Thursday, July 11, 2019


One of the things I love about the site is having the best readers anywhere. The site lives for your comments and guesses. When I returned to Blogger in 2017, I lost the ability to ban people or IP addresses. Blogger is all about free speech and so am I. In the past, while on Blogger I have from time to time used moderated comments. I don't like doing it because then I have to read every single comment and say yes or no to it. It can delay the appearance of comments by hours. In the early days of the site, I was really free wheeling and allowed for anonymous comments. I stopped the practice and made you register after a rash of complaints. Lainey and many other sites don't allow for any comments on their sites just so they don't have to deal with the issues that arise. Going back and forth and arguing with someone is one thing, but doxxing people is quite another. Why does an argument have to lead to doxxing? I don't want to have to delete comments and don't want to moderate either. However, I don't want people to be in a position where they are personally attacked or vulnerable to physical attacks where they live or work. I'm hoping this kind of gets everyone back on the right track when it comes to commenting. If not, I will moderate or just turn them off. I want everyone to feel safe when they come here. I tolerate way more than most websites and hope people on the site are mature enough to say enough is enough.


Krab said...

How can you turn off commenting? You only ever have blinds on here any more.

TeeHee@U said...

Good on ENTY. My last comment on the Epstein map:

But...yes. I cannot wait until this afternoon! LOL

I am still SHOCKED how this is a partisan thing. Censorship is bad and not of a free society no matter what side of the aisle politically one falls on.

If you do not like something or believe something on the internet, move on. Or, Don't. Believe what you want to believe. People are such babies theses days. Wahh. My feelings are hurt. So fucking what. Grow up.

And, those who are doxxing. It shows how weak you are. If someone attacks an idea you cannot combat, you dox them. FO. You lost the argument as soon as you did that google search to Dox and you know it.

E said...

Hear, hear Enty. I'd live with no comments just to get rid of the hateful, know-it-all trolls

YummyBoogers said...

Thanks for keeping a watchful eye & fighting the good fight for us, Enty! We do appreciate it. I'd be super sad if commenting was shut off. I also strongly dislike sites like BG that use moderated comments since it takes hours for posts to display and disrupts the flow of discussion. Hopefully you don't have to go either route.

Predictably...the current "problem children" on this site seem to be the many alias accounts of Derek, as well as the troll accounts that populate the political or vaccine blinds. KINDLY KNOCK IT OFF, TROLLS. PLEASE. Thanks ✌

kris said...

Well Said Enty!!! I feel like the maturity level has really gone downhill over the last few years...I too would live with no comments - i don't read most of them anyway..

Count Jerkula said...

I could use a safe space to hide. Any ladies reading please send photos of your safe space. Waxed prefered, but i am open to a full & luxurious bush from time to time.

ReallyDonna said...


Agree 100%.

What's happening this afternoon, tho?

@Enty-Honestly I come here for the "puzzle" and to read other's guesses. Prolly wouldn't come here if you decide to turn off all comments. I do totally understand why you might need to; if this were my website, I would "time out" commenters with bad manners (doxing), there must be a way to do that through "blogger". I've always disliked having to instill rules for everyone, even though there are just a few rule-breakers.

Sd Auntie said...

thanks enty. lets just stick with cheating blinds and enough with Netflix and politics.

Krab said...

TeeHee is referring to Trump's purported social media conference today. He's invited QAnon conspiracy theorists, plagiarists, and fake news.

Not invited: Twitter and Facebook.

If you think that this DISINCENTIVES trolls, TeeHee, um---tee hee hee. He's legitimizing fake news and Russian trollbots. Gee, what a surprise.

Count Jerkula said...

If Trump wants a Reagan style landslide in 2020, all he has to do is break up FB, Twitter and Google. Making them utilities would be the next best option.

Eowyn said...


I appreciate CDAN and the Comments from readers like Tricia who correctly guess the blind items. Found this info. that you may or may not know: is the domain name associated with the Blogger blogging service, a division of Google. Blogger gives blog administrators the ability to block users, which prevents them from showing up in the followers list and interacting with other blog users. The blocking feature does not let you block anonymous users or non-followers.

1. Sign in to your Blogger dashboard. Click on the "Followers" link beneath "Manage Blogs." This opens the list of blog followers/users.
2. Click on the user you want to block. Click on "Block this User," and then click "Block."
3. Click on "Home," and then "Show Blocked Users" to bring up the list of blocked users. To unblock a user, click on the user's name, and then click "Unblock this User."

JD said...

Glad to see Enty taking action. I've only been following the site for maybe a year, but the comments have gotten noticeably worse just in that period of time.

I'd consider moving back to a platform that allows you to ban users. There just seem to be a few bad apples causing a lot of noise. If you remove comments entirely you're going to lose a lot of readers who - like me - are awful at guessing but love diving into the comments where people can figure it out.

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Has anyone ever been brought around to someone's side of an argument based on seeing that person make a mean-spirited, doxxing comment?

Jimbonius said...

Big deal. Obama was interviewed by a girl who sat in a bathtub with cereal and milk and a radio guy called Pimp with the Limp. Russia interfered and had trollbot farms active under the last administration, and Obama didn't do shit about it. It's all a big canard.

Why anyone gets so invested in one side versus the other is beyond me. Seems to me they all look a lot alike. Just go outside for a walk and take a deep breath. I promise getting worked up on either side of the issue isn't worth it. I left it behind years ago and life is so much better.

JL said...

How does Enty know commenters are being doxxed?

Diana said...

Thanks for saying something about this Enty, some of the comments have really gotten out of hand lately. I'd hate to see the comments leave the site, the few ruining it for the rest of us, but lately it's been too much and has been taking the fun out of reading the comments.

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Well said, Jimbo.

TeeHee@U said...

Slow Clap to "Count Jerkula" something I never thought I would say. hahaha

Again, because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are Russian Bots or Alt- Right or deserved to be doxxed.

Amazon, FB, Twitter and Google control everyones access to information and they are censoring ideas THEY deem inappropriate and cannot be handled by the "simple minded plebs." However, one cannot operate in a modern day work force or even, socially (phone or social media), or entertainment wise without the internet or anyone of these 4 companies somehow involved. AKA PUBLIC UTILITY.

I would defend the same for those on the far left. Heck, I have against book burning...smut and porn. These 4 companies are suppose to be doorways to all ideas even the ones deemed socially unacceptable. If fact, up until recently homosexuality and gender dysmorphia were considered mental disorders that should allow the government to institutionalize one or sterilize them.

How anyone can be ok with 4 companies controlling all means or communication and information that we all are actually now DEPENDENT on in EVERY DAY society is baffling.

Words to live by:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.

YummyBoogers said...

@Jimbonius, I completely agree with you.

Hardcore party loyalists fail to see JUST HOW SIMILAR they are to the other side. The mindless allegiance, demonizing of the opposing viewpoint, and shrill, hysterical tone to their voices is the same, left or right. Same window - different window dressing.

It's willful ignorance, I suppose...

My personal suggestion to any diehard righty or left types here on CDAN: Do yourselves a favor and head over to and research the campaign financiers for both your favorite and least favorite politicians. Then, tell me which political party you think REALLY HAS our best interests at heart...

To save time, I'll answer for you...neither! Both the dems and the GOP are irrefutably owned by corporate interests. In other words.. we've ALL BEEN PLAYED FOR FOOLS. Peace ✌✌

ReallyDonna said...

@Krab-Thank you!

Aquagirl said...

Enty: I’m glad that you’ve commented on, well, comments. I’ve found the last several months to be horrific, and have stopped visiting and commenting here as much. There are certain commenters here who constantly harass me (it’s the same people every time) and I’m not talking about ‘Derek’. Also there seems to be much name-calling going on which I find unacceptable—calling people stupid, etc. because they don’t agree with your POV. Quite childish. Finally, there are certain blinds that I enjoy & certain ones that I always skip (reality stars, teen moms, rappers, etc.) I wish that others would do the same; if there is a blind that you don’t like, just skip it. Don’t be nasty to the other posters because you don’t like the topic or vehemently disagree with everyone. It’s like throwing a bucket of cold water on everyone else who is commenting & that’s not why people come here.

Tricia13 said...

Maybe those being doxxed told him🤷‍♀️.......

Unknown said...

That person? responsible for doxxing Tricia is just as low as these Antifa thugs. They know they cant win with brains so they resort to violence..both physical and verbal. Truly hateful.

Unknown said...

More truth has never been spoken.

Eowyn said...


On the Epstein Diagram post, reader DontQuitYourDayJob doxxed Tricia13:

Tricia13 said...

Please they’ve been doing it for 6 years under many names@Eowyn.
Sad sad life ,there.

Tricia13 said...

Or lack,thereof.

Rosie riveter said...

So that would allow him to unscrupulously write these and have newbies or Q's take this to other sites?
No thank you.
It's imperative we say HEYYYYY ENTY, PUMP THOSE BRAKES so that people know and remeberr,it's fucking gossip. Gossip not truth. And it's getting pretty slippery here with the outrageous stories.
That being said. Doxxing?
Fuck you Derrick kristen

YummyBoogers said...

DontQuitYourDayJob = Derek Harvey (and his other dozen or so alias accounts). He has some bizarre personal vendetta against Tricia. He gives me high school mass shooter vibes, personally.

Tricia - I hope you take necessary safety precautions. Enty seems reasonable, so I doubt he'd fight any subpoenas for IP addesses. An Order of Protection might be worth looking into once you determine this person's true identity. Too many unhinged loons running around these days not to pursue follow-up. 🙌

J said...

Sounds very reasonable to me.

Eowyn said...


Enty should delete DontQuitYourDayJob's doxx.
Since there is a function for commenters to delete their own comments, surely Enty can delete DQYDJ's comment(s).

longtimereader said...

Anyone who has a problem taking Enty for anything other than what he is- An enjoyable coffee break for stressed 'soccer moms' has a serious problem with the site. It's mean't to be fun and entertaining, don't take it too seriously people.

Do Tell said...

Holy crap, this post took me by surprise!! Well said, Enty.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tricia13 said...

@yummy , Eowyn,the nice Unknown lol -in the works and I appreciate all the concern and support from all you good posters here ....
Enty-Thanks for listening.Off this one,now❤️🙏

Megley said...

The comments here are pretty tame compared to Mediaite. At least here there's no "go to hell, you libtardfag." And that's rather tame for their site!

We Stone Them said...

Aww, look at Enty pretending to be the empathetic and ethical nice guy when his site and this misogynistic, racist community's exploitative and nonconsensual handling of sexual abuse and outing people shows that he 's anything but. #Notfooled.

YummyBoogers said... what you are saying is that Enty should only post blinds that cater to what makes YOU feel safe and comfortable so that it doesn't encourage open dialogue from users who hild differing viewpoints than you (as that would be triggering, right? 🙄🙄).

In other words, @Unknown is unapologetically prejudicial and non-inclusive to philosophical and political thought diversity in online forums or public spaces such as CDAN. Good to know...✌

AListDiva said...

It's your site and u can do as u please! This is supposed to be fun, so if some people can't play nice, I say block em! I remember being disappointed when IMDB took down the message boards, but after seeing how abusive people continued to be on there, I couldn't blame them! I hope that won't happen here! I enjoy the blinds, and reading the info and nice ppl here!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YummyBoogers said...

*hold (not hild, lol)

Thorne said...

Can the Inspirational Quotes troll stay though? I consider it a site mascot at this point.

Nic said...

I don't comment often, Enty, but I always appreciate the opportunity to do so even if I do not have the popular opinion. And let's face it. With the topics in the public domain these days, it's very difficult to have an intelligent conversation without someone getting hot-headed, offended and/or "doxxed". It's refreshing to be able to participate amongst a community who says their sh!t the way they do, people not be offended by it, and walk their talk. Cheers to you!

Goldencoffee said...

Thanks for adressing this enty. And glad so many of the readers have noticed how toxic the comments have been lately. Hopefully all of us will behave from now on.

TeeHee@U said...

Why don't we all agree not to make or take this public, GOSSIP blog, personally?

l can assure you that doxing people or hating on them for their beliefs will only make them more steadfast in their beliefs and not back down. And, on top of that, you become a confirmation bias for a whole group of people on both sides when you dox.

Want to argue? Argue with ideas and facts and not commenters, private information.

Right or left or whatever. You are a douche if you out someone's private life to make yourself feel "smarter" when you cannot come back with something factual. (which in reality proves your weakness as a debater).

Deal? Good. Now, Let's get on with it. LOL

YummyBoogers said...

Hey @Enty - we've got a live one over here! @We Stone Them is one to monitor for possible abuse and harassment of other CDAN commenters.

Kitchen Table Talk said...

Thank you! I personally am grateful to the people who get the guesses going first. I can never figure out these blinds so it's nice to have others that can do the legwork.

AvignonVagabond said...

Trcica STFU hypocrite-you are the one doxxin some complete stranger (Kristin). I have no association with her. Go take your kids to the park or something low-life.

AvignonVagabond said...

And according to Tricia anyone that dislikes her or disagrees with her is ALWAYS ALL ONE PERSON (ME OR I GUESS NOW "KRISTIN") You are such a fucken loser and piece of shit mother. I will Dox you till the day I die. Mark my word.

Count Jerkula said...

WeStoneThem is mad no one has wanted to touch him/her in a sexual way since he/she was 12.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YummyBoogers said...

@DontQuitYourDayJob, did you forget to take your Lithium today? Get a grip, you pathetic whackjob.

sandybrook said...

We can always pray that's soon can't we baby doll?

AvignonVagabond said...

Does Tricia ever read books to her daughter or help with homework? Go to the kids school and volunteer? Be a respectable role model for her own children? Peg Bundy is nothing anyone aspires to be in life. I feel so sorry for your children and so embarrassed for your parents, Trasha. Its never to late to turn your life around.

J said...

This site disses celebrities. I like that, because (with very few exceptions) I strongly dislike celebrities and celebrity culture. So I come here and gleefully say mean things about celebrities.

Some people, for perhaps a variety of reasons I won't pretend to understand, come here to STRONGLY react to other posters. Sometimes they love love love other posters (which is weird but hopefully harmless) and other times they hate hate hate other posters (which makes no sense and can be a bit unnerving). People come at me all the time and I'm fine shoveling back at them (it's a whole lot of fun, frankly), but the kind of shit poor Tricia has to deal with is ridiculous.

I don't know the solution, but I want to say thank you for keeping an unmoderated forum, Enty. It's refreshing.

sandybrook said...

Clearly you are a poor tortured soul friendless and a person living without family or friends, a junkie, an alky and who knows what else you are, but clearly you are no different in real life than your pathetic online persona tells us you are freak.

Count Jerkula said...

No rape/pedophilia and incest? That would be like telling CNN to stop running stories about Trump or telling HBO to not have nudity in their shows. Who gonna willingly give up their biggest ratings draw?

AvignonVagabond said...

Sandy you are just making a fool of yourself-SHOW US SOME PROO,F OLD MAN. SHOW US SOME PROOF. UNTIL THEN STFU and go back to jerking off over Trashas glamour shots.

YummyBoogers said...

@Unknown, while I am truly sorry you experienced horrific sexual abuse and assaults during your life, it's a It unreasonable to assert that content providers should refrain from writing about this sort of thing because it's triggering for you. This is akin to a recovering alcoholic ranting to Anheuser Busch that they should cease amd desist from airing beer commercials, as they are "triggering". Do you also feel like news stations shouldn't report on rape cases because of your past?

Hopefully you see the point I am trying to make here. If a blind is upsetting to you, you could always opt NOT to read it....

SDaly said...

Has anyone ever been brought around to someone's side of an argument based on seeing that person make a mean-spirited, doxxing comment?

The doxxing is not for persuasion, it is to create fear of disagreeing with the person doing the doxxing.

J said...

Yeah, the people who are outraged over the types of blinds Enty writes, who think he needs to change his blog to whatever they DEMAND... they should go someplace else.

This applies to people who are shocked by content, or bored by repetition, or have whatever other theories about Enty's editorial motivations.


MeliticusBee said... wasn't just that post that dontquit doxed Tricia...he did it last week as well.

Hey doxxer…
you know they can trace your ip right?
you know there are people here besides looky loos and lurkers - people who might be concerned about your sperging hatred...?

SDaly said...

Don't fall into Unknown's trap. The "triggering" issue is just to shut people up. Unknown is not triggered by posts regarding sexual abuse, s/he is attracted to them like a moth to a flame and tries to disrupt or sidetrack threads that might be politically damaging.

J said...

SDaly I agree.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AvignonVagabond said...

Good then take Trasha down and Sandybrook cause they are doxxin some chick I have no affiliation with. Two completely delusional lying assholes who spend their entire lives focused on this corny website.

sandybrook said...

I don't show anything to anyone your fishing around my e-mails under your 3 different alts worrying about what imma do fully confirmed what I knew three years ago when you freaked when I first mentioned skyline chili. You're such a stupid mentally disturbed idiot, but keep on trying freak. (There were others besides this freak that also e-mailed me and I know you from other correspondence, so don't think I'm referring to you three people, just this freak)

YummyBoogers said...

@Sdaly, my gut instincts tell me you are likely correct re: Unknown. Typical SJW weaponization of victimhood in efforts to silence people.

Also...note that there are TWO different users on here who go by @Unknown. One is a regular commenter (and quite reasonable) and the other is the one we are discussing in this thread who openly admitted that they wish to censor the topics discussed on Enty's blog.

AvignonVagabond said...


I said PROOF, old man. Not incoherent ramblings no one but you understands. o send Count more dick picks under my name, closet case.

Unknown said...

There's a lot of users here who go by Unknown. Way more than 2. I'd wager that there's about 10, tbh.

(I'm a different Unknown than the other two posting in this thread).

sandybrook said...

Enty the comments are so useless these days and so few and uninteresting, turn them off for good.

sandybrook said...

Sounding a lot like Count there freak, better calm down before he gets insulted.

AvignonVagabond said...

Ooooh HIT A NERVE? Weirdo. Guess what, you are not the Judge or Juror. Loser.

AvignonVagabond said...

Im sure he remembers a freak like you from FLORIDA sending him a dick pick under MY NAME. He is the one that told me. LOSER. LOWLIFE. PERVERT.Tricia cant wait for you to come visit her and have you watch her kids. God knows she never does.

sandybrook said...

Loser, have you looked in a mirror anytime the last few years freak? You are a complete pathetic loser. We laugh at you here and you keep coming back because you've got nothing else, this fucking page has been your entire life since the early part of this decade.

AvignonVagabond said...

I post here like one or two days a week-not even. Stop deflecting your troubles in life on ME.

sandybrook said...

What troubles having money and living in luxury on a nice beach do I have freak? I live the life you will never, ever have and so does Tricia.

AvignonVagabond said...

Ya you know you are cool when you brag on the internet about how great your life is.

sandybrook said...

I do what I want, how I want it done, when I do it and with who. And you do what besides bitch about me and Tricia you useless, pathetic freak?

sandybrook said...

Facts aint bragging baby doll. We deal with real life you deal in bizzarro world freak.

VikingSong said...

@J, you're a rampant misogynist that accuses rape victims, whom you've never met, of lying if they're female. You're utterly repulsive.

molly said...

Hi , I'm molly, a political junkie.Post a lot on FB about politics. Yesterday, was posting about Jeffrey Epstein because he is certainly a huge juggernaut between the govt. underworld and hollywood underworld. Someone asked me why I posted about gossip.I replied this is geopolitics. He mentioned gossip over and over.Finally decided he was a troll. ..Do not consider Epstein news as gossip as it is all over news sites. It is very easy for anyone in intelligence as Epstein certainly is to track down IP addresses and who we are. As a compromise from censoring........why not set up a few simple rules. No attacking other commenters .....I get rather tired of all the Enty attacks now. And the many attacks on Tricia just says to me that she knows her stuff.....Common sense would say, if you don't like the site don't read it. But when the trolls attack on certain subjects so much as to be disruptive, it is time to stop it. Hillary Clinton , several years ago, said we had to engage in cyber wars and millions were needed. I think govt. has gotten into it. I can spot them a mile away. Try to be congenial until I can't . Figure they pull up their pants every morning the same as I do. The paid govt. people are people too. BUT, they can turn nasty on a dime. This is a dead give away. There are many on this site as commenters and their sole purpose is to disrupt and be so nasty, people won't visit site.

J said...

VikingSong, stifle.

This is a gossip site about celebrities, not about J.

Feel free to start the a website about me if you like. In fact, put me down for a $1 patreon donation to get you started.

AvignonVagabond said...

No Sandy you deal with lies and running your mouth with no evidence.

Count Jerkula said...

Can someone explain to me chicks eating while sitting on the toilet? This one broad, who i never banged, was at my house one time, on the phone, on the toilet, eating a microwaved Lean Cuisine, when she opened the door and yelled out for some ketchup. Hot chick, very hot. I grabbed her the ketchup, since i am a gentleman, and she opened the door wide and took it from me. I stood there for a few moments, she looked up at me nervously, and i said, "OK, I'll let you get back to whatever the fuck this is," as i closed the door and walked away.

sandybrook said...

Oh I've got plenty of evidence freak, I'm just too busy with other extremely important things that tower over this worthless site and a fucking useless unimportant piece of shit like you freak.

AvignonVagabond said...

Tricia is prob on the can when she posts here 24/7. Let that sync in with yall...ewwwwhhhhh

no said...

Enty rules. Also if people keep it up, we should ban all comments except for the Very Nice And Inspirational Quotes comments. I truly believe this adds the right amount of surreal to the site and I for one would miss it.

AvignonVagabond said...

Cool story, bro. REALLY SEEMS LIKE IT.

sandybrook said...

No you really are a completely useless unimportant piece of shit, not seems like it, you are one.

TeeHee@U said...

The moment comments are ended or moderated on this site...the traffic aka ad. revenue goes down tremendously for ENTY. Because that would force ENTY to answer and solve his own blinds and not get clicks for the ones he makes up.

This blog would become non-exsistant. I am 100000% on board with a Dox, you Blocked rule though.

AvignonVagabond said...

Then Tricia and Sandy would be gone and they would prob attempt suicide haha

Jon said...

Glad this is finally being addressed. I understand that my personal OPINIONS about these blinds aren't always popular and I often make bad jokes but my OPINIONS and JOKES are completely harmless...YET...I'm continually harassed and personally attacked by a few people. Very, very vulgar personal attacks. Four people in particular...sandybrook, tricia 13, and occasionally sdauntie and Rosie. Every nasty comment uncalled for and unsolicited. If people are getting doxxed from this site I'd bet money on it being one of them, based on my personal experiences. In fact, I believe sandybrook actually threatened to do just that to me a while back. Toxic, all of them.

tipple said...

I love the blinds, but the comments are my favorite. These folks are very entertaining and at times very eloquent. Some are scary and it's suddenly like you're in a horror move, but I choose to ignore them for sanity's sake.

Dena said...

I feel like the commenting on the comments section isn't going very well.

AvignonVagabond said...

Amen John. I dislike SD because she is guilable and believes everything SB and Trasha says. I do have to say Rosie has been better (with me) and doesnt kiss Trasha's ring like the others. Not that she gives a rats ass what I think but I will give credit where credit is due. Trasha and Sandy think they own this site. Its so weird. GET A REAL JOB, TRASHA. SAVE FOR YOUR CHILDRENS FUTURE. YOU ARE NOT IN THE ONE PERCENT.

tipple said...

@Dena You're right and I fear this has deteriorated very quickly and is very telling.

Anonymous said...

Nobody should be doxed. That's just evil. I would rather have freewheeling comments than some places like TMZ where you cannot and I am not kidding write the word "Hell" without the comment being removed.
Some of the commenters here are amazing with how they can figure these things's very entertaining. I do have to say the Captcha thing is a pain in the ass some days though.

Rosie riveter said...

Whaaaaa whaaaa
Poor tortured soul.
In the MEANTIME Enty is giving us real live gruesome topics, with no actual proof that they're true or that anything is being done to correct it. And then we have Tricia, who was publicly called out and her real self posted for all to see-
And you're worried about your precious feelings?
Jesus, no wonder we make fun of you

Jon said... are correct that rosie has gotten better. I think she/he actually gets that this is an entertainment site and not to be taken too seriously. The others revolve their lives around it and hate anyone who challenges their perception that this is real life.

Anonymous said...

PS to my comment: Thank you ENTY. This is a very fun read every day.

BRAD PITT said...

i loved the imdb message boards and then they were disabled

i hope CDAN doesn't do that

Count Jerkula said...

Cbssports disabled all comme ts on their articles. I had been ip banned a few times. I think ESPN did the same, because readers got sick of constant t-bo articles, so they t-bo'd up every comments section.

kiki71 said...

Absolutely agree. The attacks on Tricia13 are particularly vicious. I don't get it. Another thing is folks posting "in other news" on threads.

squirrelmistress said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosie riveter said...

sandybrook and Tricia, what if you're wrong about this "Kristen" gal? Seriously, what if one of the loyal CDAN crazies who worship at the alter of CDAN go find this woman? Isn't that doxxing as well, what you're doing?
Whilst we're being fair..

SkullChimpyCheese said...

I lose respect for posters who drag on the bs fights but anyone who's ever dallied too long on sensitive subjects of the matrix gets good at scrolling past the Boilerroom Bots.

Plus .. I lived long enough to learn doxxing isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person with no power and nothing to hide.

(Beware the Tolerant and Open Minded who like only lockstep grrrlz who speak their "personal truths" in unison and on cue.

They are very insecure folks who do not really permit a Safe Space to any who dare offend with facts and logic their more hypocritical and self-serving Beliefs, starting with their alleged hatred of bullies.)

I found you through Occult Media blog during long dark days post-K in NOLA. Glad you returned to Blogger ... lost you for a while there.

sandybrook said...

That's her problem not ours.

Eowyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sandybrook said...

She's claimed to me under 2 different alts Ray Nicolet and another someone stalked her here many years ago, so there's that too. She's still here, so either that was b.s or she's an idiot. She has nowhere and nobody else that's why she's still here Rosie.

Jon said...

@rosie. I said nothing about my feelings. I learned about bullies with low self esteem loooong ago and I feel bad for all of you and pay you no mind. As soon as I click off this site I forget that any of you exist until I next log on. And I guess now maybe I need to take back the complimentary comments I made about you earlier.

But...let's get to the good stuff...Tricia was publicly called out and her real name posted??? Where? Link please.

Who are the "we" that make fun of me? The ones I previously mentioned? And I don't think that telling me to kill myself, fuck off and die, eat shit and die, get raped, etc. is exactly making fun of me. I think you should open your eyes and read what they actually write before you defend them. Scroll up...they've written similar things about other people in this very post.

AvignonVagabond said...

Sandy -You seem obsessed with her. Not the other way around. I dont see her anywhere so...TTM confirmed I am not her. Its telling you skipped past my comment regarding the dick pic sent to Count. You keep talking in circles-PROOF OR STFU.

sandybrook said...

TTM and I had a very nice chat off the board baby doll.

AvignonVagabond said...


AvignonVagabond said...


sandybrook said...

Like I said we chatted off the board and she's fully aware now.

sandybrook said...

E-mail her go ahead tell her I told you to.

AvignonVagabond said...


sandybrook said...

Losing it again are we bitch? Come on melt down big time right now you can do it MELT THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW!

AvignonVagabond said...

You are ALL TALK, Pansybrook. Not one iota of proof. Go send some more dick pics to other guys under my name. See I made an accusation-provided proof-(Count can confirm if he feels the need) and made a fool of you. All you do is say weird irrelevant shit regarding to me being a woman named Kristin. PROOF, ASSHOLE or STFU. WOULD KRISITIN REMEMBER THAT DICK PIC THING FROM 6 OR SO YEARS AGO? HUH? YOU ARE SUCH A CLOSET-CASE WHACK-JOB. Ugh.

Thia said...

Derek - enough is enough. Stop it. You are out of control and this is ridiculous. I think going forward, everyone should just stop responding to DontQuit. I can't even imagine how high his/her blood pressure is right now.

We will all just pretend you no longer exist. It's much healthier for all of us to include you. Go do some yoga and live a great life.

sandybrook said...

Yes she would because she remembers things that happened on this board in 2012 don't you baby? Because they are important to you because this board was, is and always will be your only social outlet in life, you're completely pathetic. It's your entire social life and ninety different alts say how pathetic you are.

AvignonVagabond said...

Still not providing any proof...I rest my case.

Rosie riveter said...

There are plenty of blinds with Tricia's info. I won't perpetuate it by posting it- just in the last few days it's been here.
As for telling someone to kill themselves get raped, that's disgusting

sandybrook said...

Your case about you being a pathological mentally ill lying piece of shit was proven on this board years ago. You have no case fucking bitch. Under many, many different alts besides this one and Derek Harvey over a period of close to a decade.

MeliticusBee said...

@MissDavie – just skip the captcha and push “publish your comment” without doing it at all.

Incidentally – this comment section is the bomb…or should be bombed, or maybe I should be bombed to read it…
How do I get in on the email back and forth and discuss others off line thing…and how come no one wants to track me down?

I'm kinda missing Akbar, though I was happy to see Count's nastiness return.

AvignonVagabond said...


sandybrook said...

C'mon you're about one step away from a complete meltdown smoke some more crack and give us one more in case Enty shuts the forum down. We can all use the entertainment part of your meltdown, it's been so long nutjob.

Rosie riveter said...

Omfg this thread is going swimmingly.
Just stop guys. Really, Derrick (that's who I think you are) and Sandy, you both may get banned.
Quit doxxing people, let it go. The point of coming here anonymously is to indulge a guilty pleasure and occasionally say things we can't or don't IRL.
We don't want to be censored! If you don't put it down we may be.
And I still got shit to say

AvignonVagabond said...

More accusations no PROOF provided. Ok Ive said that word enough for a few lifetimes and you will never provide it so....have fun on your pointless journey. Keep us posted. Pffffft.

AvignonVagabond said...

@Rosie-Ok. I dont wanna ruin it for the few sane people left here. Someone already has by throwing-up over every single post for the past 7 years.

tipple said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I come for the entertainment. Gossip should be fun. Let me say no one deserves to be doxxed. I also choose not to engage with aggressive posters. I'm here for the gossip not a battle. I've grown fond of Enthusiasm Quotes. He's like the little street sweeper at the end of the Mr Peabody cartoon (Rocky & Bullwinkle show). He's usually there at the end to shut down the threads.

Sd Auntie said...

my phone says quotes is a dangerous site. FYI

Angela said...

Doxxing is bad, period.

So is writing hateful stuff, like white supremacist canards, or antisemitic messages.

So is posting made up criminal stories when it's a slow news day or because you know that's what your readers expect from the site.

So is throwing people that you know are innocent under a bus because you know it serves your narrative and will help you hide your own lies. You know, like the guy whose New Orleans house had burnt. Definitely not one of your proudest moments, dear Enty...

So is taking advantage of child molestation to pimp your Patreon account that will get subscribers hours of podcasts discussing pedophiles with many shocking revelations provided you pay $5 a month.

People DO bad things. It's just that they don't presume they do, and it's easier anyway to blame other people for other bad things that to look at their own face in the mirror.

J said...

lol, Angela dude, don't forget it's unspeakably horrible to ask strangers to tell you when they lost their virginity... if they want to...


EponymousAnonymoud said...

Derek didn’t doc, Derek GOT doxxed, right? And turned out to be Kristen? Or he was using an alt and doxxed himself and Kristen was just another alt? I wasn’t sure, it was getting a little meta there at the end.

Angela said...

J, I didn't even read the virginity thread.
By the way, was your first cousin kind to you?

J said...

Good thing, Angela. You would have been scandalized, and likely hospitalized from shock.

My cousins are all older than me. All were pretty nice to me too. One died a few years back; I'm not in close contact with the others, although one guy and I chat on facebook every month or so. Thanks for the interest!

Anonymous said...

@SD Auntie recheck your security settings. I just went to the site and no security issues. It's actually just another blogger site. Quite harmless.

EponymousAnonymoud said...

Lol I was thinking that.

Guesser said...

Enty,do not turn off commments. If you have to protect someone,deal with it some other way. And why are people who think the comments should go keep commenting? Start with yourselves if you believe that. Sometimes the comments are the stars of the blog. Every time the reader photos come along, this starts up big time. A lot of nice people show up so evil has to triumph in their own head. Enty allows people to question him so why all the hate? I do not go to sites that don't allow you to question them .

Count Jerkula said...

How about necro-pedophilia? Some blinds about a fella too embarrassed about his pedophilia to have the kid alive during the sodomy?

Guesser said...

Was I moderated? Ok. We need some Inspirational Quotes. See you at 200.

ecj said...

Hello! Relatively new reader here, I’ve only been here for about a year, and I’ve only commented once. I don’t even know what doxxing is! But I have to say, the aggressive comments have become quite ridiculous, and are a pain in the ass to scroll through when you’re trying to read the blind-related responses.
If I don’t like the subject of the blind, I skip it. If I read a response from someone who has a different opinion than mine, I don’t attack them. But the incessant amount of hateful comments (from all sides) has really turned me off from checking this site as regularly as I used to.
It’s a shame. Hopefully this can get fixed because I secretly love this site (whether or not the blinds are true).

Pizza said...

I like the comments on here because they can help you "figure out" some of the blinds. People suggest celebs that I wouldn't have thought of, and are often correct and then there are a lot of other helpful links to articles talking about the subject. I like that a lot. I also like when people drop in with their random anecdotes about the celeb, positive or not. The Count is the only one whose comments I could pass on, they are always extremely unnecessarily gross or out of line.

Honey Bunny said...

Thank you Enty! About time. This started when Enty had an article about this website in the DailyFail, oh sorry, DailyMail. Everything started going down hill after that.

Nic said...

@Count, there are all kinds. I've observed women take their cell phones into the showers at my gym. And take calls! Between shampoo and conditioner, I guess? One woman was on the phone in the next bathroom stall having a great chat. I totally outted her and flushed. Industrial toilets are pretty loud, she had to ask the person on the other end to repeat because she couldn't hear them. I don't get it, either.

Vita said...

Now we've done it! Enty has pulled this wagon over and put us on Moderated Mode!😩

Sorry, Enty!

Pepperoni10010 said...

Wow, just wow.

Sand/Tric - love ya both but please just blank you know who. Ya can't reason with crazy...

Talking of Crazy, Count Jerk, i have to admit, i find your comments more fun than the enty. Gross a lot of the time, (I have nearly spat my coffee out
after reading some of your comments) but so funny.


Aquagirl said...

Comments are being moderated. This probably won’t go through.

Sekrit said...

I have been trying to ignore comments by some people (i.e. basically one) because they just want attention, as you can see on this post, but honestly?
Be nice, respectful and have a guess, that's all anyone wants here, if you feel the need to say crap about another person at least three times a day or else you'll shrivel up into a ball of nothingness, maybe go stay and wank on 4chan, we don't want you here.

Mischief Girl said...

If you turn off comments, I'll only get 1 in a 100 of these blinds!! You'll have to do Reveal Days every month, Enty!!

Guesser said...

@Pizza,agree about how the comments help group solve the blind. Don't agree about @Count,he actually is knowledgeable about some of these topics,outside the box thinking. Plus,one time he was missing a while,I stated I wasn't about to look this up and have it on my Google forever,sure enough,he shows up to save the day. He can be totally gross,but also authentic. And easily skipped,he doesn't post multiples. Unless of course he is @Tricia13,@sandybrook,@Derek,@Brayson87 and we are all fools.

Aquagirl said...

@Vita: WE haven’t done anything. You are one of the most polite commenters here. It’s the constant back-and-forth between Derek (etc.) and those who consistently need to call other posters names that are ruining this site. If people cannot have a discussion and express their opinion without calling others ‘stupid’ or worse, they really don’t belong here.

Jennifer said...

Real nice. Now it's ruined for everyone😢

mooshki said...

A lot longer than that. I’m 98% sure it’s the same person who drove me out of the comments.

Samantha the 1st said...

I just want to say: thank you.

Thank you Mr. Ent Lawyer for this site, for our FREE, plentiful entertainment in reading the items, and for your patience.

It's sad some abuse that privilege.

Thank you for this site. I see moderation is now enabled, and I hope people get that hint and stop abusing this site.

Amber said...

This - this whole scene - this is just embarrassing.

HeatherBee said...

When I first started reading this site, I never clicked on the comments. I would read the blind, make a guess, and wait for the reveal. One day, I accidentally clicked on the comments, and Tricia guessed the same as me. Another person had a funny comment, and I was intrigued. I’d only read comments on recipes before, and this was obviously a much better read. It was fun to see if I got the right answer or to learn something new if I was wrong.
I make the joke that should I end up on Dateline, my Google searches will be horribly incriminating to my character, thanks to CDAN!
I enjoy the difference of opinion and the back and forth, and I have learned a lot of things that I would not have otherwise; but, the vitriol is really too much.
To target a person here for the absolute most inane reason ever is beyond me. It sucks that one person has driven Enty to step in and say something should make you feel foolish.
BTW: I don’t like to brag— but I got got nailed for public intox in college, and I not only got myself a sweet mugshot, but I got my 2 roommates cuffed also. Boom! I’ll see Tricia’s mugshot and raise her 2! 😃

HeatherBee said...


HeatherBee said...


HeatherBee said...

Okay, to clarify those last 2 comments, I swore I was blocked!

Rosie riveter said...

I'm honored.
Alas, if they allow racists and biggots.. they shall allow me.
But thankyou for the nomination

Lorkhan said...

I won't be coming back if commenting is turned off.

In regards to the doxxing, I missed it. I assume we got an address to send Tricia13 the flowers she so rightly deserves for her illuminating guesses?

Angela said...


Yes, one of the unintended consequences of the comments being under moderation is that anything that published here from now on will be in some way approved by Enty as being conform to his guidelines, whether he keeps them implicit or makes them public.

Switching to moderation is a two-edged sword, as I guess there's little doubt he had considered the option for months and tried to stay out of it. It means that Enty is more responsible for what will be posted, rather than Blogger/Google having to assess the general situation if they get complaints. So if there's hate speech published in the comments, that's on Enty. If there are criminal accusations that name somebody, famous or not, that's on Enty, etc. as he directly vetted the comment.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this will help. It's embarrassing that as adults we need to be moderated.

Thia said...

@HeatherBee And Tricia - I got arrested in college for a DWI (thankfully no one got hurt), so I see both of your mug shots and I raise you a jail cell breakfast!

Tricia13 said...

Haha.. you’re story is far more interesting than mine! My husband(then BF) defended me in a bar a short time after moving to Miami (not nice dudes and they happened to be friends with the owner of the bar. Called their buddy cops who roughed up my BF on the street outside unlawfully ,merely because he asked what he did wrong. I intervened.... they said “we have no reason to bring you in just walk away I was like “huh- not so much dudes”. That was that. All 3 of them were dishonorably discharged within about 6 months

Vita said...

Thanks, Aquagirl (you, too!) I guess I just feel if enough "stay with the program" sorts had been around, tide might have turned, or something. Just kills me that it happened on the the post asking for rational behavior.sigh.

+1 Samantha...tons of free DAILY entertainment about gossip...why does that have to lead to personal ugliness of any kind?

HeatherBee-- that's a great story!

Cinnamon Sticker said...

+1million @HeatherBee I'd be sad if the comments were removed. I'm a Tricia13 Fan. We should all live such a lovely life! USVI is a gorgeous place to hang your hat. (PS: My one and only mugshot is not nearly as attractive as the one you mention @HeatherBee! same offense...once and done! TGIU - Thank God for Uber).

Tricia13 said...

Hahah Yes Girl!

Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

I love roses😉

Astra Worthington said...

Agreed, J. Lots of people have problems with me here. I always say, scroll on by. I do the same for people I dislike and only go after them if they start shit with me.

I like free speech. It’s not always nice, but the entire internet has been sanitized for the delicate snowflakes. CDAN is great because people can say pretty much whatever they want. I never care when people call me names. They’re entitled to their opinions, just as I’m entitled to mine. I wouldn’t dox anyone because, who cares? It’s not that serious.

So people have spats in the comments, that’s ok. People have political opinions and opinions on vaccines. That’s great. Anyone that wants to censor others who don’t agree with them, are not suited to a free country. Or this site.

Hope you keep it relatively free, Enty.

Astra Worthington said...

I think it’s interesting that people just assume that what they consider “racist” or “misogynist” or “anti Semitic” is the hard and fast, 100% correct definition of those things. There’s a difference between spamming “the n word”, and pointing out that factually, certain races commit far more crime than others. Are they the same kind of so called racism? Are facts “racist”? Is pointing out that the majority of the elites in Hollywood are Jewish, “anti Semitic”, even though it’s true? Is disliking a celebrity that happens to be a woman, “misogynistic”?

Point being, when you start censoring things, even facts, because it hurts your feelings or you don’t like those facts, there’s a problem. Because you don’t speak for everyone. I think that some commenters here have the mistaken idea that THEY are the arbiters of what is, or isn’t, acceptable speech. But mostly I think they just cry about those things to get attention. Much easier to just scroll on by comments you don’t like, and people you don’t like, than it is to stir turds and throw a tantrum because others comment in a way you don’t approve of.

Count Jerkula said...

So you reject my stellar postings, but dont mind people being harassed and doxxed? Well that makes it clear which one of us is the better person.

Count Jerkula said...

I took my phone into the shower once. I was high on meth and finally found a porn scene worth masturbating to, so i did the 2 birds 1 stone thing and tugged one out in the shower. The water resistance was all it was cracked up to be, but the hi def and bright screen ate up the battery, and it would t charge until all the moisture was out of the port. Small price to pay, i guess.

Count Jerkula said...

Thank you pepperoni.

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks Guesser. Too many people get triggered by the use of whore and other blunt talk, and they miss out on the knowledge and wit. It is a good filter, as those types of people dont deserve the enjoyment of my comments.

Count Jerkula said...

This moderation will pass. Enty would have to hire a round the clock team or be happy w/ tanking Alexa #s.

Do Tell said...

Way to promote antisemitic tropes and positing them as "facts". You're part of the problem.

Count Jerkula said...

Moo: will you be mad when my vile comments get approved?

Samantha the 1st said...

"+1 Samantha...tons of free DAILY entertainment about gossip...why does that have to lead to personal ugliness of any kind?"

Thank you Vita!

Count Jerkula said...

Are we doing all of our arrests or just the worst ones?

My worst was after getting top shelf crystal the first time. Having been used to bathtub biker crank it was a huge step up in potency, like going from blackberry brandy to 151. That was on a friday night. By sunday night when i was arrested, i hadnt used any more or slept. I was put in protective custody in the basement of county jail, wearing nothing but a suicide suit. They gave me a roll of one ply toilet paper that i tried to wrap around my feet cause the floor was so cold. I finally got some sleep late tuesday night and bailed out Weds morning. Since i only copped to smoking some bad weed, i would up w/ a conditional discharge, fines and 1yr probation. Since they backed up w/ real criminals, i didnt get a call from probation officer until a week before it was up, and we couldnt coordinate a meeting, so she just jammed my paperwork through.

Bright spot about getting locked up while high on meth is that i didnt need to eat any of the horrible prison food. In the 3 days i think i ate a cookie, a piece of french toast and had some juice and milk.

Anonymous said...

@Count while your posts can be crude they are never hateful. There's a difference. Actually you and Flashy Vic are the two that keep me laughing.

Count Jerkula said...

Ann: who gots time for h8 when they so many cooters & tooters that need luv?

Madame_ovary said...

I used to post comments here and there but stopped after a while and took a break from CDAN because I couldn't take how the comments devolved into childish arguments and pushing of political agendas. I understand that political topics will come up but when it goes off the rails and suddenly has nothing to do with the blind, that's when I back out. I like reading the comments as long as its blind-related but I have a hard time sifting out the relevant comments from the crap. I wish Blogger allowed users to block other users. That way, nobody gets censored in the public domain, Enty doesnt have to moderate and users can have control over what they see and block those that are harassing them. I like this site for the most part, its entertaining. But I just cant take the fighting, namecalling, threats and political preaching.

Unknown said...

Thank you anon for the comment, there is no reason to dox anyone. Take everything with a grain of salt people. I've been doxed on the front pages of the Daily Mail, the sun and my follower's comments were deemed vitriol,

Anonymous said...

@Unknown I hope you sue for that doxxing incident. I couldn't believe it the day that article was released. If MM and her PR staff thought it would cower people into silence they were dead wrong. It only made people angry. I have to wonder did Kensington Palace approve of the doxxing beforehand? Did you get an apology from the BRF? I certainly hope so.

Sd Auntie said...

Hey thanks for the shout out @Jon. unfortunately, i do mot have the skills or time to Doxx people nor do i have the desire too. way to busy working traveling and having a good time with special people. try enjoying the great outdoors and getting some fresh air.


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