Monday, July 01, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Death

Even though the death happened long before I started the site, I wrote a couple of posts about it at the beginning of the site wondering aloud, not so much about the death, but what happened to the money. What should have been a massive fortune, was practically zero. Many people close to the situation say the death was murder. One of the people who has kept alive this theory is a foreign born former A+ list singer from a former A+ list group. He believes the death was murder. So, who is the person who is dead? A foreign born former A+ list singer from a former A+ list group from a different country than the former.

New information has come to light this year about the death and it all relates to the missing money. We are talking about millions of dollars. Gone. Vanished. In the past week, reporters have finally started to take notice which will hopefully lead to this all coming out. For the last year of our singer's life he was fighting to regain control of his finances. Every other day or so he would call the person in charge and ask where his money was and how come he couldn't have control of it. After months of this, the financial manager agreed to turn over all records and bank accounts and set a firm date of when the handover would occur. The singer told several people the date, but none can agree on exactly what day it was. They all agreed though that the date was within a week of when the singer was found dead. No one could ever properly explain the death. His closest friends say there is no way he would ever take his life. With no exceptions, they all pointed to the money as motive. They felt their claim was strengthened when there was no money in the estate. His sole heir didn't even receive $1000. No one was around at the time to fight for an accounting or to see where all the money went. It is estimated that at least $10M is missing. Now though, it is time for justice. 


  1. Michael Hutchences death?

    1. Liam Gallagher for the other other former A+lister(Oasis).

    2. Or maybe Bob Geldof abs the other.
      I think Tigerlily is his only heir?

    3. Nick Cave from the Birthday Party was good friends with Hutch. They're both Aussie though.

    4. I love Nick Cave

    5. Nick Cave's scripts have been amazing as well. The Proposition with Guy Pearce. Australia and New South Wales are technically different countries... Nick Cave after the death of his son.. I can see him being the champion of it all. Especially since he sang Into These Arms for the funeral.

    6. Sounds legit.... can see it too

    7. Nick just sang with Kylie at Glastonbury.

    8. Where the wild roses grow

    9. I also would like to change my answer to Simon Lebon.

  2. All these "formers" got me lost

  3. Definitely Michael Hutchence. Tiger Lily got $500.

  4. Hutchence. In the DM a few days ago about Tiger Lily's (his daughter) "shockingly low" inheritance.

  5. Though Hutchence and the rest of INXS were all Aussies. Remember the Himmm or Mr X were he raved about this band he hung out with who were music gods and it turned out to be INXS? Talk about overselling.

  6. @Tricia: I thought Geldof might be the other one as well, but were he & the Boomtown Rats ever A+?

    1. I can tell you why I don't like Monday

    2. To me they were buy maybe not on a global
      Scale..... They(MH/BG) has a contentious relationship due to Paula Yates -but I can see him thinking this

    3. @Trucia: Agree that it could be him despite the ‘Paula’ issue.

    4. Bbob Geldolf from Boomtown Rats became A + list over the Live Aid phenomenon.

  7. time to hire an actuary if anyone is going to find out who ended up with the money. who was the manager? did he have a will and or a trust?

    1. @Herbert: I believe he had a money manager in Hong Kong, IIRC.

  8. I also love Nick Cave

  9. It was the brain injury that was to blame,maybe someone was hired to attack him? It never made sense. But the money trail should have been looked into years ago. The Boomtown Rats were A list in England briefly. Another case of missing money,Marc Bolan,his child never received money. Apparently a new documentary on Hutchence.

  10. I thought Bono as well,but isn't he permanent A or A+?

    1. I hate U2 so only naturally write them off, The edge plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star through 40 effects and is called a genius.

    2. This is the best comment of all time. I just commented to a colleague that Kings of Leon demise into snoozedom can be directly traced to touring with U2/The Edge.

  11. I just never thought the belt buckle would have been ripped off, if it was just a single sad man. Seems sort of like anger. Police report says the neighboring room heard loud yelling and swearing. Wasn't there a blind about a year ago that said Geldof actually flew there to do it himself?

    1. @James: Supposedly he was screaming on the phone to Bob G.

    2. I'm positive I read that blind. Everyone knew it was about this.

    3. @James: I didn’t know that.

  12. So the money was in offshore trusts as a method of tax evasion. Apparently he was not a beneficiary of the trusts, because he didn’t want his gf’s getting his $. did leave a will, with Tiger Lily getting 50% with the rest being split between Paula, and his parents and two siblings. He also left $ to 2 charities.

    1. Amnesty International and Greenpeace, but they never received the $. The info on the trusts (him not being a beneficiary) and the will do not match. Total red flag!

    2. ^Meant to say he didn’t want his girlfriends or relatives getting his $ which is why this is definitely conflicting information vs. the will.

    3. Damn, you're good.

    4. Thanks, James 😊! Maybe I should handle his estate 🤣.

  13. Simon LeBon for musician saying it was murder. Hutch etc for the reat.

  14. This is interesting: INXS did an interview with 60 minutes/ Australia years ago about the band and Hutchance, and that they wanted the daughter to get the money and said - it's all there.....

  15. I am horrible at guessing blinds and I immediately went to Hutchence and LeBon. And for those who think this is outlandish look at Selena. not exactly the same story but close.

  16. While most of his friends may have agreed he wouldn't kill himself, it's a stretch to say they all felt it was a bout money. It seems most of them think it was autoerotic asphyxiation. Even LeBon is on record saying it.

    If it was about the money, it's likely long gone or so heavily laundered by now there would be no reclaiming it.

  17. So bizarre that the Daily mail ran a story this morning 'perfect storm for suicide' revealed -three tell-tale signs that Michael Hutchence was spirallinfG toward his tragic end

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sounds like Michael Hutchence, but that Marc Bolan case (circumstances regarding what lead up to that car crash) is something that should be looked into as well.

  20. Where are all the shills that usually pop up to say it's inconceivable that someone did not hang themselves?

  21. fyi - he committed 'suicide' by hanging.

  22. The story at the time he died was that it was possibly an autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong.

    I remember Duran Duran had a song on their album Medazzaland, "Michael, you've Got A Lot To Answer For" that is about Hutchence and his death.

    Some lyrics:

    Trust you to get caught up in somebody's war
    You'll come out of it all in time, I'm sure
    Just remember what friends were put here for

  23. The other A+ singer is Bono, who was good mates with Hutchence.

    Tiger Lily was fully adopted by Bob Geldof and will inherit from him as her siblings will so she won't be left poor, but she should still receive what is rightfully hers from her bio father and his estate.

  24. It's Hutchence's former lawyer, Colin Diamond, who has purportedly taken over his estate. Just listening to Diamond and you can tell he's a conman. This was all covered in (Australian) ABC's Four Corners programme "The Paradise Papers" . The money is supposedly off shore and held in various complex company accounts.

  25. Correction: Diamond was Hutchence's business manager (probably a former practising lawyer).

  26. "Now though, it is time for justice."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, classic. I fell for that CDAN line (or close facsimile thereof) about the first 30 times it was used. I'm a slow learner, I admit.

  27. @James Howlett

    How is New South Wales technically a different country to Australia?

    It's a state, just like New York, California, Florida, Texas, Michigan - you get my drift?

  28. InXS- Michael Hutchence. Theres a documentary coming out about him soon.

  29. Personally, I think he sold his soul to the devil and he came calling that night. It was said he was arguing with someone before his untimely death. Maybe his soul contract was up....

  30. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Michael Hutchence, and yes.
    It was murder.

    Mr. Hutchence suffered a serious head injury when hit by that taxi, thrown into the concrete. He was never the same, and people took advantage of it.
    I hope something will be done. It's about time.

  31. Thanks enty

    Indeed, it is Michael Hutchence and Simon LeBon

    And Michael's financial manager, Colin Diamond, is the one responsible for Michael's money going missing

    And possibly for his murder

    Diamond is known to be connected to the mafia

    And he has been living off Michael's money for the last 20+ yrs

    For those who would like to know more about this fascinating story, follow along, and possibly help right this terrible injustice, you can follow my twitter devoted to this story at

    Thanks again


  32. I'm late to the party but basically ++1 to everything being said.

    Lots of Michael related stuff happening in Oz right now. Dogs in Space is back on tv, Richard Lowenstein has a new doco called Mystify which talks about an assault in Denmark that gave him (another) brain injury, DM talking about Tiger being so poor she can't afford anything and the people around him that constantly took advantage of him.

    Oblig "I miss Himmmm"!

  33. Fascinating information in this Reddit:

  34. A+ band INXS? Bit of a stretch.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Sorry...not enough caffeine...Simon LeBon and Michael Hutchence.

  37. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. He wasn't killed for getting ready to blow the lid off of some scandal. He was "suicided" to prevent him finding out that he was broke.

  38. Never made sense. He hung himself kneeling next to a doorknob?

    Want a conspiracy theory? I think many of the celeb hangings over the past decade or more were murders. Who's going to publicly question it?

    By the time anyone dares question it publicly, it's been gotten away with.

  39. Hutchence. INXS totally A+ list during the late 80's, selling out Wembley stadium etc... Didn't he live in hong Kong? Money disappeared after his death.
