Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 19, 2019

This royal has shown no shame over the past week as he has made multiple public appearances despite knowing more of his rapes of underage teens are going to be made public.

Prince Andrew


  1. He figures everyone will concentrate on fatso Markle.

  2. I doubt that will become public. There are many powerful abusers, perverts and rapists in HW and around the world, and they are living their lives untouched. Shame!

  3. If Taylor Swift is a queen, does that mean she does sex trafficking?

  4. He's probably trying the "Keep Calm and Carry On/ Never let 'em see you sweat" combo platter, knowing that he's got a very strong side dish of "My Mum's the Queen"...some more will have to be exposed before he starts to let the panic show publicly.

  5. However, I can't believe he's sleeping too well of late

  6. It is odd that he has been more public lately than he's beensince he got divorced.

  7. I'll be interested to see if there is more than the Virginia Roberts case, which has been public for years.

    Roberts was 17, which is underage in many parts of the US (including Florida, where Epstein was particularly active) but not underage in the UK, where the age of consent is 16. In New York State, where Epstein was also active, the age of consent is 17.

    Sex with a much younger woman is still creepy, but it's not strictly illegal, unless Andrew knew that the woman was having sex with him under duress.

    But let's see if more women (or girls) come forward.

  8. Come on, statutory rape is so insignificant to a royal. Why should he care? Just lie and say the whores told him they were 18.

  9. This is so completely made up.

  10. If you look at r/Epstein, they're doing some great work compiling info about Jeff and everyone he's ever known.

  11. He's waiting until MI6 "takes care of the problem".

  12. Agree with Nutty over the age of consent thing.

    Since Prince Phillip went into retirement, Andrew has been his Mother's escort to many events that his Father would have attended.

  13. The women didn’t consent. It doesn’t matter what the law of consent is, if there is no consent.

    1. So tatty, you think there is no difference between violent rape and statutory rape?

  14. New York magazine, in their latest issue, has an alphabetical list of Epstein's black book names. Andrew, big time guest of Epstein. Andrew the Sleeze. Sex with girls younger than his daughters. EueeeUuuuuu.

  15. He is the queen's favorite son. Doubt if they will allow anything to happen to him while she is alive.

    1. Nothing will happen even after she dies. He certainly has diplomatic immunity in the US and will just be pardoned in the UK

  16. MM guest editing vogue will deflect andrew pedo behavior

  17. TBF Andrew is small fry compared to what Phillip got upto.

  18. And yet they'll be outraged by MM.

  19. I don't think the Brits care. They're not in a state of perpetual outrage like we are over here. If he slept with a 16 or 17 year old, that's just him and every other Z list and up celebrity guy in America. His misdeeds will get buried in a sea of even worse misdeeds. What's happening now with pedos being outed is what has already happened with public shootings - there are just so many, it's happening all the time, and the news value keeps diminishing.

  20. Questions for any lawyer to resolve might include -

    What was the girl's age

    What was the legal age of consent in the place it happened

    What was the legal age of consent in the accused's home country (because some countries have that type of law now, where the law in the other country doesn't matter)

    Was she trafficked or forced

    If so who trafficked or forced her

    IF trafficked or forced by a procurer did the "client"/accused have a way to reasonably know that.
