Friday, July 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 5, 2019

I wouldn't go over to her house at night. I have been to it during the day and it is lovely. At night, all I can think of is some type of "Get Out" situation. You have a foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee who is a completely different person at home. The interactions she has with her family are crazy. They make everyone uncomfortable. Whether it is dealing with a parent or dealing with her kids. The discipline is crazy and it just feels dark and like a horror movie. The terror is real and punishments are swift and harsh. The thing is, our actress is trying to find a mate who wants to be involved in this house of horrors and I am not just talking hyperbole right now when I say that person has a good chance of ending up dead, most likely under very strange circumstances.

Charlize Theron


hothotheat said...

She grew up in an abusive household so is continuing that tradition. It takes a big person to overcome and be self-aware. She's not up to it.

Count Jerkula said...

Yeah, if she was remotely sane someone would have wifed her by now.

Thursday November said...

Her father was an abusive jacka$$, and her mother finally shot him one night.

Love and Light Channelings said...

Not surprised at all!I got that vibe from all the interviews where she talked about her kids. Her comments about them are always very negative!

Count Jerkula said...

Is t there the rumor that Charlize shot him and mom took the heat, or was that an old time movie star?

Krab said...

That was Lana Turner and her daughter.

Lisa said...

@Krab is right but I wouldn't be surprised if that scenario was also true @Count...

Aquagirl said...

I really started to wonder about her when she was with Sean Penn. I think this blind is definitely true. There have been so many stories & photos of how she publicly treats her kids, so I can only imagine what happens in private. It wouldn’t surprise me if she killed her father & her mother took the heat. Seems crazy all around.

Wonder what the deal was with Stuart Townsend? Supposedly she was sbusive & demeaning to him but he hung in there for a long time.

Aquagirl said...


Sook said...

Yikes! No wonder she won the Oscar for Monster!

Amartel said...

Lack of perspective and education plus lack of boundaries and limits = disaster (though the format of the disaster varies from personality to personality).

TeeHee@U said...
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Soapdish said...

How does someone like this get approved to adopt kids? I know $$$

Jne said...

Sounds like she didn’t deserve an oscar for monster because she wasn’t acting.

T said...

I am terrified for those poor kids that she has, there is no telling what goes on...tragic

notthisagain said...

Honestly when white parents adopt all black kids, it triggers Get Out thoughts in me. Look at the two white lesbians w/6 black kids they abused, starved and then drove off a cliff and killed them. I wish somebody would take away these kids from Charlize. She’s from South Africa too...

TeeHee@U said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DavidHowesCREBroker said...

The new "Mommy Dearest?"

I had a feeling there was something off about her.

Henriette said...

Theron can't hide her true nature anymore. She comes off as a stone cold bitch in her interviews, but I think she is in crazyland like Halle Berry. She is the worst combo--violent and crazy.

Henriette said...

I want to know what happened to her and Stephen Jenkins from Third Eye Blind. I have read she hates him with a passion.

Fifi LaRue said...

This is quite some accusation! And, it's in writing? Wow.

TruRes said...

This is what it made me think of. And she's South African. Some weird control-abuse thing happening 😔

TruRes said...

Omg yes! He seemed so normal.

TwoDots said...

Is she forcing the kid to wear dresses though, or is the kid choosing to?

Anonymous said...

Transgender Agenda/Luciferian doctrine. Her Twitter profile photo resembling Horus/all seeing eye. She is part of the program same for Sandra B. But Sandy's approach is with honey not battery acid like Charlize BUT they are all cut from the same Luciferian cloth

Samantha the 1st said...

TwoDots: the kid looked miserable in his or her dress is all I can tell you.

Have seen Theron in action in person and got a very dark crazed vibe. She's one I'd steer clear of.

I am not saying this blind is true.

I have always thought there was more to the story about the night her dad was killed. I think there was a lot of trauma suffered by Theron in her family home.

AdamssVanni said...

Does anyone know what Sean Penn said about her “parenting” or what happens in the household? Anyone have a link to the article or the interview. I didn’t have luck finding anything on my limited time just now!!!

AdamssVanni said...

Anyone know what Sean Penn said about her “parenting” or what happened in the household??? Any links to articles or interviews?


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