Sunday, July 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 1, 2019

Apparently the alliterate former actress turned royal now wants an annual salary for the work she is doing. She wants a cut from that real estate empire to the tune of about $400K per year.

Meghan Markle


Do Tell said...

What was her going rate on the yachts? Go from there.

J said...

Cough up, Brits! You'll pay the moochers and smile while doing so.

Unknown said...

This blind is written as if that's an unreasonable request, but what other practical arrangement is there? There is a full time job's worth of events and appearances expected from her, and she's basically not allowed to take any other employment or money from anyone else anyway. So how's it supposed to work?

Bleu said...

Here's how it works: As a royal, she already has absolutely everything paid, from a home in a palace to a luxury designer wardrobe to primo seats at any and every event to gourmet dining and 24/7 nannies and accommodations for royal travel anywhere on the planet. Your comment is written as if that's unacceptable and that taxpayers need to pay her half a million more in compensation for the job(?) she is doing.

texasrose said...

Unknown - she gets to live like a princess as part of a $$billions family. She knew what she signed up for and is also living off the dole so to speak. If marriage ends she will also reap those rewards. That's how it is 'supposed to work'. No 'woe is me' or sympathy for her. Are you kidding??

SwishyFishy said...

@unknown, Meghan and Harry are gifted millions from the Sovereign Grant and Duchy of Cornwall. All they have to do in return for this "salary" is show up to a few charities, premiers and other public events for those millions. Are you aware of how much Meghan has spent in the past year? Millions. It's astonishing, more than any royal in the entirety of Europe. And now you think she should get a salary on top of all those free taxpayer pounds? It's obscene. Harry has an inheritance he can start spending. Meghan's fans continuous bleat about the "millions" she made while a D-list actress earning $50,000 per episode. How about spending some of that fake money? She can learn to live within her exorbitant means.

Andi said...

This idiot should've worked this out before the marriage, as part of the pre-nup.

But, please she has not spent millions, she gets things for free bc of her celebrity. Stop believing idiotic racist misogynist trolls in the comments of the DM.

Humor Me said...

and now she wants (demands) a salary too. Unknown: MM has gone from a nobody to a somebody and it is not enough for her. Remember Harry's declaration : what ever Meghan wants, Meaghan gets? HMTQ put her foot down and MM still did not listen.
MM will be the undoing of the Monarchy if Charles is not careful.

Zilla3 said...

She does not get clothes and jewelry for free. If she did that would be part of a quid pro quo Hollywood advertising approach that the royals are not allowed to participate in. The royals pay for every outfit they wear.

Trapped said...

Oh whatever they didn't give Charles wife Camille this much hate and they were cheating
Megan been hated since day one and it get worse everyday wow 😳

Zilla3 said...

You think so, huh? They simply didn't have the internet back then.

Ari said...

This woman knows how to monetize everything.

Unknown said...

I'm not here to defend the UK having created these ridiculous positions, but them having done so, I'd give the same advice to whoever takes them that I would for anyone else in any other job, most especially one with that comes with long lists of restrictions on any other way you can make money:

Yes of course you should demand a salary to go along with your free room and board. Yes of course you should have it in your name with no doubts that you own it. And yes of course that goes double and triple if you're a woman and newest member of a family / power structure that holds all the cards.

I don't care how gilded the cage is, I don't imagine anyone would like having literally no income of their own.

There's nothing grand about my life but there's nothing about her situation I would want to trade for.

Samantha the 1st said...

Zilla I think some royal garments are custom made. Well, I think the Queen's are. But to be more economical, the outfits are all put in storage and the trim and fabrics re-used over the years.

Designers are all too happy to loan garments out to celebs or royals. Or maybe they offer a discount.

I thought MM Looked stylish today. The cocktail dress worn to "The Lion King" was flattering on her. She and her mom were the best styled women at the christening. They also both looked ab at the wedding.

But some of MM's other outfits show a need for sartorial help. The Wimbledon outfits were a no.

She seems to be getting thicker. I think she could be pregnant (again?)

Samantha the 1st said...

Royals do not get a "salary" nor do they get a "cut" of the lands held in trust by the RF.

Samantha the 1st said...

Unknown: MM Does have money coming in. Have you not read anyone else's comment?

Samantha the 1st said...

Trapped - yes people gave Camilla a LOT of "hate" - the internet was not in existence during the Diana or Sarah marriage or as active throughout a lot of the Camilla press but in the press she took a lot of flak. Even today people post hate about her all over the internet.

MM is not the first to get negative press.

William did a wise thing in dating KC a long time and keeping her out of the public until the marriage.

Zilla3 said...

Each member of the royal family gets an allowance. The P.R. that they do is what they do in exchange for their positions, travel and accommodations and other niceties.

I have never heard of any married person demanding an annual salary simply for being married.

If Markle wanted to get a paycheck for do meet and greets and living/traveling on the government dime, perhaps she should have majored in international relations in college and pursued a career in diplomacy. All these requirements and appearances are simply part and parcel of royal life and she should have known that when she was dating Harry, as I'm certain she was.

texasrose said...

Maybe someone should start a #metoo campaign for women that are forced/tricked/manipulated into 'princess' roles in monarchies. The horror.....

Zilla3 said...


Samantha the 1st said...

texasrose no one said anyone was forced to be a princess. What a lame fake jab at #metoo. Whoever writes this crap for bots should be fired.

texasrose said...

'Lighten up Francis' - not a fake jab at #metoo but disgruntled princesses. Triggered much?? Bot you!

Samantha the 1st said...

Zilla - yes; if this blind is true, then it sounds like she as a newbie doesn't yet understand - they don't "need" her or anyone, the machine grinds on with or without her. She doesn't get a special "salary" when princes and princesses of the blood do not. There's a system and newbies have to learn to fit in with it or be ground up by it.

The less hard she tries to be "the new Princess Di" (no one should openly make that comparison big mistake), or the world's savior, the more the public might warm to her. Their early interviews made it sound as if "I'm here now world, you can relax!" Which puts people off.

KC doesn't grandstand, but MM is used to the showbiz world, where everyone is "extra." The more MM is laid back and low key and not courting the public favor, the more chance she has of winning it.

Asking for special privileges within a centuries old institution isn't that.

Samantha the 1st said...

texasrose sure Jan.

Your comment made no sense and neither did dropping #metoo into it.

texasrose said...

Don't worry Sam, you're safe here. Your SJW cred intact!

Samantha the 1st said...

Do you solely speak in retired reddit buzzwords?

texasrose said...

You got me Sam. I should of known not to mess with someone of your intellect. I thank you for your genteel reminder of our respective importance. It is clear from the strength of your words that your apparent lack of a sense of humor has not held you back. If it is ok with you I will continue to monitor the comments section of this site for further guidance.

Randaleese said...

Exactly! Based on all the hatred spewed upon, and about, her, every single day, I applaud her for holding her own. WHY is it so difficult for people to accept Prince Harry married her? CHOSE her? I will never be convinced that racism does not play a part..
Stuffy, olde English, indeed.. har-umph.... har-umph!!😒😒

Aerin said...

Thank you, someone else knows this. MM must have flipped when she realized she could not accept free clothing.

kiki71 said...

Again yes UNKNOWN she IS PAID. she gets a stipend and lives off her given income. That includes basically EVERYTHING! Maybe not a nest egg etc but she never wants for anything and WHY should she get an additional 'salary' when he husband and Kate M who will be Queen don't? "Holding her own" isn't what she is doing. She is asking for "special treatment" above and beyond the job she signed up for. What makes her so special? The RF is already paid as is.

Anonymous said...

So much misunderstanding one one thread, lol.

William and Harry both inherited a significant sum from the Queen mother on her death. They also inherited a smaller amount from the estate of their mother - we're talking tens of millions here. They get some money from Charles, who holds the Duchy of Cornwall, which will pass to William if Charles steps onto the throne. They have NO control over the Duchy - Charles gets an income from it, but it's a trust, and he's not in control of it. He uses that money for the entire family. (He can cut them off, if he chooses, although it would be an utter shitshow for him if he did.) Charles has to submit his financials publically, they're not hard to find - the impact on the general public is way less than most of you think it is, with the exception of how much they've spent flying Charles around on official state visits, but that's almost certainly in preparation for him taking the throne, because Liz isn't look so chipper these days.

The extended royals only get their airfare, security and lodgings paid for, if it's an official state visit. If not, they pay for it, out of pocket. They live on inheritances, and whatever Charles gives them, or they work, like Eugenie and Beatrice do. William and Harry have multiple income sources, and I'm sure have whatever cash they have invested for them. William, as a potential future King, has less to worry about financially, and both of them stand to inherit a large fortune when Charles goes - pretty sure Harry gets the Duchy if William is on the throne.

The Royal Whore probably finally figured out that the majority of Harry's wealth is in trusts, where she can't get her dirty mitts on it in a divorce, so she's shaking them down for an income. Let's see how that plays out for her. Her only real card to play now is the kid, and if she divorces him, sure, she'll get money to raise him, but she will be shunned and out of the spotlight permanently, and she can't have that, oh no. Liz already lobbed a large shot across her bow over that already, showing her what will happen if she doesn't cut the shit already.

Samantha the 1st said...

"You got me Sam. I should of known not to mess with someone of your intellect. I thank you for your genteel reminder of our respective importance. It is clear from the strength of your words that your apparent lack of a sense of humor has not held you back. If it is ok with you I will continue to monitor the comments section of this site for further guidance."

Creepy. Monitor the comment section for what? Weird.

It's "should have" btw.

Classy of you to mock rape victims and PTSD then basically say you plan to stalk my comments.

Aquagirl said...

Besides housing, clothing, travel, security, etc., Royals DO get paid for each event that they attend. I have no idea how much, but their clothing is paid for and they are paid for showing up. MM is also making $ on the side. She and Jessica Mulroney are the silent parties in Meghan’s Mirror. (Which is not allowed in the BRF so she should just shut up.) Also, Royals are not allowed to accept free clothing from designers as it shows favoritism.

@Unknown: I agree with your comment, but the extended Royals also get their clothing paid for on official state events.

Aquagirl said...

Anyone else notice that MM was supposed to edit the September issue of British Vogue and now she’s not. She also wanted a monthly column in both British & US Vogue, but that’s not happening either.

Angela said...

@Unknown, the Duchy goes to Williams oldest son when he ascends the throne.

Drewholtaus said...

You cannot turn a former yachting ho into a housewife! She will be banging horse riding instructors before long, we've all seen this movie before!

Lady Luvgood said...

Royals pay full price for their clothes and we can dislike Megs if we want to.

If it bothers you, feel free to scroll past.

It’s really easy to do, and saves you the bother of reiterating how poor Megs is so trod upon.

Earn those coins, Megbots

Weekittylass said...

Charles pays for the wardrobes of both Duchesses. I bet he turns green with nausea when he sees MM’s bills.

Samantha the 1st said...

"Anyone else notice that MM was supposed to edit the September issue of British Vogue and now she’s not. She also wanted a monthly column in both British & US Vogue, but that’s not happening either."

What was the story on that?

I thought what MM allegedly said was that she was "in talks to" or "would like to" edit Vogue. I haven't heard Vogue announce anything though.

Samantha the 1st said...

I wonder why the other royals don't mimic the Queen and have their clothes custom made rather than paying retail for designer duds they can't even wear again?

I read that KC's Wimbledon dress cost over 4k. I don't remember if that was USD or British sterling.

It seems like a lot of money. I know they do appearances and fund raising, but how many homeless women could that clothe?

Why not all employ a seamstress, and reuse the fabric and trim and materials? If it's good enough for HM...

Lady Luvgood said...

The Vogue deal was probably another PR plant by her Megnificance

Much like Doria invited to Windsor

KC clothing was 1/4 the cost of Megs last year for their royal engagements.

Fifi LaRue said...

What Zilla3 said. Markle should have a Masters + in International Diplomacy, or whatever if she wants to get a salary.

People get evaluated on the job for performance, and are rated by metrics.

Just watching the video of Markle fingering the food on the tray in Morocco, and then declining was absolutely VOMITOUS. She put her nasty dirty fingers on the food. Hell, would anyone want to shop at any co-op she shops at? I think not!

Yep, Markle is a slob in real life.

She's probably ticked off that Harry is cheap, cheap, cheap.

Samantha the 1st said...

Diana spent a lot on designer clothes too although they probably loved it because she brought in income for them.

It just seem like compared to the men, a lot is being spent that's neither an investment nor recoupable.

Drewholtaus said...

Poor hollywood hooker married a nazi sympathizer! Who could have anticipated something would go wrong...

Samantha the 1st said...

And of course Diana sold her gowns for charity at one point, and credited William for the idea.

Drewholtaus said...

Get that money gurl! Hos gotta ho

Samantha the 1st said...

KC made the cover of British Vogue but MM did not. Maybe that's what sparked an urge to plant a story about editing the magazine.

Wonder what Wintour would say.

Jules said...

I really wanted to like MM and yes she got a lot of horrible press but we can't pass it off as ALL not true. It had to come from somewhere. Her own staff at the palace calls her "me-gain". She's inviting A+ listers to her events when these people never heard of her before she married Harry. She was a D-list celebrity at best and sigh.. probably a yachter as we all know. I dislike when people change so completely and so quickly and become "entitled". She spent more on clothing in 6 months than the Queen of Spain spent in a year! Why should she get a salary? What would she do with it? There is almost nothing on the planet that she couldn't get if she wanted it.

Hummingbird7008 said...

Listen she's worked fro everything she has got and it probably makes her nervous not having some sort of income that is solely hers. She has completely lost her independence so it worries her if they cut her lose. Can she get paid for these other gigs, like being a guest editor for Vogue?

MSAB09 said...

How long until Meghan has a "accdent"?

Samantha the 1st said...

Hummingbird: While she is a royal? I think the Countess Wessex works, but I've never wondered if they got a separate salary or got to keep it while being royal. I think Sarah did a children's book series while still married.

The editor thing if it happened sounded like it would've been a one time guest editor thing.

Zilla3 said...

If Meghan so much as sprains her ankle someone is going to scream conspiracy, lol.

Anonymous said...

@Zilla3 they may think conspiracy but from reading comments on multiple UK sites she won't be missed. In fact Harry has completely squandered the good will he once received because of Diana. Comment after comment no longer is focused solely on MM but on them both. He's as persona non grata now as MM. Interestingly enough this farce has gone on so long now it's affecting the Queen's popularity.

Samantha the 1st said...

I thought their body language at Lion King seemed happy and relaxed. Completely different than some other recent appearances.

kazza64 said...

she'll be having a car accident soon if she's not careful

RileyJo said...

Hummingbird, she didn’t completely lose her independence. She gave it away freely when she married Prince Hot Ginge. I try to stay out of all the Sparkles talk, but she honestly seems quite bright and I’m sure she knew exactly what she was getting into. Here is what I do not like about her- she was married to that producer dude, and left him once she moved to Toronto to film Suits. She started dating a famous chef there, but traded up when she got a date with Harry. So I just don’t feel sorry about her lack of an official income lol

Blackbird said...

Samantha, Sophie does not work. She owned a PR business before she married in, but now spends her time doing royal engagements.

Mrs Libnish said...

Apeshit. Every. Single. MM. Blind. The crazies come out in full force.

MollyR said...

She’s a greedy needy little narcissist

anna maus said...

Absurd. Never heard anything so dumb. So she's got a salary of a City financier, so what. Annually 400K, not monthly or weekly, annually. Plus Harry would be going through any financial details or decisions with her. She can't 'just on a whim' demand money without him knowing. There are many formalities she'd have to go through.

BardiC said...

For goodness sake!! Every member of the royal family gets an annual stipend. When they marry, they are given an historic house that is ALREADY owned by the crown and a title. They have to do this. Unless you are expecting Prince Harry to abandon his entire family and links to his mother, stop the ignorant whinging.

Framing these things as “greedy meghan” is ruining the credibility of whoever writes these things. She will be given a stipend as a “working royal”. Get over it.

Samantha the 1st said...

If you tersely correct another commenter please include your proof or where you got your further information. We're all just names on a gossip site, "Stepforded."

I don't know if Sophie still works at another job in 2019. She has been more visible and active in the RF lately. But when she first married there was a lot of press about how she planned to carry on at her job.

"Samantha, Sophie does not work. She owned a PR business before she married in, but now spends her time doing royal engagements."

Samantha the 1st said...

Mrs Libnish: Charming. I just see a lot of people sharing gossipy opinions To be expected on a gossip site. I recall your recent comment in which you called someone here a "microdick." What did that have to do with the blind? Or calling people in this one "crazies?" You are here too, Mrs. L.

timebob said...

It's a smart move, she met and married him after 4 months (not a year) like they try to put out there. I'm sure the Queen had her sign an iron clad prenup. She's a hustler and has to take care of herself first. I don't see this marriage going the long run. If other royals suck off the Kingdom financially so should she.

RobertaJoan said...

Odd, isn't it? To take the blind as truth and then go apeshit. The parallel universe of fantasy, gossip, and conspiracy has a strong gravitational pull.

LondonGirl said...

my taxes pay for her home, her clothes and her meals. Does that make me her employer..?

Fifi LaRue said...

The body language at the Lion King was obvious. Markle kept grabbing at Harry's arm, and he kept his arm to himself, distancing himself from the claw.

Kellikopter said...

@drew to be fair, Diana came from nobility. She wasn't a commoner and she did no more than Prince Charles did (and admitted to doing) with Camilla. I don't like or dislike MM, but I don't think she's any worse than Camilla.

dtfan said...

LOL Meghan gets far more money than that, and even if they divorce she'll be set for life.

Weep into your food stamp cheese, haters.

Sophie had to quit her job because she caused a major scandal (actual scandal, not like these fake "she wore nail varnish!!!" scandals the Megziteers invent) by selling access to royals to dodgy Sheikhs. Basically illegal and very actively pimping out her royal connections for cash. Which BTW if Meghan even thought of doing we'd never hear the end of it. So Sophie isn't allowed to work now.

Habibti said...

Are you telling me Ginger Crotch could not see this gold digger from a mile away? Is he that stupid? Now she had his child so it is a done deal for him. I cant believe this.

Joie1974 said...

I haven’t liked her since I heard what the story behind Charlotte’s dress fitting was. She slapped that little girl for fidgeting and getting restless. Maybe even whining a bit. No reason for Duchess Of Sucks It to slap a tot. No...paid Sparklers (or Meghan) I do not have receipts, just a very reliable source.

Joie1974 said...

dtfan Oh, no...she just wears dresses that her friend JM gets for free and then posts them on Meghan’s Mirror. She has PC pay for dress at “full retail” and splits proceeds with her friend 50/50. Wait until the BRF finds out this little scam. That with her new Slush fund that Hillary’s employee has set up for her. Not ex employee as she is still listed as employee for Clinton’s Charity. She has been laundering money by the yachts full.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer our IRS to find out about the little scam. I keep hoping that the BRF uses our IRS to take her down. It would be easy for the BRF to gift the IRS with information about her undeclared income sources.


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