Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 3, 2019

This alliterate talk show host not named Wendy Williams thinks she can strike out on her own and become a huge star and make millions. She thinks she can be the next Ellen. The odds are high though, that if she goes out on her own she will crash and burn and not be able to find any work after.

Meghan McCain


  1. How about politics you think Arizona won't vote her into any office she runs for? She doesn't need tv tv needs her.

    1. When it becomes public info that her father was executed as a traitor after a swift-moving military tribunal?
      No work for Miz Meghan. None at ALL.

  2. Yeah, she doesn't have a likeable personality.

  3. Exactly. Arizona HATES that her father did not replace and repeal Obummbercare (and as someone's whose premium in another state went up under him...yes, I have a right to speak up) like HE SAID HE WOULD. He funded the debunked and Clinton funded dossier and died a bitter old man. I feel bad for MM because I get a daughter's love, but, at some point you have to acknowledge you are only on TV because of who your daddy was. I can respect that...the denial of not having any nepotism at your disposal..that is where I have a problem.

    If you were given a break, acknowledge it, be grateful, and pass the torch on.

  4. There's a daughter's love and then there's a daughter's dragging her daddy's corpse out on TV any time anybody says anything she doesn't like. Meghan "MAH DADDY IS JOHN MCCAIN" McCain's fat ass wouldn't last a week on her own. I would pay real money to watch her crash and burn.

  5. She is not liked by liberals,and Hated by Trump supporters. So what is her base? She is pretty good in a group,but you have to be likeable on your own.

  6. I think she can easily be as big as Oprah.

    Maybe twice as big.

    As long as she keeps eating.

  7. This isn't even a blind, just a prediction.

  8. She's loaded - Cindy's family is worth a fortune, so Meghan doesn't need to work. If she crashes, she's got millions in the bank to help her get over it.

  9. why wasnt senator no name not buried in arlington national cemetery next to his father and grandfather instead being buried next to his college room mate at annapolis? because traitors are not allowed to be buried at arlington where our heros are.

  10. @herbert - McCain said in a book years before he died that he wanted to be buried at Annapolis. This wasn't any surprise at all.

  11. If I were captured and tortured, I'm pretty sure I'd have sang just like songbird McCain did.

    But when I returned to the US I'd try to lead a quiet -- and somewhat ashamed -- life, thanks to what had happened.

    I wouldn't pretend to be a hero like this jackass did. His funeral should have been directed by Waste Management Corporation.

  12. @Moose senator no name also said he would vote up in the senate on replacing obama care..he voted down. he promised the people of arizona one thing then shafted them after he got their vote. the lies told by that jerk are too numerable to mention but his pics posing with isis and taliban leaders are not going awy. even his fellow prisoners in vietnam knew no name was a rat. "i want to be buried at annapolis but on the way i want a presidential funeral and a weekend at bernies roadshow". sorry but no name was a traitor. IMO. ymmv.

  13. "... His funeral should have been directed by Waste Management Corporation." @J

    Why the hate for waste management? The Traitor we must not name is not worthy to supplement my garden fertilizer.

  14. She lacks the charm and charisma for any of this... If her last name was not McCain, she would be working at Target.

  15. J is on 🔥 today!

  16. no thanks to MM. not likeable. not strong. but rich, given mama's money. and a stoker of her father's memory, albeit now more controversial than ever thanks to them all going after trump. would've been better for them all to have ignored trump. she seems very wishy washy and dependent on her family credentials without actually doing anything. at least ivanka has established herself as a person apart from her father to some degree.

  17. senator no name sent someone from his office to england for a hand delivered copy of the steele dossier and promply brought it to the fbi to help fuel the fire. the fake fire.

  18. Would not watch Meghan and I'm conservative.

  19. Anonymous1:15 PM

    We all got this blind. I said it on the original thread she has a limited audience. She doesn't need a job she's loaded thanks to her mother. Mom's family owns Hensley Brewing a distributorship for Annheiser Busch in the Phoenix area. I still don't understand how McCain won his last couple of elections. Whoever hires her outside of Fox will have another Megyn Kelly fiasco on their hands. She's rating poison.

  20. Crash and burn just like her traitor father.

  21. She left Fox for The Spew. It was a good fit for her. A bunch of angry hateful woman yelling at each other when they don't even know what they are yelling about. Just the daily talking points the rest of the Propaganda media put out daily.

  22. She;s a POS, just like both her parents. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  23. @Moose If it's fame and credibility she wants, all the millions in the world won't cut it.

  24. WFT I'm in moderation? This site is weird.

  25. Anonymous6:38 PM

    @Okay don't take it personally. We all are in moderation now. We've had some problems with a couple people who don't play nice. Now we all get a time out and Enty has to play parent until we behave better.

  26. Megan McCain could take of Megan Kelly at Fox very easily.

  27. Meggie Mac is about as dim as a no watt bulb, and has never gotten a job on her own merit. She was only employed because she served a purpose, ie... she happily bashed conservatives.

  28. shes annoying and gross. her father was is a traitor. everyone who was there, hates him.

  29. She's irritating af, but if Bravo gave her a talk show where she snarks on Housewives, I'd watch. She can be charming when she gets away from politics.

  30. Maybe on Fox News that'll work, buy anywhere else it won't.

  31. You guys are cracking me up long time. I agree with all of you.

    Bottom line, it doesn't even matter what political party you side with, MM is simply an unlikable privileged bitch. Go on, just stay at home, eat bon-bons, and roll around in all that sweet sweet money (even though its covered in feces and cocaine). Bigger than Oprah, lol...

  32. She's not very likable, so that means she is perfect for Fox News.
