Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Judge Ignores Abuse, Animal Cruelty, Kids Testimony, Teachers Testimony, CPS Testimony And Sends Jenelle And UBT's Kids Back For More Abuse


  1. Tricia could be a Teen Mom- too bad shes almost 50

    1. You poor thing: still having mommy issues at this age. Coming to CDAN to take it on those who don’t give a shit about you is obviously cheaper than the therapy you truly need.

    2. Can this place ban or get rid of this person already? At this point what you're doing to Tricia counts as targeted harassment in my book.

  2. this makes me sick to my stomach

    all because of some old recording of Marissa's mom saying Marissa is a good liar. And now she has to go back there. You know who else are good liars? JENELLE AND DAVID. Ughh

  3. Jesus Christ. Does someone have to die, then?
    I doubt that would matter either.

    1. He'll kill their kids, and the judge will say, "How awful. Who could have seen this coming? If only something had been done to prevent this senseless violence."

      Then she'll get her own show and a multibook deal where she talks about how her faith in Gawd got her through such trying times.

  4. The laws in North Carolina regarding children are a joke.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How do they not have charges against dog killer? Why no drug charges? There really is nothing more to say,I have seen good people denied access to their children for far less,even false reasons. We can't let this happen.

  7. No, they most certainly are not a joke in NC. I wonder how I know.... Whiteville, where they live, is an extremely poor area, though.

    And, truthfully, all the media scrutiny and TMZ probably pissed off the local law enforcement in that area. A LOT.

    NC literally told Hollywood to fuck off when they tried to get into local politics a decade before they tried that shit in GA. The NC legislature revoked their film tax breaks and sent Hollywood on its way because they did want to be bullied.

    These two are white trash for sure and I have never given Teen Mom the time of day because when you support shows like this you support their lifestyle. But, the State intervening and removing custody (in any state actually) is a REALLY high burden to prove and it sounds like it was not proven.

  8. I love the celebration headline on TMZ, as if this is good news. Complete with Jenelle glamor photo.

  9. @Guesser-what do you expect from an ALT-Right website? Shitty mothers like YOU KNOW WHO read that garbage.

  10. NC is a police state. Re. white trash, the police stopped a friend of mine in an old car in NC. She asked him if she was stopped for driving while poor...he said yes. Charlotte NC is the banking capital of the US....A citizen journalist who wrote with wayne madsen a few years ago said there was a corridor going from mid. NC to eastern Tenn. I believe this because of heavy activity of KKK ....NC has had the most members of any state off and on. David Koresh recruited for his WACO cult in the corridor, among seventh day adventists......guess they were already brain washed.My neighbor had several family members in the cult. The girls were sent to cult leaders room when they turned twelve. There is a correlation in all of these facts.

  11. Sorry, wasn't clear..................The corridor is heavy pedaphilia activity. ...which by the way is systemic in all western governments and the catholic church. Nothing to do with class distinction.That is why pedaphiles often get a slap on the wrist or in some cases the victims are prosecuted.

    1. *pedophiles, you need to spell it correctly if you want people to believe your conspiracy theory

    2. So that will be paedophiles / paedophilia then Anon :-/

  12. Horrible. Those poor kids. This is going to end even more tragically I'm afraid :( David is a damn psycho!

  13. poor Kaiser and his father is an idiot for trying to get headlines with him and his Gf. kid comes first dummy and Kaiser will be DE first victim.

  14. I saw this last night while enjoying a pre-holiday buzz and it automatically killed it. I am just so sick about this. I really cannot wrap my head around it.

  15. Oh no. How awful. :(

  16. Needs to be a ton of misdoings to take kids from parents.

    Anyway, i am hoping for lots of incest, rape, anal and pedo blinds get revealed so i can tug my prick while y'all have outragasms.

  17. Who’s the judge?? this is joke wright!!!

  18. "Charlotte NC is the banking capital of the US..."

    Geezlouise, molly, it's way to early to be that stoned, even on a holiday.

  19. Anon, thanks for the correction. I appreciate it. Have been corrected before but can't seem to remember it. Re. the conspiracy theory, guess you believe the 9/11 narrative.....and the resulting middle eastern wars? DC politicians believed it but enormous numbers of regular people like me did not. Since then, WE about bankrupted ourselves for Big Oil.

  20. Sick and tired of these fucked up judges. Yesterday, one barely slapped the hand of a nasty little prick who taped his own raping of a girl, because he got good grades & could get into a good college.

  21. Judges are often abusers themselves and they look out for their own kind, such as this

  22. They're much more tolerable if read Derek's posts in the Buffalo Bill trans-serial killer voice from Silence of the Lambs; humorous even.

  23. Can anyone file an emergency stay?

    Not sure the grandma was the best placement. The kids should probably be in foster care but foster parents can be abusers too.

    A psycho who killed the family pet won't hesitate to blame a child for his problems. Maryssa's life is about to be hell. She will be the scapegoat. She "told." She caused all their problems. That is what Eason will believe and do in my opinion. Janelle is the stepmom. She does not seem the type to love a stepchild.

    They should at least make sure Maryssa gets out of the Eason household. Doesn't Maryssa have a mom? Where is her mom?

    "The land" Is isolated and Maryssa will be on permanent punishment. No TV, no friends, no books, minimal food, kept in her room on The Land.

    A psycho who killed the family pet will not hesitate to take out all of his frustrations on a child. Now he has his 'excuse.'

    That judge should be removed from the bench. Who paid off whom? Allegedly. Was it MTV so they can welcome the whole family back after the inevitable "tragedy?"
