Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 25, 2019

Apparently a frequent guest at the frequent parties of the disgraced director and his mentor and all of those other a-holes found an old camera of his and it is filled with nearly a thousand images from several of those parties. Images that have never been seen before. There are also new victims and predators to be identified in the pictures. He is building a website right now to host all of the photos and let people figure out who everyone is that he can't remember.

Bryan Singer/David Geffen


  1. I predict we would find Aliens before we see any actual proof that this camera EXISTS!

  2. Yeah it sounds like bullsh!t. Just happened to find an old camera with a thousand pics from those parties AND they're building a site to put them on? Just use IG moron! It's already got female and male whores on there.

  3. disgraced director = Roman Polanski

    guests = De Niro and Jack Nicholson

  4. If there is gay kiddie/ underage porn, there is no way in hell is he going to upload this stuff to a website. His possession itself is illegal. I could see it being used to threaten blackmail but yah, I don't think we will ever see these photos if they even exist.

  5. Singer will direct another movie eventually and Geffen will never be exposed or go to jail. Our only hope, If we're lucky, Cancer or a disease will ravish them both.

  6. So what was this upstanding human being doing at a place like a Bryan Singer party? Purely innocent intentions, I'm sure.

  7. Well does not bode well for the frequent guest!!

  8. Yeah who's the frequent guest? This outs the disgraced director and his mentor, but who found the camera?

  9. I’m pretty sure that the person who donated $100 million to MOMA and gave so much to Lincoln Center that they named a building after him is not assembling a website of questionably legal boys cavorting with old men in his spare time. I mean, I could be wrong except that I’m definitely not.

  10. @Miss Teak
    Geffen is not the frequent guest who supposedly took the pictures in the blind. The guy's identity is unknown (and it will stay that way). David Geffen is the mentor of Bryan Singer.

    This blind actually means very little if Bryan Singer is the main target. Singer's career is now dead, and it wouldn't be a shock to hear for the umpteenth time that he held parties with barely legal male actors.
    The real target is most likely David Geffen, that this site has been trying for two years to push as the real instigator, along with Steven Spielberg, of a huge human trafficking network in Hollywood, involving a lot of child molestation.
    But as you say, a guy who can donate $100m to MOMA has definitely enough money to hire a legal team or some muscle to intimidate the people behind CDAN if any of this was true.

    And, as Brayson87 said, the story in itself makes very little sense. Some dude wanted for some reason to snap hundreds of pictures at orgies that apparently involved some minors. And the hosts let him take these pictures for some other reason, even if the parties involved celebrities and other Hollywood power players.
    Then, the guy forgets all about it for years, until he finds his camera with the of pictures on it, and the first thing he wants to do is to put together a website that would associate him with Bryan Singer and land him into serious legal issues? And because he wants the people in the pictures to be properly tagged?
    This defies all common rules of psychology. The blind doesn't even bother to explain why somebody would act like this. It makes about as much sense as anything in "The Room".

  11. This alleged website will never happen. Also, 1,000 photos is not a lot. I have more on my iPhone of my cat. 😻☺️

  12. I'm with BRAD PITT on this one. Polanski has been a nasty man for a long time

  13. I still think you guys aren't getting it. The mystery guest doesn't have good intentions, it is likely a private site for his pervy friends,with them naming/guessing the partygoers. He knows it's illegal,doesn't care.

  14. Not buying this one, sorry.

  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I read this blind to mean that Singer was Geffen's protégé and that a third party found the camera and is going to upload it to some kind of dark web website for pedos so they can think back on all their good times. Anything else and the guy is already as good as dead. There are so many stories about Geffen, starting with the early days of killing used up singer/songwriters to children in limos to yacht stories, that it can't be all completely made up.

  16. My take on this is that one motivation is identifying people for blackmail purposes. The other, is that people like that, like to have a "complete" collection (images/video) of their "favorites." The story I see is that the photographer got overly involved in what they were doing (drugs/alcohol/sex) and at one point mislaid the camera. A human point in the midst of monstrous behaviour.
