in their country then I would agree

  20. @Alf: thank you. I wondered how long it would take.

  21. pac was a member of Digital Underground.

  22. Am going with Freddie Mercury. Probably wishful thinking, of course. And maaaaybe just a little bit influenced by a reader photo from yesterday that made me think "Wow. I'll bet this fella has been told more than once that he looks like Freddie Mercury".

  23. Pretty rare to become a star off lyrics alone--Chris Difford from Squeeze is the only one I can think of, but he still performs

  24. Should we consider " Pressure " to be part of a song?

  25. Richey is indeed still alive.

  26. I wish this was Pac, but he wouldn't disappear. He loved attention .

  27. Edward's belongings were found abandoned on the giant Severn suspension bridge which spans the Sever river between England and Wales.

    So police and fans have long feared the worst....he may be in Wales.

  28. @FlashyVic, 😂 ooh you’ll get your cottage torched for that comment.

  29. I love this blind! Tricia, amazing guess...it does fit this manic street preacher guy...also,shows you can walk away from fame ( though i disgree with the faking death part)

  30. Dont Quit, you actually said band first, sorry! Incredible!

  31. How about Scott Smith from Loverboy? He went missing in a boating accident in 2000.

  32. "Back in the day" I was all over music and I have never heard of this group, the Manic Street Preachers, so I'm calling BS on an A- rating.

    Now the band Loverboy, that one I can see being A-, so I'll second @disenchanted's guess

  33. I barely heard of this group,MSP,and this sounds like a band that had some real hits that people from this era would know. I think the story comes from interest in them,but is really someone else. That is an old Enty trick.

  34. Eddie and the Cruisers IV.

  35. The Beatles would be higher than A-.

  36. this is the guy from XTC. who literally walked off the stage mid set. andy partridge i think?

  37. It's the guy from 5ive ... lead singer dude, who moved to Wales, I think? J Brown I think his name is.

  38. No this is definitely Richey from the Manic Street Preachers. And, yes, they were A list in the UK and some parts of the world in the 90s. 'This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours' was a brilliant album that sold millions. I don't know why certain individuals on here talk absolute bollocks when it's fairly obvious they don't have a clue about the music industry.

  39. http://www.richeyedwards.net/chronology.html

  40. Anonymous6:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Please let this be Prince!

  42. Mike Singletary is a closeted gay rapist

  43. Pete Sinfield- King Crimson

  44. Really like the Richey Manic guess but I'm not buying it.

    a) He wasn't MSP's sole lyricist, Nicky wrote just as many of the band's lyrics

    b) Everything he wrote was really dark - listen to The Holy Bible to get a sense of what his mind was like towards the end - and I don't buy that someone who would write a song like 4st7 or Of Walking Abortion would have much success in modern pop music, let alone "a string of fairly popular hits"

    c) There's no way MSP were anywhere near successful prior to his disappearance, they'd only be considered A- after TIMTTMY came out, and that was three years after he left

    d) I'm sceptical that he'd even have the connections to form a behind-the-scenes professional relationship with an "attorney" to sell his lyrics without anyone knowing who he is

  45. Richey Edwards was 27 when he disappeared. If he's dead, another member of the 27 club.

  46. No F***ing way is this Richey from MSP. Saw them live on there first few gigs and he has a VERY unique writing style. Not a chance he somehow faked his death/suicide and went to write mor standards.

  47. I agree with a lot of the others. MSP music and lyrics are pretty dark and they hated pop music. Plus, they weren't that popular until after Richies disappearance. I can see him faking his own death but not writing songs for others. More likely he's working on a garage

  48. The Manics defo were A- here in the uk at one point for sure. Richey's writing is very unique but I thought straight away of now deceased ex pop star turned avante guard musician scott walker. Now Scott wrote many pop songs back in the day and his later day writing was very different. If you told me Richey wrote those lyrics I wouldn't be surprised. Saying that none of scott's latter albums were hits. He never would say what the songs were about. Maybe he didn't write them?

  49. just looking on wiki, richey's lyrics were used on all of 2009's journal for plague lovers by the manics and for 10 years after his disappearance they were paying him 25% of all royalities. that ties in with his 10 years off. then he started writing again and they stopped paying him. interesting. I hope it is him. I hope he has managed to 'disappear' and live a completely new life.
