Monday, July 15, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Caught Up

If you think the wealthy pedophile has some names he can bring into the mix, you have seen nothing compared to the names the A+/A list mostly movie actress can drag into an investigation. In addition to celebrities, she can topple world leaders. A whole lot of those people she trafficked sure are showing up on videos and images that have been seen in recent child porn raids. 


  1. Replies
    1. Angies penchant for young bisexual nannies is gonna get her into trouble.

  2. Is she going to get busted too?

  3. High Preistess St. Angie?

  4. @ Tricia 13 damn you woman!! You are fast!!

    1. Thanks ... it was pretty clear-and sadly In her wheelhouse.

  5. I am so loving all of this. Been watching this skeevy skeeviness for years.
    How come there are no TDS trolls here today?

  6. And how could she top the name of a U.S. President? The child P*rn I read about has the adults off camera with voice distortion.

    1. Think Globally.
      Dalai Lama,perhaps?

    2. Princes? I sure hope so!

    3. FORMER US presidents - PLURAL. Two of them and one of the wives.
      You all know about her.
      Avoid her video. Traumatic and scarring. Worse even than pedo stuff. Ask the NYPD.

      That is, you can ask the NYPD survivors who saw it. 6 are already dead.

    4. What? I want to know more please.

    5. there you go Peawry this may be a different cluster, Familia was one, there's a huge thing about it on the Q Proof site

  7. Can someone clarify...Angie is a child trafficker? is there an old post?

  8. Angie has done nothing but good for children everywhere. Stop with the hate.

    1. BS. She's acted as basically a colonialist. She has an insane notion of Bosnian rape camp victims. It's borderline criminal the UN still uses her as a face of their organization. That's without child sex trafficking attached to her in any way.

  9. I'm sure there's ped0monsters and satan1sm practised all over- I'm not so sure there's a deep hollywood connection-
    Fortunately I have not gone down that rabbit hole

    1. The time is coming when everyone will know the basics of who is involved (most of HWood) and what they have done.

      Just how much of it you want to know will be your choice.

    2. Those who know cannot sleep.

      Make sure you are truly ready before you open that box.

  10. Angelina Traffic people? You can clarify this blind

  11. I do not believe at all that Angie would traffic children. Nothing any of you can say that will make me believe it.

    1. You actually don't need to take anyone's word for anything. It's just not necessary.
      Evidence will be made public, and the guilty parties will be outed. Every last one of them.

      You'll know then.

    2. Do you sincerely believe thiw, Monkeyweather? Or is it like the JFKjr is still alive and going to announce his candidacy as Trump's running mate?
      You see, I believed this for a long time. And then nothing comes of it. No big names at least.
      So I ask a sincere question, do you really believe what you wrote?

    3. Why do you believe she is such a saint?

      There's a reason her father is fighting crazy libs and backing POTUS in this fight against pedophilia and trafficking. Could be guilt about his daughter and her actions. Could be he knows what shes done and is trying to stop it. Either way...he knows she's no angel.

  12. Hahahahahahahahah you guys are so funny.
    Yeah...Angie is clean (wink wink)...
    Geezus - miss UN ambassador I travel the world and adopt foreign children for fun before I turn my own kid into a transkid and buy nannies for my teen "sons" to bang....
    nasty nastiness - yeah, she's clean.

  13. The MeToo movement was deflection and a false trail for the real horror of Pedowood.
    Sexualized children are being groomed openly in media. Including this site.

    To find a reluctant pedo protector just look in the mirror and deny.

    1. Right? Granted, there public is TRAINED to admire these people.

      Well, that's been an EGREGIOUS error on our part.
      Victims ignored, perps lauded with red carpets awards, and worldwide (misplaced) admiration.

      Our bad.

  14. And Epsteins lawyers telling the judge today that he should be put on house arrest, he is not a flight risk...riiigghhhtt

  15. I love this video of her brushing off a refugee child for getting too close

    1. Best acting job she’s ever done is her work with “The UN and saving the Children of the World”.
      Kind of like the devils greatest accomplishment was convincing the world -it “didn’t exist”.

    2. Wow! Brilliant Gauliose! Saint Angie, patron saint of refugees and children..."Don't touch me mortal".

      Her aura screams narcissist psychopath.

  16. Jerkula's being groomed on this site ?

    Thank you for making my most paranoid fantasies come true !

  17. @Other Unknown, bashing Angie is a long running thing on this website but I don't know if enty has ever explictly called her a trafficker.

    As for Hollywood stars and world leaders all going down domino style for child sex crimes....I'll believe it when I see it.

  18. @Collateral Justice Really? The vast majority of people in this world are not attracted to children. Pedophiles are a tiny portion of the population and I don't think most of them just happen to be good at acting, directing, or producing.

    Now that doesn't mean Hollywood isn't a fucked up place. However, in an environment where power and money means one can get away with anything one chooses to, I would expect much more bad behavior targeting fully grown adult women and men. The kind of people that most others are statistically likely to find attractive.

  19. So according to this site today the Dems are going down with Epstein, women are abandoning their kids to peddle drugs, or are forcing their children to be transgender, or are responsible for child trafficking, and of course everyone hates Meghan Markle. Where's the Musk/Netflix blinds?

  20. I need a new screen name. To clarify for people reading this, Unknown right above is not me but I am responsible for the two comments above that person.

    Too many Unknowns!!

    1. We know the difference:)
      The other is a pedo protector and apologist(among other things/persona’s)

    2. I want to be Unknown*

  21. I think anyone who abuses a child should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law without special protections. That would include Bill Clinton or Donald Trump, if proven, as both have been tied to Epstein in the past. This should not be a partisan issue.

  22. Given the previous blinds on Angie, the woman who provides child to celebrities and world leaders (in addition to making millions of dollars through movie parts) is an unreliable anorexic heroin addict who's also half-crazy, obsessed with getting even with her ex and globally known by everybody.
    It would be the LAST person people who want to get children would contact...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Exactly my thoughts . Because her ability to make good decisions and not compromise children is based on her stellar past and lack of bizarre behavior....

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I don’t have to work. My kids go to international schools. What do you do
    Nurse Ratchet?

  25. A comment takes only a few moments, @DoxxingQueen. It doesn't take the entire day to read the few blinds that are posted here daily. Are the fathers who post on here or who play xboxes in their free time neglecting their children?

    Get psychiatric help for your bizarre obsession with Tricia.

  26. Stop feeding the trolls, people. They thrive off attention.

    Anyway, wonder if Angie's father is involved.

    1. yup. JV likes em young preferably from Baltic states like his pal...

  27. I'll be honest. I've been saying "reluctant ped0 protector" for the last twenty minutes and can't decide exactly
    What in heaven are you mumbling about, collateral justice?

  28. Oh FFS @DoxingQueen (& @therestofyourbullshitprofiles)!!! Fuck the fuck off allfuckingready! Your tirades are dull, childish and absurdly cliche. That you are bat shit crazy is clear to everyone hear, save you. Fuckallthefucksyoudumbassbitch!!

    1. I concur! Another Unknown. I keep trying to change it to Valorious with no success.πŸ€“

  29. wealthy pedophile = Jeffrey Epstein

    A+/A list movie actress = Angelina Jolie

    people she trafficked = no wonder Brad Pitt left

    recent child porn raids = Trump cracked down on trafficking

  30. And the interior of your home is nothing to be boasting about. Ive seen the pics. The Country spindles and wicker chairs really add to your "Im a rich bitch" persona. Pfffft.

    1. Why are you looking at my pix I have blocked you on every possible SM outlet... over years now. And we rent here own elsewhere-Move 2x /yr-your point Cincinnati?

    2. Here we go....hello enterns... one got past you..

    3. Love ur new pic tricia!

  31. All of the unknowns need to go to and make an account. What is the ROI on an intel asset international pedo agent to tell us when they go from license to kill to prison time or 'suicide'?

  32. thanks dude (ette)
    Best to ya in NoOhio-Ohio*

  33. Angie Jolie the so called saints

  34. Where is Brad Pitt in all of her bad behavior? Ignorant of it or a co- conspirator?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I mean, Pitt DID date a sixteen year old

  36. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Schizophrenia is a hell of a condition. Right, doxxing? And speaking of drugs, you should seek some. I've heard good things about Zyprexa.

  37. Tricia 13......the ones who are into pedophilia and have power often get into the agencies/ charities and investigations that are looking into that very thing.UN has had problems in the past with pedophilia charges . For those who just can't believe any of it on you tube of Cynthia McKinney hearing asking donald rumsfield why Dyncorp is still used by the US govt. when they have been known for child sex trafficking.All this stuff that has been hidden for centuries is coming out with new revelations every day now.

  38. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Jolie. She will die of a heroin overdose first. It does beg the question of how involved was Pitt in that whole scene? I always saw him as a guy who probably did what he had to do to break into show business, but as a relatively normal guy after that.

    1. He had A wild steak ... one of my older sisters best friends hung with (opened doors) for him because he (friend) was an LA Boy. Told me me verbatim-“he was crazy as the day was long” and was into -everything.
      Also said “salt of the earth”.

    2. Also when I met him -he was those things. Chateau M/he was with Jen (she wasn’t there ) . He was with Catherine Keener ,who was very protective of him
      ,I must say.

    3. Um hello...another Tricia13 blind is long overdue.

  39. Doxxing Queen......I honestly think the ones who trash Tricia constantly are trolls. They , you , whoever are here to disrupt this site .......because those who are interested in the movie world and all of it's inside stuff find it fascinating.

    1. Don’t mind them. Nobody takes them seriously ,in any capacity , whatsoever.

  40. Unknown at 12:45 - try to delete a comment and it will make you sign in.

  41. Sounds like they have as much dirt on her as she would on them so why would she talk?

  42. @AMartel... she not . Definitely,not

  43. I don’t know if Angie herself is a pedophile or not, but it's rumored that Ban Ki-moon, her patron at the UN, has become a UN Secretary General by unlawful means. And his mother country is notorious human trafficking nation from the Middle Ages, and K-prostitutes sell for 5% of Korean GDP even now. That's what Ban made the infamous K-POP group give a speech.

    1. Her tentacles reach far and wide within the Intl community, and yet there is quite a lot of red tape involved with her adoptions..certainly the second. It wreaks of-other:(

  44. Enty, please ban DontQuitYourDayJob. It was so refreshing to read through comments,the last couple of days, and not see the personal attacks on other commenters. It was nice while it lasted, I guess.

  45. Well under the moderators worked out well lol

    1. That’s what I’ve been thinking. What was the point of it if the harassment is still going on.

  46. Recent Angie/human trafficking blinds:

  47. One more (probably) Angie/human trafficking blind:

  48. Nicole Kidman, she was raised to do this by her pedo father.
    Sent to the USA, opened all the doors for the trafficking (easy in Australia and UK) opened the doors of Scientology with Tom Cruise on arm. Went on to be a huge star. Check out Fiona Barnett's videos, you will be appalled!
    They control the world.

    1. ok Tommy Cruise!! practicing for your battle with JB and Hillsong!

  49. Lol @ all these well-trained sheep compulsively labelling anyone who questions their precious echo chamber a pedo supporter or rape apologist. Too bad you aren't logical enough to come to the conclusion that there is a big difference between discrediting someone who HAS SAID FOR THEMSELVES that some powerful person raped, molested, or trafficked them (like y'all did at election time), and being critical of online rumors people without boundaries start/share/exploit about random strangers and sexual abuse.

  50. At this point, arguing about something of another topic is a good way to deflect attention from Epstein's arrest. Well done. The Angie blind is another, " this is just a gossip site that makes stuff up " blind. Although, her adoptions were not on the up and up. Some of that was proven.

  51. I’ll believe all this crazy bullshit about Angie when I see actual proof. Until then, I still adore her and I refuse to jump on the I Hate Angelina Jolie bandwagon.

  52. At least we know she is not eating them (or anything at all)..

  53. Me Again- Awesome!🎢🎢🎢 "Always look on the bright side of life...whistle, whistle, whistle"🎢🎢🎢

  54. I can tell that Tricia has got it Right- as she usually does. The Pedos have sent a nasty Doxxy Poxy Troll after her. Do you think Poxy Doxxy is AJ herself or Meryl ? Who is this Pedo Enabling Scumbag I wonder? Poxy Doxxy stinking up the comments. Really should do something about that stench. Have you tried antibiotics or having a shower?

  55. congrats enty this blind made it to patriots soapbox 24/7 on youtube. radix verum reported on the blind while doing a deep dive on epstien.

  56. Angie here LMAO *blows-kisses*

  57. None of you have guessed Nicole Kidman - remember her father was a banished convicted pedophile of reknown status.

  58. These people are neophytes compared to church leaders! Wake up.

  59. Side comment. Has anyone notice the adminastror removing comments. Awesome

  60. @hunter
    Nicole Kidman is not "as" politically connected as Angie.
    Angie has been to both Africa and Hatti with the Clinton's. Big clue is Kidman has been on Pedo-Island.
    Nicole has only sucked up to the Clinton's both publicly and behind closed doors.

  61. Ayyeeee Amazing Quotes got removed from a blog administrator

    1. I noted the same and my comment never went through. Interesting.

  62. @ Tiger - Trolls sent by the pedos? No, I think these are ordinary, run of the mill internet trolls. Nothing special or remarkable about them other than their increasingly redundant comments, need for attention (kinda funny, seeing as they are anonymous) and poor impulse control. I’m a firm believer in not feeding the trolls but I have to say that Tricia has lobbed some impressive zingers back at them. I LOL’d a few times. Grace under pressure, Tricia! πŸ‘πŸ€£

    1. Thank you Mango... god knows I’ve bitten my tongue a looong time.
      Enough is Enough ,as I told Enty...
      appreciate your words,🀘

    2. I just admit, I love the drama! But s/he of the many personalities is off her proverbial rocker. It seems the two of you have a history. Love your clapbacks.

  63. @Hunter: I agree with what you said about Nicole’s father but I definitely think this is Angie. Between her ‘work’ with the UN, her constantly flying everywhere in a private jet, her shady adoptions, and her sleeping with her own son (Maddox) when he was a teen, this has to be her.

  64. Don't quit and whatever their alts are having their comments and then deleted on some threads but allowed on others and being just general jerks all over the place. AQ "removed by moderator" (after how many months? AQ is harmless, the weirdo doxxers are not) and posts are vanishing without even the "removed by moderator".

    New hire, you can do better.

  65. Rosie: *I wish* JFK Jr. was still alive. RIP

    I enjoyed his magazine, and he always seemed like a class act. America's prince.

  66. Should Nicole Kidman be completely discredited as a possibility here?

  67. Hey former Unknown. You are now Valorius. Well done!

  68. @aquagirl
    WHAAAAAT???? AJ did what? with her son Maddox, that she adopted with illegal papers in Cambodia!!???
