Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 2, 2019

This former socialite turned celebrity turned reality star on a show you all know even if you don't watch it started talking about marriage to a guy before the drinks had even been delivered to their table.

Tinsley Mortimer


  1. overgrown psycho Barbie

  2. I love Tins. She has a kind heart and conducts herself with class and composure.

  3. This site is the only place I've ever encountered her name.

  4. “All of you know. No, not me. Is she really that desperate to marry, or perhaps she wants to have a big spin off reality show wedding. The only men who agree always turn out to be big mistakes. Cue more publicity over the breakup

  5. She's pretty hot so she must have a personality that leaves guys looking for their ejector seat.

  6. Who is she? The blind from Billy Bush date? I hope I typed the right name, if not someone will correct me..

  7. had to look her up... still don't know her

  8. Sarton-- Ejector seat, lol!
    Trapped-- yes, i think Billy Bush was one of her dates in a blind

    I don't know much about her, but,if she's that eager, she might do better by using an official matchmaker to pair her with an equally eager to marry partner?

  9. Tins seems to have a very sweet heart but I feel she is just a bit too needy. She just wants a nice rich man and a baby or at least that is what she was bred to think she must have. That mother...

  10. I think this blind comes straight out of an episode of RHNYC. I think I watched it.

  11. If this is true, it makes sense for her. She is pretty adamant about starting a family but she doesn't seem to want to do that unless it's within a marriage. I really don't know why she doesn't just adopt, she's over 40 and the clock is ticking. She also gets a lot of pressure from her mom about the whole marriage & kids thing. I feel bad for her because I think her heart is in the right place but she's just so stuck on the idea of marriage first, then kids. She just wasted a couple of years in an on-off relationship, so she's probably desperate to rebound from that. Poor Tins :/

  12. Needy clingy whiny psycho

    4 words that make men run.

    4 words to describe Tinsley.

  13. About a decade ago there was a show on antenna television with Tinsley in it. She was interesting. I don't understand why a socialite isn't running in their own upper-crust circles to find a partner.

  14. I don't understand why a socialite isn't running in their own upper-crust circles to find a partner.

    Because she's cray-cray

  15. #notsurprising #soundsright i still like her.

  16. Just because a woman makes it known she's marriage minded doesn't mean she wants to marry you. How is it "psycho" to let someone know that you're looking for something serious, hoping to find someone to share your life with? Is a woman psycho for saying she isn't looking for something serious and just wants to have fun? Either way, being upfront with ones intentions and not wasting the next persons time can never be a bad thing.

    Funny how a guy saying he's ready to settle down or wants to start a family is never seen as being psycho.

  17. It's not that she's just "making it known" that she wants a ring, but that she does it shortly after meeting a guy that makes her a desperate loon.

    Also? She's generally nutty.

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  20. Tinsley does not seem like she really, deep-down wants marriage or children. Looks from the outside like she's just trained by her mother to look for suitable matches and failing, causing her internal turmoil. Dale seems like a nightmare, just trying to hold Tinsley together in a pretty package with scotch tape until she locks down the right man.

  21. @blissboo. I'm 50+ male and have cyclothymia. I understand much of what you've said. I chose not to have children as well. Keep up the good fight!

  22. Glad your pug is OK now, BlissBoo.

  23. @Poppymann - Hi! Nice to "meet" you. I had to delete my post. I shared way too much information. I was in such a state about my dog I went overboard with my emotions. Even though I'm embarrassed, at least I reached one fellow CDANer who fully understands what I said. Or rather, how I felt.

    I did not know what Cyclotyhmia was so I looked it up. I'm still not 100% sure what it is, I guess the difference is you can go manic very fast from a depressed state? I see a counselor once a week and a psych once a month, I'm going to ask them as well, very interesting. It appears to be on the Bipolar spectrum? Until a few months ago I didn't even know that there was a spectrum!

    Its sad that we had to chose not to have children, but at the end of the day I'm relieved and also I was never a big "Oh I have to have kids!" type of person. I never dreamed of my wedding either, never entered my thoughts. I'm open to it, it just never presented itself to me with all the wrong men I dated, lol. - Thank you for your kind words, have a great day!

  24. @Samantha Hi! I was embarrassed that I wrote so much I deleted my posts. I was just in a state about my pug. Actually, she's NOT better. She was two days ago, you'd never even know that I fought for her life for 2.5 months. Now all of a sudden she's gone back to step 1. I stopped one medication because I didn't think she needed it anymore, and evidently she did. I'm hand-feeding her like I did before. Two days ago she would have ate anything. We were just at the vet last Thursday and she weighed in at 14.2 lbs. On June 26th she was 12.7.2 pounds. She was a bag of bones, it killed me to see her like that. I'm going to get more medicine for her today at the vet and hopefully things will turn around. She's 15, so I know I have to prepare myself, but when are we really ever ready? We're not. :( Thank you for your well wishes, take care.

  25. Tinsley is my favorite NY housewife. i know that's not a high bar, but she appears genuine and honest about who she is and what she wants. I also find it sad that women are deemed "crazy" or "needy" if they mention marriage. Hence the millions of women out there pretending they are "cool girls" who don't want anything serious, while what they really want is marriage and kids.

  26. What makes people call her nuts and needy is that she apparently brings up marriage like minutes after meeting a guy.
