Monday, July 08, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Hard Pass

When the companies are numerous and the number of true high rollers are limited, there is nothing that a casino won't do to get that business. I should clarify. A casino doesn't want to lose its gaming license, so would cut itself out of the equation, but what about their employees. The ones who go after these high rollers from all over the world? Their livelihood depends on landing these whales and will do anything to get them. One of the biggest requests from high rollers is they want someone underage. The higher ups at the casinos know. They must know. There are cameras everywhere and when you have the same three or four men going through these casinos to the villas and suites of high rollers with underage boys and girls, they know. When those same men emerge many hours later with the boys and girls also in tow, they know. When they arrange for these men to have special passes so they have no issues moving from the car drop off point to the high roller, they know. They have deniability though and will let their employee take the fall. The thing is though, the feds aren't going to raid these places. Every single politician in the city, county and state is dependent on the casinos to get them elected. Whether they are a friend of the worker or the executive, they need them. Plus, they are the largest employers an source of tax revenue. So, everyone turns a blind eye. Want proof? This foreign born A- list actor handed up videotaped proof to law enforcement including NAMES but local, state and federal law enforcement were told to stand down. Apparently it must be worth sacrificing some children to keep the money flow going and those in power to stay in power.


  1. Steve Wynn ( My dad built that hotel)

  2. A- foreign born? Ryan Reynolds? Is he A-?

  3. So every casino now supplies powerful men with underage children now? Seems totally plausible and not like click-bait to the pedo obsessed followers here.

    Ah, but you can't write any blinds about Epstein Island the way you want to because you might actually be proven wrong... eh, enty?

  4. NRA probably gives more money to their favored politicians than casinos give to protect their licenses. People under 18 aren't allowed anywhere near a casino

  5. Cant they just dress up midgets?


  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    If you dress up midgets, you'll still have to shave them.

  8. I'd just like to oil up a midget chick and tell her to struggle.

  9. “Interesting” to see which commenters here deny or deflect the global pedo rings whenever those kinds of blinds are dropped... you know this site is monitored, yes?

    The elite pedophile rings are real, global, and involve anyone from heads of corporations to heads of state, royalty, lawyers, doctors, bankers, police, politicians... its also tied to satanism, rape, torture, and sacrifices. It’s all real. But don’t take my word for it - research it yourselves before Google/YouTube et all try to scrub it.

    1. Monitored by who??? Yeah, I'm sure the FBI really cares about a fucking gossip blog that gets less than 50 comments on most blinds.

    2. 50 replies VS probably thousands of views.

  10. Hotels and timeshares have been wired since the mid 80s/ I knew people who were doing the work in Party Town, Central back in the day. Too, sales reps and other people with seemingly executive titles like concierge or inside sales directors at various resorts and hotels could and would get anyone anything they wanted... How It Works, 101. I have a Ph.D.

  11. yes there is but the bizarre rants of the 4 chan groupies is malarkey.

  12. WTF is so attractive about children. I don't get it.

    Agree with the Sacha guess

  13. yeah, I don't get the attraction to children either and sorry folks, I also do not think the vast majority of adults do either, despite whatever this site says. And go ahead and fricking monitor me, FBI (yeah sure they are). Keep on with the tinfoil, folks, it will keep the Crowley-loving Baphomet worshippers away.

  14. and again, if the person really wants this shit investigated, GO TO THE PRESS. If we're all going to conspiracy theory everyone in the entire local, state and federal government as corrupt. Yep. They're all pedos protecting pedos, and HAIL SATAN!

    1. And somehow the press is above it all? Wake up.

  15. also Enty-lawyer needs to learn the difference between evidence and proof. Don't they teach that in the first year of law school?

  16. sorry don't mean to offend but i think its really small penis is the reason why and also an obsession with cleanliness/smell/ diseases. just something friends have discussed in the past.

  17. That's pretty "interesting," "Unknown," if that IS your real name!

    It's really P.D. Philia, isn't it? ISN'T IT?

  18. @Krab, what are you talking about?

  19. Having lived & worked in Las Vegas for more than 25 years, I do know that IF this does take place the executive management don't want any knowledge of this activity at all.

    (Remind me to ask my retired gaming executive friend about this while we golf this weekend.)

    A while ago, he told that the Security personnel do know who the prostitutes are. And, if a high roller wants one, the pit bosses call security and they would arrange a meet & greet with a prostitute.

    He did say at his properties, he never allowed any casino employee to be involved in their price negotiation.

    (He said he always wanted to maintain more than an arms distance from that. Supposedly, today's resorts are hands off of that stuff, according to him.)

    The Nevada Gaming Control Board frowns on that.

    Steve Wynn was just accused of sexual inappropriate activity & he lost his gaming license.

    But, I will ask my golf buddy when we meet.

  20. @Krab
    "and again, if the person really wants this shit investigated, GO TO THE PRESS."

    The whole story about every casino providing underage meat because it's the chosen food of the high rollers seems actually pretty bullshit.
    Sure, Enty adds Sacha Baron Cohen to the story to provide some kind of plausibility, as he spoke about his conversation with a Vegas concierge who was offering the company of children to one of his characters. The interview was actually published last December, and there has been apparently zero attempt on his life. If these "powerful people" are monitoring him, they're doing as much of a sloppy job as with this blog.

  21. There is an "Underground" of Las Vegas.

  22. Former Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid,served as chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission from 1977 to 1981

    The Reid family is a powerful force in Nevada politics. IMO, he'd have to know.

  23. Why do they get off on kids? This kind of shit convinces me there is a devil 👿

  24. So it’s all disgusting, but there is a difference between a desire for underage girls and for children (as in pre pubescent). The former has always been a thing with some men, they like the idea of deflowering virgins and of young, perky, compliant, “innocent” partners. Back in the day it was less scandalous so getting with a 16 year old wasn’t that big a deal, especially if you were a rock star and she could be considered a groupie. Younger (say 13-15) was considered distasteful but not that likely to get you are arrested if you had any kind of power. I can totally see some of these older guys not wanting to change with the times and let that fetish go. It’s unbelievably gross but to these dudes they probably think it’s all fine and it’s society that’s unreasonable.

    Now actual children has always been underground. But even that would get brushed to the side once upon a time if it was a within a family.

    It’s scary to think those times weren’t all that long ago.

  25. @JustMe Keanu must be higher than A-, A+, or perm A. He was my guess too. He's a man of character, and conscious.
    Who ever this is, I hope they keep on, as the Miami Herald did to Epstein.

  26. THE PRESS is covering for all the evil. Start there.

  27. After reading the whole "Satanic pedos" and "the press allow it to happen" comments, I have to assume this blind is Enty trying to win back his lunatic right-wing 4chan LARPer crowd?

  28. Jerkula's comments make coming here worthwhile. Only one I get a laugh out of. Keep it up cowboy!

    lol omg that's *Not* proof Enty

  30. @Unknown Don't be a dick. Of course they know. There is LITERALLY NOTHING you can't get in Vegas if you have the money.

  31. @tehbird, it's not satanism, it's Catholicism and Christianity.

  32. So the actor should give that video to a web site to publish. Or multiple websites, along with the information as to who he tried to deal with in law enforcement. Seriously, why can he not do that? Yes, they'd be willing to kill him to shut him up, but he's at risk now anyway due to even going to them, so what has he got to lose? I suppose he didn't keep a copy of the video?

  33. Makes me want to throw up.

  34. What, you're expecting a LOLyer to know the difference between evidence and proof? hahahahaha.

  35. Good for him for trying.

  36. Cuba is the 50s would have been the place to go. The blonde Cuban girls you see in Miami are super cute.

    Historian Neill Macaulay also recounted his time in Havana: "The whorehouses I visited ... The girls, all teenagers, were dressed in shorts and halters. All were white and several blonde, though their eyes were unmistakably Latin. It was a place where American high-school and college boys of the 1950s came to relieve their sexual tensions in surroundings that were not forbiddingly foreign." This must have been what John Sayles had in mind in his novel Los Gusanos (1991) when he wrote of the "Casa de Rock, "where boys from the University of Miami would come to fuck little blonde Cuban girls who spoke good English and wore ponytails and blue jeans just like the little blonde girls they were afraid to fuck back home."

  37. The comments on this site prove that people do not want to believe what their eyes actually are seeing. Called propaganda. There was even a hidden movie studio in hollywood / laurel canyon. (Read Dave McGowan's book about Laurel Canyon. ) watch Reefer Madness for proof. Bet that hilarious movie was made there........mafia made a LOT of money during prohibition. War on Drugs, ditto. Reefer Madness was softening up the country for the draconian laws being prepared . Now, all those caught with an ounce of pot years ago make great slaves. $1.00 a day , tax payers pay for room and board. Can't beat it if you are filthy rich. Emphasis on filthy.

  38. Sam Giancana , in the book , Double Cross, written by his brother says "Working with the CIA is just like the mob, in fact, it is the mob." Sam was born poor in Chicago. His father beat him every day. ..dropped out of school at app. 8th grade. At the end of his career, he was traveling the world meeting with heads of state.He rose to power because he enjoyed murdering people. All roads lead to Rome. Think inquisition.

    1. The "Mafia" is a fictional organization concocted by the Hollywood Jews and Irish to disparage hard working Italians, and deflect from their own nefarious endeavors. The fact that ya can't say "enwurd rig" or call a college team the Red Men any more, but you can still buy your child a Guinea Pig shows that there is a concerted effort to continue a negative portrayal of Italian Americans. And dont even get me started about Nintendo making billions off blatant Italian sterotypes of Mario & Luigi, meanwhile i can't stream The Dukes of Hazard. If it was Sol & Moishe running around collecting coins, it would have been pulled from the shelves in 3 days.

  39. Count - Dukes of Hazzard isn't being re-run on a channel you can have on cable?

  40. Longtime: i dont know. Had it on my Prime watchlist and it was pulled before i could mainline the entire series.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Kami if y'all don't think the fbi, secret service and cia have a file on enty you all are not thinking it through. He knows enough, no I am not a conspiracy theorist but come on y'all ;) .
    Maybe the site is helping more than we know.
