Saturday, July 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 6, 2019

There is a never ending stream of women who are hell bent on saying awful things about this foreign born A- list director who has multiple Oscar wins/nominations. The thing is though, every single woman has been coached to the point they are saying exactly the same thing. It is almost like they are being coached by the organization to which they all belong and are being paid for their appearance. Anything to discredit a former member who has trashed the organization.

Paul Haggis/Scientology


  1. This is where organized harassment becomes a Terrorist organization under National Security laws.
    Attacking soft targets is what Terrorism is on the books. Throw the bloody book at them!
    It's all covered under the UCMJ and has teeth if human trafficking is in play.

  2. Or, you know, the accounts are all very similar because they're all describing the same criminal M.O.

  3. Paul Haggis said this would happen years before it did --- Him and all the other disgruntled former members should pay some skanks to say the same shit about David miscavige

    1. Dudes would be more believable.

  4. did the same to Jim Carrey!!

  5. Jim Carrey is a piece of crap.

    1. That’s an insult to crap.

    2. will need medical records to believe it Scio is a bunch of sickos and spread those rumors about him. they are NEXT...

    3. He's not even the stink on the feet of flies on the shit.

      I think too many STDs & their side effects and the medication and the medications side effects are affecting him, and really turning his brain to diarrhea which is leaking out of the opening formally known as his mouth.

      As you can see, I kinda don't care for him 😉😂

  6. Typical Scio Fair Game tactics. Attack, attack, attack. All "enemies" of the "church" can and should expect this. Won't be long before all this nonsense is over. The only place CO$ is doing well, is inside the minds of those left in the bubble.

  7. @Ubervation - And, yet, Miscavige can "disappear" his wife for years and never have to answer for it to law enforcement or his church members. It one big shell game.

  8. Jim Carrey was Scio?

  9. scientology saying his gay daughter was "sick" was the last straw for Paul Haggis

    ironic that scientology VP tom cruise loves being pegged

    1. Lol!!!!! At that last sentence.. 🤣😂
